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Posts posted by thegame523

  1. Final from the Great Florida Shootout... Shelby Valley moves on to face the #17 team in the nation (American Heritage) with the #7 player in the nation (Kenny Boynton, Florida signee)... That game is tomorrow @ 8:30.


    I am from Florida and wondering what poll AH is #17 in the nation on. They have a good team, but there are quite a few teams in Florida who are better so I am a little surprised to read that. :confused:

  2. I think the difference a coach can make has been underestimated here. Coach Breeden deserves a lot of credit for bringing TC along so quickly. Kind of scary where they might be by the end of the season. Also kind of scary where SC w/all these new players gelling will be by the end of the season. More fun to come!:dancingpa

  3. I think the biggest key is being very good in whatever defense you choose to play. I have seen teams be very successful at both, but teams I have seen really control and even dominate a game seem to lean more towards M2M. As for SC 2 years ago, yes they did play man, but did an outstanding job with it too. Here in Florida the same team has won the large school division title 2 of the past 3 years by playing some of the best high school M2M I have seen, but the coach will mix in a little 2-3 and some 1-3-1 every now & then, which I think makes their overall defense more effective.

  4. I feel pretty certain with the outcome of the sweet 16 game between EC and MC last year, it is going to take a pretty unbelievable team to "THUMP" EC this year. They return their whole team, plus get a player back. Not to say that they will win it all or anything of that sort, but I feel pretty certain as well as they shoot it and as well as they play together they will be in every game no matter who they are playing. The "thumper" teams mentioned will all have very good teams, and it will be a great year in Ky hs basketball. Can't wait!

  5. Yes they are a private school. We have a huge problem in Florida with certain private schools getting players from overseas, out of the country (not necessarily overseas on some like PR, The Dominican, Bahamas etc..) out of state, in state, and within their city, and ACD does this more than any other school. They don't get overseas kids, but do get all of the rest. Just an example, a few years ago they graduated their top 9 players, and won state the next year with a whole new team from these various places mentioned. Like I say they play great basketball, and the problems are not their fault so to speak, but I just wish our state would either seperate public/private, or move the "known recruiting" schools to the highest classes, because they have just as good or most times even better athletes and players than our 6A schools have. But they are definitely fun to watch, especially when you don't have to play them to win a title! :thumb:

  6. They have big time problems playing anyone in Jacksonville since no one will schedule them for alleged issues. They have also come under scrutiny for how much traveling they do during the year, turning into alleged recruiting trips across the country.


    They do beat teams that would qualify as 6A, but there is no question they might not have one all those state titles in a row if they were playing big schools. They dominate the small school tournament for obvious reasons.


    BUT I don't want to get the thread sidetracked, ACD plays great basketball on the court and would be a great test for Elliott.


    I agree ACD does play great basketball, it was just funny when I saw all of the uproar about guys moving from in state to play at certain places when here in Florida we deal w/schools that get them from out of state and even out of country. We have one school (Montverde Academy) who openly recruits, BUT doesn't play for the state championship, so I have no problem with what they do. ACD on the other hand keeps schools like say an Elliott County who has players who have played together for many many years from the same small location from ever even having a chance to win a small school state title. Oh well enough of my soapbox. Congrats to Elliott, they will do well. :banana:

  7. ACD also has the #22 player in the country in senior to be Wally Judd who had already committed to play at Kansas St over offers from Maryland, Ohio State, Villinova, Virginia, West Virginia, and Georgetown.


    I am from Florida and ACD does have ALOT of talent every year. It is funny that I see people complaining about the situation at Scott County and even Holmes. ACD get kids from as far south as Miami & Puerto Rico, and as far north as Washington DC which is actually where Judge is from and played AAU ball for the DC Assault, as did a new kid they just got in a 6-4 guard ranked number 79 in his class. And one wonders why they have won 4 in a row in one of the 2 lowest classes out of 6.

  8. Any word on how this tourney is going??? Any updates from anyone?? Also I don't really see why you would play these guys until an appeal is won if it is won. I coach in Florida and we have a player that there is a 90% chance he will be eligible come this year, but I don't have him playing with us this summer at all just in case. I would rather get a shot in the arm to strengthen the team than to cut off one of its arms with an unexpected decision.

  9. I agree that the loss of Henderson is immense. He was a great player with the heart the size of (insert whatever word you like), but I think most would agree that Holmes lost more the year before and came back with an even better team, which I see as a possibility next year. EC is probably the most solid choice for number 2 because of their experience, and can beat anyone on a given night with those shooters as they almost did against MC. I think Holmes has the most upside to be #2 with talent, coaching, defense etc...J-town has the unknown of the transfer that didn't get to play with them last year but could be outstanding. Manual has the unknown of whether Kimbro plays with them or not (i have a hundred different stories). I also think GRC now has to be mentioned in the same sentence as these guys too. Should be an extremely fun year!

  10. I can see arguments for both Holmes and Elliott County being number 2. Holmes has the Johnson brothers, plus Pittman, the little PG, and the transfer (can't remember his name) plus their jv was supposed to be very very good. Add in that with the great defense they always play then you have a legitimate beef to be number 2.

  11. Not sure if I was a national pollster that I would have them in my top 10, but I would definitely have them in my top 25 to start the year. After seeing how they mesh and perform against their schedule they might move up into the top 10 by years end, who knows. Hard to say with at least 4 D-1 players with size, speed, & athletic ability, to go with an outstanding coach it is hard to imagine that they aren't top 25 in the country. I wish they were back in the City of Palms so I could see them play again!:dancingpa

  12. Which teams not only return at least a good core of varsity players, but had excellent JV & 9th grade programs. I know it has already been posted that Holmes was 20-1, to go with 3 returning starters. I know it is a big step from jv to varsity, but with a good core the step is much easier. What are some of the teams with outstanding jv records etc...

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