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Posts posted by KIDS FAN

  1. The SS or KHSAA rules on every case individually because they are the final say on eligibility. No consistency, no reasonable explanations! I honestly think they attempt to stay out of eligibilty cases and allow the courts to rule so that they are not involved when it is convenient for them. My only contention is that they are arbitrary and try to stand on that upper moral ground issue that ends up making them the lackluster organization they are. They do not practice what they preach! They should being trying to make sure kids are eligible so they can participate in the high school athletic system. I'll bet there isn't 8 people on this site can quote me 3 memorable moments about their college careers ( if they had one) but can tell stories upon stories about their high school teams and teammates. Without the young men and women in high school sports they are supposedly there to protect there would be no need for the KHSAA.

  2. You just can't seem to grasp the moving thing can you? Hypocrisy may be fact, but blind naivity to facts like He's moving is quite something else. Period.:rolleyes:

    I can name you 3 or 4 kids that have moved in the past year that have been ruled ineligible. Bet that won't be the case for this instance! That's what I grasp! As for Rose Hill as an institution? I am sure it is a quality school with quality people but the way the revolving basketball door is they have a hand in the entire process. Don't try to make them out as the victim. This isn't their first rodeo!

  3. History doesn't lie. Rose Hill has been involved over the past 7 or 8 years with more than one of these situations. I am not saying the school or the family is wrong. All I am saying is that he is leaving a school that has a history of losing high profile players after a year or so when they don't pan out. He is a high profile player whose family have most likely been advised as to how to move and remain eligible. There are several kids within 30 miles of my locale that have lost 1 or 2 years of eligibility and had no chance of continuing their playing careers. If they had been as high profile as this young man they would have played. PERIOD. Hypocrisy is fact. They are high school kids and they should not be treated any different regardless of their situation. Less than 150 kids statewide will play basketball at the collegiate level from Ky. next year. Are we planning on overthrowing the SS by letting kids play ball?

  4. I have no problem with Mr. Euton leaving and playing where ever he wants next year but, pleeeease. There are kids all over the state that didn't get to play this past year because of varios situations that were ruled ineligible by the SS. Oops, I meant the KHSAA. Sorry! If they all had been as high profile as this young man they probably would not have lost a year of eligibility. Let's not be hypocritical.

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