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Auxier RiverRat

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Posts posted by Auxier RiverRat

  1. If you were being sarcastic I apologize. Its just hard to sort through all the crap that's posted by people who know nothing or in 76's case someone that's blinded because he has his head stuck up the anti Johnson Central crowd's rear on here.


    No worries! I know how stressful it is being a JC fan on here. Trust me we are on the same side.

  2. Evil Man? Are you serious? You don't even know the man and you're calling him evil? Don't include we in your posts either because you're not one of us. You're just like another so called Alumni on here who probably never played a meaningless down on the football field but yet all the sudden you're an expert on the Johnson Central football team. Please be quiet you're embarrassing yourself. You need to go back to work because there's a cleanup on aisle six that needs your attention.

    Not a good judge of sarcasm in post are you?

  3. He took two knees when the clock would not run out. He then ran his FB right up the gut in third and goal. Since he could not ice the clock what was he supposed to do? Bottom line is if you want to stop him from doing that then get better and beat him. I understand Ashland having hard feelings after coming in runner-up to JC the last what 7/8 years. Bottom line is Ashland is now an average program in a horrible district.


    Good point.

  4. Behind closed doors, with total anonymity, I wonder how many TCat fans would trade their coach straight up for the JC coach?


    Good question. I can't defend or won't try to defend the stupid stuff our coach does. I'd bet 90% or more Eastern Ky schools would love to have what JC has going on. Except Belfry who else consistently has 8-10 wins seasons and goes two or three rounds in the playoffs? People forget JC didn't make the playoffs their first 20ish years of having a team. JC are ok with the program right now for the most part.

  5. Anyone know the history of Johnson Central football? Maybe the people of Paintsville are happy with how things are going the last ten years. Id like to see them play a better schedule as well but most years the teams that knock them out have just been much better teams. I guess this website wont be happy until the Eagles go 10-0 with ten road wins against ranked teams. Id like to see Cov. Cath and JC keep playing every year but Im sure JC would commit a BGP sin and require a home game every other year. Anyone from CC that wants the athletic directors phone number can Pm me, lets make it happen.

  6. And my nightmare continues


    H won we lost and they are forever the champs of whatever year that was


    I am for moving on to talking about the times we beat Corbin, Somerset, NCC, Prestonburg, Bw, H, Fairview, Williamsburg or anything else so I can forget this one. Its like :deadhorse: to death!


    Ok, I thought prestonsburg was the better team that year!

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