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Posts posted by Birdsfan

  1. The brand new one at the very top. When they shut down the housing units near the River/4th Street bridge in Newport, they were basically re-located there. I'm guessing they know that's where these kids are generating from. By the location of 2 of the attacks and the location of the one Attack near the Fort, it kind of makes sense. Hoping the police shut this thing down quickly!
    They relocated a lot of them to Section 8 apartments in Ft. Thomas -- especially in the south end.
  2. What, has Mr. Skinner taken a geography class that I haven't which excludes Highlands from NKY? Or are these just the games he felt like writing about? What happened to including all the games in a preview? Incomplete article.
    I was shocked by this as well. Only 6A and 5A were covered. The other four classes didn't get a mention. The headline declared those 5A and 6A games as the areas top games of the night.
  3. Saw the same thing. My guess is that the fine city of Fort Thomas does not want bad publicity for the city and had the article pulled. Ever notice the arrest notices for Fort Thomas in the recorder? Seems like there is never an arrest made on a citizen of that town. All of the crime comes from surrounding cities?

    I don't think that's it. Otherwise, the story would have never appeared there in the first place. Capturing the criminals would actually be GOOD publicity for the city, once the crimes have become common knowledge.

  4. These fine upstanding citizens are from the wonderful new housing development on Mock Rd. in Wilder / Southgate. I will not allow my daughter to walk home from school from St. Therese because of this and it is not going to get better anytime soon!
    The one where the man and his son were assaulted happened right in front of the fine upstanding development at the corner of South and Grand. That place is a hole and it's slowly sucking the entire neighborhood into the abyss! :rage: You can't tell me that those punks just "happened" to be standing right at that spot, totally at random. Way too much is going on in and around that project. It needs to stop before there's a tragedy.
  5. These people are at a stage where it takes shooting up or snorting

    heroin to feel normal or avoid withdrawal.

    Very true. It gets to the point where you're doing the drug just to feel better. But the cycle continues to the point where you're in worse shape after you get your fix than you were before you got it. At that point, like you said, it's an endless downward spiral ending in death...unless you can get treatment and climb out of the hole.
  6. Ya I have no problem saying no the first, second, third or however many times I'm offered. Also don't have any problem distancing myself with people that think shooting up is acceptable and I don't think it's that hard for others to do the same which is why I really don't understand how people get in to this junk.
    It doesn't always begin with heroin. In some cases, people get hooked on prescription drugs or other street drugs first. When their tolerance level gets to the point where their drug of choice isn't getting them the relief they crave...they turn to heroin. And no little needle stick is going to come between a person in full-blown dependency and their high. They have to have it -- both physiologically and psychologically. They'll do anything to get it.
  7. Establish a solid lead quickly and get out healthy.
    That was our strategy Friday. :cool:


    Honestly, I blame the whole thing on Frank329. A couple of the crows were foolishly trying to assume Frank's legendary quasi-official position. I fear he may have laid a curse upon the field that night. But, being a loyal fan, he let us off with just a heart-stopping scare. :eek: Just in case, I'm bringing a little "bad mojo" repellant with me this week.

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