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    Northern Kentucky
  1. Before you continue to cap on the fans of the Eagles, the game was at 5p. This would have meant early dismissal from school to get there. Plus, parents tend to work, and schedules aren't always compatible. This is one reason it was not an improvement for Scott to change districts. It became a hardship. In NKY we love our basketball, but life dictates... Our guys most definitly played a good game, and had a good season. They all should be very proud. Coach Carr did an awesome job, and we are already looking forward to next year.
  2. Hester could be so much better, if he didn't think he was the next best thing! His attitude is so superior, its sad he thinks that much of himself, or its the coaches fault for telling him hes that much better than he is. He use to be fun to watch now its just sad the way he pouts when things don't go his way.
  3. Some one pointed out that "back in the day" (actually 27 years ago!) Scott was SK territory. When Scott was built they took a portion of SK area and Dixie area to make the new high school. So in a way that has some of the rivalry. Kenton County has alway been competitive between high schools so this is just par for the course. Off the court, some of these players even run together. Which adds a whole new dynamic. Good luck to the Eagles, would love to see them serve SK their lunch!
  4. Your right, a lot of this game is not necessarily played on the court. These teams push each others buttons. Just depends on whose buttons gets pushed the hardest and earliest. Both teams WANT this win, not just for winnings sake, this has to do with bragging rights. Most of these kids either played together or against each other since booster ball. There is no love lost on either side for the other team. I just hope they keep it clean and don't resort to playing dirty ball. Should be a good game.
  5. This is so true. I understand a coach has to yell and correct, but at what point does it become abuse? Looks to me the kids are shutting down, and lost any spark they had. Sad. They really could have been contenders.
  6. I agree. Howard is a solid player and shows strength on the blocks. As long as he don't bring the ball down he is unstoppable. Very impressive against NCC and Dixie.
  7. Scott played well, you have to give them that, however I think they are sure to have problems with solid teams due to the fact that Scott only seems to play 6 kids. This may work for them now, but fatigue could easily become the opponents sixth man.
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