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Sportz Addict

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Posts posted by Sportz Addict

  1. Shortly after NKy 4A expanded to 8 teams and the Lou 4A district swept the NKY 4A district, NKy 4A was told that Lou 4A was on another level and NKY 4A should get used to being swept because they would never be able to compete. NKY 4A said 3 of the 4 games were very competitive and NKY 4A wasn't that much behind Lou 4A. NKY 4A said they would get better but nobody believed then. When NKY 4A got better and split 2-2 with the Lou 4A district everybody said NKY hadn't proven anything by beating Ballard, Eastern, Shelby Co or Oldham Co because Trinity was the team you had to get past and no NKY 4A team had ever beaten Trinity. NKY 4A said they would get better and someday NKY 4A would beat Trinity. After NKY 4A went 3-1 in the first round against the Lou 4A district and beat Trinity in the second round last year, everybody is now saying that NKY still hasn't done anything because they haven't won a state title. I say NKY 4A is very comfortable being told what they can't accomplish and proving the "experts" wrong. NKy 4A is still improving and NKY will win a state title. Maybe it will be this year, maybe not; but it will happen and the time is not that far in the future.


    They might wanna try to make it to the state game before they win it. If Boone had made it last year to the big game they would have been beaten by atleast 28 points.

  2. T fits this bill to a tee. Did someone log on and post that for you???





    As soon as a NKY 4A team is flashing a big fat rock on their fingers come talk to me about this discussion. Thats if we are alive to talk. :lol:

  3. SA,



    Any unbiased observer can see NKY 4A has made great strides over the last few years in competing across the state.


    How Dixie beat a mediocre Trinity team? Trinity has history but so do the Green Bay Packers. Teams have down years. When was the last time a 4A team made it to the final game? 96 with Shaun? When was the last time a 4A team won the big game? I can't even tell you???


    NKY is known for 3A and 1A when it comes to play off/state champions sorry boys.

  4. Changing the rules when proven wrong? I thought that was my MO...





    How am I proven wrong. My debate has been Louisville teams. Keyword Louisville. Last year there was this team called Lou St. X. who was the big dawg. How did Dixie do against them? Thats right they didn't even make it to them. Keep trying though. I'll be here all night. NKY (ala Gametime) must get excited when a team like Dixie beats a Trinity team when it wasn't even the state game. What does that show you about NKY's 4A success in the playoffs?

  5. I wonder who we have to beat in order for the rest of the people in this area to wakeup and realize that we are pretty good (NKY 4A). I think if we win state, they'll still find a way to deminish and dismiss it. Only 16 teams left in 4A, NKY has two of them. Next week we'll have one of eight, and still some people just don't get it.


    NKY 4A is in a little league of its own. Yeah there are good match ups with Dixie/Boone, Ryle/Boone ect. ect. But when NKY 4A crosses the river to play a Cincy giant or goes down state to play a Louisville giant they realize what a good football team is.

  6. Dixie beat T last year. Does that count???


    Who won state last year in 4A? There wasn't even a NKY 4A rep in the game once again for what maybe since when Shaun was there? Your reaching GT. Yes NKY 4A will win some games but they can't get the job done. Couldn't do it with an all pro NFL back. They will never do it.

  7. The tape shows the ball hitting the crown of the defenders helmet on the play. The fact the Boone player was carted off made the situation more than it was...


    Chris was fine he's as tough as they come. He just got back from Iraq he's a Marine infantryman with a purple heart. I would like to get those two guys together for a reinactment of that play and put it on CPC. Now that would be ratings! :ylsuper:

  8. The topic of this thread is that a player is ruled ineligible. He should have been ineligible all year long. But now the Highlands players didnt get the chance to prove they could go through a season and be as successful as they are without their best player who is by the rules illegal. Also the teams they played had to face them with someone who shouldnt be on the team leading them. Its a mess unfair to all the players involved.


    The Highlands fans and players are victims here. Some are in denial that what was done was the wrong decision by whom ever.


    The people who have done Highlands wrong are the people who ruled the kid eligible when it was clearly against the rules.

    And the coach rolled the dice and has left his team shorthanded and unprepared for the loss of Mitchell.


    Log Boy...


    Go back and see how well Highlands did without Mitchell last year and how far they made it... you might be impressed :thumb:

  9. Believe what you want than or what you think. I'm telling you the truth. Don't be putting words in our mouths on what you think. I have no reason to lie to you.


    Hey all I was asking was for Smith to go public and say it.. don't you have faith in your leader? I just think a public statement would be classy from him since the Boyle faithfull claim to have no objections :thumb:

  10. So next year we'll just bring back Durrell White, get Payton Manning and Randy Moss and it will be ok because they just moved here to play football. So when they beat everyone and we get caught for cheating we can just say everyone should have beat us in the first place. Face it Highlands took a gamble playing him and should have paid for it. Instead they have a chance at a state title and they still might not have to forfeit any games. So apparently if you're good enough at cheating then it's ok. :rolleyes:


    Man you Bell people can't take a loss! lol. Its over man from the impression I get from you there are still Bell people on the field screaming. Bell had their chances to win this game with or without Mitchell and didn't let it go. Its over. Besides its not the topic of this thread.....

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