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Posts posted by Patveep

  1. Was that Hill or his evil twin? He not only shot poorly, but had several turnovers. He shot poorly, partly due to a poor shot selection. I have seen him play many times and this was the worst he has ever played when I was there. There will be no repeat of that if they play again.

    I agree with the post concerning the poor second half officiating. The same crew that did such a nice job the first half called several charging calls wrong and they were not difficult calls to make. The one on Hill was called correctly, but CCH was moving on a couple of others. One of Grimes shots was blocked by a player who was about 2 feet over him and the Holmes crowd eruped when a foul was called. The referee halted for half a second and then pointed to his hip. It was an obvious attempt to justify an anticipted foul call.

    I thought Jefferson's attempt to take the game over coupled with a couple of out-of-bounds rockets disguised as lobs were heavy contributions toward the loss. On balance he played pooprly. As pointed out elsewhere, Rice was great last night and kept his composure despite the fact that several fouls which could have been called were not called.

    CovCath's interior passing was excellent. Grimes going 7 for 7 was a tribute to that and the fact that he and Maile really move well without the ball and that the guards were alert. CovCath has several players with quick hands and they were able to strip the ball on several ocassions. They also do a great job of team rebounding by having several players around the ball to retrieve rebounds which hit the floor.

    I don't think the 9th can go wrong with either of these teams representing our Region.

  2. First let mw apologize for deviating from the thread. I went to Holmes many years ago. This week I walked at 5 Seasons with a classmate. He has a Doctorate in Engineering and just retired from Purdue where he was a Dept. Head. The last time we walked we ran into a fellow classmate and friend who has an advanced degree from MIT. He is retired from P&G. We ocassionally have lunch with anouther classmate who has an advanced degree in Math and he once taught advanced math at Walnut Hills. Another of my class mates graduated from Harvard and is a very highly regarded Marketing Consultant who lives in Country Squire Estates. Another has a ridge on the moon named after him. Our class produced at least a half dozen teacher- administrators and several business owners who sold their companies for many millions of dollars. One of our educators was a first team All-American football player. I could go on as there were many more successful people in our class, however, it is time to make a point.


    There are 2 things we all had in common. First and foremost, we all had good parents. Secondly, we were all poor to middle class. There was far less scholarship money those days, but there was even more perseverance.


    IMHO, you can overcome a lot of perceived obstacles, but the most difficult one of all to overcome is.... parents who just don't care enough to insist that kids "do the right thing". I sincerely hope that some day, my HS, will return to producing large numers of kids who are a joy to coach. By the way guys, we were anything but angels.

  3. The job changing process must be very different in the area of sports. I spent about 40 years in Human resources and it was very, very rare for someone to announce they were testing the waters. Would you assign project responsibility to someone who was likely to leave in the middle of the ptoject? Research shows that more than one-half of those who accept a counter offer are not with that employer three years later. When downsizing or budget cuts come about, the first to go are those who considered leaving or express dissatisfaction with their job or the company's position on just about anything. I suggest that, if possible, keeping one's mouth shut is the best policy. Even those who think they have a "special relationship" with their boss often learn the hard way that the boss thinks of himself first.

  4. I hitch hiked to Lexington, along with Jim Briede, to see Hornung et al play in the East-West All-star game vs Holmes Gordon McGeHee. On the West team was Guy Tracy, Fulmer and Kiefer (forgot first names) and all were from Bellevue. Fulmar was a big star and Kiefer, I think, went on to UK. Tracy's mother and father picked us up after the game and rode us home.

    McGehee outrushed and outscored Hornung and the West won the game. Gordon was drafted shortly after HS and had to leave UK for the service. I think Briede himself later played in that game and I know he was on the sidelines for the UK-Tennessee game when he was a senior. Sorry for the history lesson.

    Ask Harmon about these guys and I bet you will get some great stories.

    I think it is important for fans to know that their team has a rich tradition.

  5. I like the gurus suggestions. We have some very large linemen coming back and a couple of them have overhangs in the middle. I expect Mainello, who does not have this problem, to be dominant next year on both sides of the ball. I don't think anyone can match Beechwoods backfield of Elliot, Bankemper, Teipel and Drew Davis except possibly Highlands.

    I also agree that Beechwood needs to pass the ball to set up the run. Some teams think the pass is a secret weapon known only to a few and thus are very susceptible to it. Sam Diehl did well in No. Ky. , but was devastating in post season play.

    I look for Beechwood to be the favorite to pick up another state title.

  6. I will pitch in with my 2 cebts worth based on over 50 years of football watching. Nearly everyone who saw the game thought that the referees did a poor job.....with most agreeing that there were poor calls each way. The referee who played beanbag with the football while the clock was running did not have enough common sense to call officials time out and re-set the clock. This well could have kept Beechwood from getting their 4 plays in at the end of the game. It would seem to me that it is incumbent on all of us to see that this officiating crew is not visited upon future teams competing for a chance to play for a state championship.

    If indeed # 16 was given the ok and then flagged, this appears to me to be more than a judgment error. How then can we condemn a coach for pointing this out?

    Frankly, I thought the best team won even though I am a long time Beechwood fan and I will be in Louisville cheering NewCath on , if they make it to the carpet. However, I don't want to see that crew there or at any other game ever again. And I don't think that either Beechwood

    Coach or any other poster is wrong to point out that level of incompetance, as opposed to a couple of missed calls. What you stroke is what you get and tolerating extremely poor officiating and calling those who point it cry babies makes one a part of the problem.

    Good luck to NewCath and I hope that those of you who do knee jerk support of officials will think a little more about where that leads.

  7. I watched the Holy Cross vs NewCath game and I it is nearly impossible to separate Beechwood and NewCath based on that game. However, Beechwood did totally dominate NewCath during the second half of their game and they are playing at Beechwood again. Certainly there is no comparison between the quarterbacks and Elliott has his completion percentage on the rise.

    If I was a NewCath fan I would be bothered by the numer of plays on which NewCath losses yardage. Holy Cross must have stopped them for a loss a half dozen times. Vicars did his damage on several long runs where he went to the outside when HC was jamming the middle. There was no one there to stop those runs and Vicars is an extremely intelligent runner in the open field.

    Whether that call will fool Beechwood will be key on Friday because I don't think NewCath can run up the middle with consistency and Scneider likes to do just that. I like Beechwood to defend the home turf in a close one.

  8. There are some great posts on this thread made by some very objecive posters. I tried recommending Popham to UK, but got a note from someone( it was not a coach) stating that UK would not recruit a kicker. A couple of days later, they signed one.

    Regarding the Highlands kick-offs, the fans tolerated the first couple of them even though it was obvious that it gave CovCath great field position and required them to go only a short distance before there were in Popham's range. The last 2 were greeted with boos from the Bluebird home crowd and the last of those two was a lusty BOO!

    I am probably a majority of one, but I beleive that Joe Castenada is the best position player recruit in our area. He has played db forever and won't have to learn a new position in college. Highlands threw deep on him to end the half and he intercepted the ball, righted himself somehow and headed upfield and it was not easy to get him on the ground. Highlands did not throw in his direction often after that. No one has mentioned the fake punt. If that was called from the bench, someone needs to practice on Madden 07 for a while.

  9. NKYBBALL...Thanks for the info. I always like seeing N. Ky. players get their due reward. We were overlooked somewhat during the Claude Bassett years. I still don't see U. K. fulfilling their professed statement concerning recruiting Cincinnati just as though it were a part of Kentucky.

  10. I am a Beechwood fan, but I, and everyone around me thought that the field goal called "no good" was well inside the uprights. Since CCH did not argue and are not famous for suffering in silence, I decided the call must have been correct. How clear was the tv view?

    Both teams need a case of stickum for their receivers. Dropped passes are a relative rarity for these two teams but there was a boat load of them last night.

    Finally, are Joe C. and Flynn being recruited by anyone? These guys look like D-1 players to me. Perhaps not major-major, but either d-1 or high D-2. I would appreciate any info concerning their size and speed.


    Earlier this year, I posted on a UK board that I liked Joe C, better than Englemon, primarily because Joe has an established position at db and has played that position for a long while. Naturarlly, the blue glass crowd disagreed...sight unseen.

  11. All of those who posted were very accuarte in their evaluation so I won't be redundent.Some things I do want to mention are the Elder punting game which was mentioned but deserves further elaboration. The punter negated most of the field position that Highlands earned by outgaining Elder. He was phenomenal. Another point worth mentioning was the penalty called on the Highlands punt that took a favorable roll and went out at about the one yard line. The re-kick left Elder near their 35 yard line. That was very big.

    Finally, Kramer ran the ball well despite the fact that Elder keyed on him. However, his decision to field the punt near the 5 yard line was not a good one. He not only muffed the punt, but the ball was right there for him to recover and he could not get the handle.

    In fairness, Highlands final score was a bit tainted in that Cecil threw the ball right into the hands of a surprised Elder defenser. It was an easy catch, but the defender had the ball go over his shoulder straight into the arms of a Highlands receiver. But for that play, many would have made an early exit.

  12. When I went to Elder to pick up tickets there were 2 very nice young men ahead of me from CovCath. I remarked that we were there to uphold the honor of N. Ky football. I found out that they were there to get tickets in hopes of watching the Bluebirds take a beating. As a Holmes grad., and Beechwood follower, I never could understand why so many dislike either Highlands or CovCath. Both are great programs made up of super nice young men.

    By the way a CovCath graduate whose son's went to Elder said "Elder, according to their fan base, has never lost a game that was fairly officiated" I thought that was rather clever.

  13. Beechwood may be down some day, but it sure won't be next year! Enough has been said of the juniors at the skill positions. Take a look at the size of next year's line. Better yet, watch the way they performed last Friday. Mainello was a real force in the middle and he is listed at 6'5" now. I don't want to list the rest of the big underclassmen for fear of omitting someone, but all who played looked like they had size and speed. Bankemper running behind that line and Elliot keeping the defense from crowding the line should keep Beechwood near the top again next year....not to mention their big defensive line.

    By the way, my grandson played for the Spartans (midgets I think) and they were terrible at the beginning of last season. They were muirdered in the pre-season and by Campbell Co during the season. When they played in the Superbowl, even my son-in-law (Joe Mahorney) thought it would be a long night. They played excellent football and won. Kids who commit themselves and follow instructions tend to fare well in the long run.

    If Beechwood's fans at the freshman game acted badly it would be unusual which is not to say it did not happen.

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