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Posts posted by bjim

  1. Someone on Yappi is reporting that he's done for the year. Needs Tommy John Surgery. The poster is a freshman with only 5 posts so that means he either is starting junk or he is a Highlands fan who joined just to post stuff on the win. Here is the post:



    If true, I got to believe it will cost Highlands the State Title, my thoughts.


    So if all that is the case...was it worth it??




    A ticket to the Highlands v. St. X game $6.00 or so.

    A game program $5.00

    The expression on your face after the game: Priceless

  2. Originally Posted by jimmyjr

    I can't wait to see your 6'4 250 (5.4 40 guys) come after Bardo in the shotgun. The difference in this game unlike the others played by Highlands this year is that Bardo isn't going to just run outside the pocket and wait for Buten or Drennan to run down field for a bomb. He's going to the outside in

    5th gear with a "catch me you can mentality". This will be the determing factor in the Birds success against the Bombers defense. I'm not sure who will ultimately win the game, but if you have think that you're facing a Louisville St. X or Louisville Trinity type of offense you're going to be in for a shock.


    Are you serious??? First, he was talking about their O-Line, and secondly, St. X has already seen a better runner at QB than Bardo when they played Cathedral in Week 2. Bardo will probably be the most complete QB that they have seen so far. However, if you think that Highlands is going to "out-athelete," St. X, you are the one in for a shock. It's all well and good to be a homer, just be realistic about it.


    From what I hear, you can't even play for St.X if you run a 5.4. IMO Highlands will be over matched in this game. The St.X corners will probably be somewhat better than what Bardo faced on last Friday night with Boone, and the front line pressure will be greatly different. I like the fact that they are taking on this challenge which will make them work harder to make plays and get better, but I see St.X controlling a majority of the game. Plus the refs will be on National TV, so that possibly eliminates the chance of some favorable home cooking calls. Good luck to both teams!


    You can't be serious?


    Just look at the stats, the answer is right there. And like us Ohio folk have been saying for years, you simply cannot play players both ways and expect to beat schools in Cincy like Colerain, Elder, Moeller, etc. Maybe that works in the Bluegrass, but it ain't gonna fly across the river, I can guarantee you that.


    For the record I was serious!

  3. The Bluebirds certainly earned their celebration and I don't want to distract from the party. But I have been asking this since before the season and now seems like an appropriate time to ask again ... is this the greatest Highlands team ever? They have to finish this the way they started but this win surely makes you start trying to compare other Highlands teams to this one versus comparing this team to others.


    Be happy for them!!!!!!!

  4. AGREED!


    You never know what players will play from week to week and if kids are that good they are not playing at the JV level anyway. Who has HHS played in JV? Dixie has played:


    Conner, Beechwood, SK, Conner (yes for the second time) and Ryle


    Most games have been fairly close score wise anyway, although a few games seemed well in hand.


    I think Highlands beat Beechwood something like 62-7.

  5. I think honestly most on this thread would love to see HHS win, but the reality of it is, they won't!


    It isn't a hate HHS vote at all, it's a vote of how good St. X is compared to HHS this season and I think my question is a whole lot more relative than yours!



    I'm glad you asked this question because you've given me an opportunity to distinguish the Highlands program from others. If the Highlands Bluebirds were playing the Chicago Bears today there isn't a doubt in my mind that every player on the Highlands football team and most of the Highlands faithful would genuinely believe that the Bears were going to get a butt whipping today. Everyone not only believes in the mission but more importantly know it's going to be accomplished. No other thought to the contrary enters the minds of these players or most of the Highlands faithful. Yes it's true that the 31 or 32% that pick Highlands to win probably are fans. But I would be shocked if any thought it wasn’t truly going to happen. That's the difference. Call it lunacy or whatever, but it is a genuine earnest belief. Highlands fans, players, ect.. will never hang their hat on playing teams close regardless of who they are or where their from.

  6. Do 32% of you honesty think HHS will beat Cincinnati St. X Friday, or are you picking HHS because you are a HHS fan?


    If you 32% had to stake all of your football knowledge/reputation on this game, and this game only, would you still pick Highlands to win?


    To me at least, there is a huge difference between hoping, praying, loving to see, and indeed they will win and I stake my reputation/knowledge of football on it!


    Honest answers only please!


    And before you ask (as I know someone would if I didn't post this), no I would not vote for CovCath to beat Cin X this year. :D


    I think the better question is Do 68% of you honesty think St. X will beat the Highlands Blue Birds Friday, or are you picking St. X because you are a St. X fan?

  7. They have a big front line probably averages 6'4" 250, with a couple of 6'3" LB's who are gonna be bringing the house at Bardo on every play.


    I can't wait to see your 6'4 250 (5.4 40 guys) come after Bardo in the shotgun. The difference in this game unlike the others played by Highlands this year is that Bardo isn't going to just run outside the pocket and wait for Buten or Drennan to run down field for a bomb. He's going to the outside in

    5th gear with a "catch me you can mentality". This will be the determing factor in the Birds success against the Bombers defense. I'm not sure who will ultimately win the game, but if you have think that you're facing a Louisville St. X or Louisville Trinity type of offense you're going to be in for a shock.

  8. Have no fear. Highlands takes one on the chin against the Bombers and it won't be close.


    BTW, I heard that instead of their annual "Beat CovCath" shirts, Highlands switched over to "Beat St. X" shirts.


    How does that make you CovCath fans feel? Relegated to irrelevancy. Nice, huh?




    Yes there are “beat St. X tee shirts.” Why wouldn't there be? It's a national televised game against arguably the class of Ohio this year. I can assure Cov. Cath. fans that Highlands fans and the program haven't relegated you to irrelevancy. Though we would love to beat you by 10 touchdowns every year we play you I can assure you that your program is highly respected by the folks in Ft. Thomas.

    Obviously a frustrated Cardinal supporter.

  9. Ryles players were pretty impressive. Their coaching staff was a different story. The bonehead calls in the first half quite frankly put Ryle beyond the 8 ball. I enjoyed watching one of the Ryle coaches run up and down the sidelines acting as if he were competing in a national cheerleading competition. Hey coach football is a lot like a horse race. You don't see a jockey stand up on the horse and start cheering just because he's ahead at the first quarter pole. Instead he stays focused because he knows he's got a long way to go. Being aggressive is one thing, but that was simply very bad play calling in the first half.

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