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Posts posted by Boucher

  1. Passing Scrimmages will be starting soon, and it won't be long until the season gets started. Tonight North Laurel is hosting a few teams for a passing scrimmage. I'm looking forward to see how our QB of the future looks. Anyone else out there ready to get an early look at their team?

  2. Most everyone who is involved in KY HS athletics knows this rule. If you're going to "hold back", you have to do it prior to the 8th grade.


    North Laurel has a athlete that this rule will affect to in a couple of years. The Middle School principal, and several others tried to tell the parents, but they wouldn't listen. I guess they might listen now. I think this happens more times than you think, but just doesn't get caught. Wonder how the KHSAA found out about Haddix? IMO, someone almost had to turn him in.

  3. I can only summize by these negative unwarranted theories that it just comes down to jealousy because your team may have been beaten by Somerset in the past and it's just a little hard to admit maybe it was because Somerset was a better team.


    You have got to be kidding me. :scared:

  4. As a former player and a dad that has seen his son be successful I would advise you to let your son make the choice. Do not impose your will upon him. If he loves to play he will play both and play them well. Please do not try to live your glory through your son. High school athletics should not be the highlight of his life. It is friendship, being a good citizen and a good student. If you push him into one thing and it does not work out (remember there are hundreds of middle school all stars that never pan out - that is the subject of a different thread) then he will resent it in the long run.


    This paragraph says everything that I was thinking, but was not able to put into words. Excellent post, one of the best I've read on here in quite some time.

  5. The pressure comes from the competition of other one-sport point guards who may not currently be quite as good but aren't far behind. This is a large school.


    Another related question: Does football weightlifting hurt or help a point guard more?


    Also, how many past and present top point guards in KY are/were also good football players in high school?


    Then there's always the risk of injury from football. My son plays tailback, and I know from past experience that they can take a pounding on the knees.


    Sounds like dad is feeling more pressure than the kid. My advice is to let the kid decides what he wants to do. The weight lifting of football would be a major plus.


    Another question: How do you know that he is the best 8th grade PG in the Region?

  6. Encourage him to play both. IMO, the weightlifting more than compensates for lack of court time. My experience tells me that most football weightlifting programs are much more effective than most baketball weight lifting. My son gave up football for basketball, and now kicks himself for doing it.


    Curious as to where the pressure is coming from to specialize?

  7. I've heard almost as many conspiracy theories regarding this hire as I have about JFK's assaination, but, as another poster said, it's a moot point now.


    Good Luck to Coach Chappell, and his SL team. I'm sure the young men are excited to have a new coach in place. With Chappell supposedly being pass-happy, is there any word on who the SL QB will be next season?

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