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Sportz Addict

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Posts posted by Sportz Addict

  1. What a great piece of debate you have here! Exactly WHO in Louisville has gotten to the state game recently bersides T, X or M? Seems to me that the rest of Louisville (that would be somewhere in the 90+ percent range) hasn't done much against the same "Big Three" just as you so vehemently point out about NKY. And aren't two of these the same teams the glorious "leader of the level playing field" Mr. Sexton (a Louisville school administrator I'm quite certain you are aware) wants thrown out of the playoff system entirely because they don't "play by the same rules?" I, and I venture to say those from NKY who posted in this thread, have no problem with competing with Tand X, but who are you to hold us to a standard that your own city cannot attain as well? Get a grip. Beating one's chest on the merits of someone else's program while failing to attain the same standard is pretty lame stuff IMO. NKY 4A football is, was and will be as strong as anyone in the state aside from the BIG 3 and we will occaissionaly knock them off too (like last year). When Eastern, Ballard, Fern Creek, Manual or anybody else from Louisville beside T, X and M win a state 4A, then I'll be impressed with "Louisville" football. That with ALL due respect to the players and fans of those institutions because they aren't the ones making all this noise!


    First off I was making reference to the big boys down in Louisville. You sound like a very upset fan about NKY 4A just like me. I want NKY 4A to win. I was glad to see Dixie win over T. I have just come to reality that our best NKY 4A team can not beat the best Louisville 4A team normally T, X or Male. You could combine Boone, Ryle and Dixie and they still would would struggle to beat a powerful team like X last year. Since you want to question my debate why don't you look at it this way. Boone has been dominated by 3A CovCath annually over the past 5-10 years. Boone also has been dominated by Highlands the past 5 years of match ups. Just like Dixie, Conner, Ryle, SK, Scott all struggle to beat good Highlands and CovCath teams. If you struggle to beat 3A power teams in your own backyard how will you beat the big boys down state in 4A? :rolleyes:

  2. Exactly. Anybody who can't see where 4A in NKY was, and where it is, is blind. You didn't believe me when I told you Dixie would win the district this year either did you? You still think the way it was is the way it is. Quoting a game in the 90's? When NKY's 4A district didn't even exist? How can you discount a win over Trinity last season? One of the big two. I'm sick to death of this old tired mentallity. Across the board, teams are improving. Don't come to the games and remain ignorant for all I care, and please don't bother to congratulate us when we do win state. Your negativity towards our teams speaks volumes. You are trying to prop up your support of another class by discrediting ours and I'm not going down that road. You speak as though you are an authority, yet I doubt you have any idea how good or bad these teams are as you have not seen them in 7 8 or 9 weeks if your lucky. A few years ago, you could count on T being in the final game, now, no matter what anybody says, it is in doubt untill the game is played. Trinity's district isn't better than ours. I know it, they know it, and pretty much everybody else knows it. Last season there was not any Louisville representation in the last three games on this side of the bracket, so maybe you ought to rethink your pro Louisville stance. We're better than we were. I know it, they know it, and now you know it too.


    You seem to talk alot about how good NKY and I guess Dixie is your team is. Why don't you show me how good not tell me how good they are.

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