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Posts posted by iceking

  1. Sorry could not help myself with the Tubby comment. I am bad that way. I will be surprised if BCG is back. My brother's cousin's best friend's sister said she thinks for sure he is gone so that is good for me.

  2. Meaning he didn't get fired, f he chose to leave, right?


    I am simply saying that just because BCG hasn't worked out or doesn't seem to be, that Uk and Tubby parting ways still was the best for both.


    I am huge Tubby supporter and fan, but I agree that it might have been time to move on.

  3. He is the perfect person for the UK job IMO. I have said that for years. No one loves the celebrity more, he recruits great, he handles the fan base like he has always done it. He could miss the dance and somehow make you feel like they were on there way and they would be.

  4. A study has been released that details graduation rates of the NCAA Tournament teams.


    Western Kentucky is one of 7 teams with a 100% graduation rate.


    U of L is a little less than stellar at 42%.


    UCONN is 33%


    North Carolina is 86%


    The five lowest rates were at Cal State Northridge (8 percent), Maryland (10 percent), Portland State (17 percent), Arizona (20 percent) and Clemson (29 percent).




    What in the world is going on at CS-Northridge?:ohbrother:


    I take it is not going to class. :lol:

  5. Maybe, in time, the best thing for UK is for him to be gone...but how can you say that is the best thing for UK at this point. The situation is already bad enough, and if you bring in an "elite" coach to the biggest program in the country and send him packing in 2 years what message are you sending about other coaches you would like to coach at UK? It would be worse too send him off now then it would to let him be and see how it goes in the next year or two. No coach will ever come to UK if you get someone in there that inherits a mid-major caliber team IMO and doesn't even get time to do anything with them. Let him be, at this time next season if it is the same result, then talk about getting rid of him! :ylsuper::thumb:


    He never was an elite coach or will he ever be. Sometimes you have to admit that you made a mistake and he is not the guy for the job.

  6. I hope they get beat so this awful season is over. I don't want any doubt as to how bad BCG is and will always be for this program. I know I am not a true Kentucky fan for saying that so be it. The best thing for this program is for him to be gone imo.

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