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Posts posted by lynks66

  1. Beshear does not expect any money for Casino's in the biennium for which he is preparing a budget. Hard to see how they are going to help our current situation.


    As for the combining of counties - Do you really think that is politically possible? Frankfort/Franklin County, which is really only one community, rejected a proposal to merge governments - besides given the travel time in some of the easter areas it would be very difficul to call it a local government when it would take longer than a 2 hours to travel to the county seat. You would shrink the number of counties, but send them more work to do?


    which departments in state government would you eliminate, and you are telling me that you would forego a cost of living raise even to the people who make between 15 and 30 thousand?


    Which positions in education would you cut?


    What was the last tax increase that had a negative impact on you? 2005 saw cigarette taxes go up 27 cents per pack . . . I can't remember the last tax increase we had on anything, maybe it is the lack of willpower by governments to raise taxes that has caused a revenue shortfall.



    So do you actually want to pay more taxes?

  2. Many countries, many of which not socialist, have a Universal or National health care system. In fact, The US is the only industrialized nation to not have a single-payer Universal Health care implemented currently. Canada and the United Kingdom are two great examples of not socialist socities that have implemented and enjoy universal health care.


    There are many things that many other countries do that I do not want the US to follow including this issue of healthcare for all.

  3. I disagree with you strongly in some of your assertions of what are "poor decisions." Giving all Americans health care is not a "poor decision." I see health care as a human right that should be granted to all. The basic need to be taken care of should not be dependent on if someone works. And furthermore, it really doesn't matter if one works anyway. The current healthcare system is so screwed up that even those with healthcare find it increasingly difficult to have their medical bills paid for. Americans should not fear healthcare as so many do. I talked to a man in Louisville, for example, that found a mass on his body that he fears could be early stages of cancer. He has, at this point, refused to go to the doctor because he his health insurance won't cover the full expenses of his doctor visits based on the dreaded "pre-existing conidtion." Now that is simply not right. Healthcare should be as accessibly as free public education.


    The money we are wasting in Iraq - could help us fund such health care initives. If we can afford to kill people - we can afford to heal people.


    This is where we disagree strongly. Health care is not a human right and should not be given to all, that is the beginning of a socialist state.

  4. Dodge the question, Aces. Nice. I'll bring it right back up. I think the fact that Gov. Beshear (a liberal politican) was elected convincingly shows that our state isn't the backwoods-country bumpkin-walking to church barefoot unlogical state you want to imply that it is.



    How can a question be dodged if it isn't asked?

  5. When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


    There are a lot of us who see "moral conservative" as a very bad thing.


    I am surprised that someone who professes logic as their basis for decisionmaking, that many of your posts line up with socialism a system that doesn't work?

  6. When did "liberal" become such a bad thing. There are a lot of us who see liberals as progressive and someone who stands up for human rights over the rights of an article of faith.


    when it became associated with a bigger government that takes away from those that produce.

  7. We are the government - it passes laws and does thing we want it to. The government has not brainwashed anybody - there are more poor and hurting in the communities than can be taken care of by churches and families. Not only that - there are systems (capitalism for example) that prey on the poor and helpless and we need the government to protect those who are unable to do so by themselves.


    There is a reason that we do not rely on private entities to provide police and fire protection for the community - the government does it better - it does a better job of developing an interstate highway system than individuals would, and it would do a better job of taking care of the needy if we would let it.


    I am not the government. Unlike the government I work for my money. Government spends money. The money it receives is not earned. I see a big difference here.

  8. We are the government - it passes laws and does thing we want it to. The government has not brainwashed anybody - there are more poor and hurting in the communities than can be taken care of by churches and families. Not only that - there are systems (capitalism for example) that prey on the poor and helpless and we need the government to protect those who are unable to do so by themselves.


    There is a reason that we do not rely on private entities to provide police and fire protection for the community - the government does it better - it does a better job of developing an interstate highway system than individuals would, and it would do a better job of taking care of the needy if we would let it.


    I can see that you believe strongly in a larger government that takes from those who produce and gives to those who do not. (some would call those looters) I myself am for a smaller government. I guess we disagree here.

  9. So you want a government that doesn't help the poor? You think that is what Jesus would want of us?




    I doubt that Jesus wants the government to help the poor.


    I feel that churches and other private organizations should take care of the poor.


    I think local private organizations can offer a much clearer. Perspective for need of welfare than arbitrary standards that are set by the government.

  10. You are assuming that much of the money you give to the government is going to the poor - I would say you need to check your facts.


    BTW, I don't believe I mentioned anything about giving your money to the government to give to the poor. What I was pointing is that our capitalist/greed based society (of which I am a FULL participant) is not the society that Jesus would envision.


    The only point I mentioned was about health care for those who could not afford it. I said nothing about a government run system.


    I said, take care of the alien, visit those in prison, give health care to those who need it, sell your worldly possession and give the money to the poor. Jesus words.


    Just for kicks and grins:


    I don't agree with death penalty, yet I pay taxes that go to a system that uses it -


    I don't believe in the war in Iraq, yet I pay taxes that go to a system that keeps running it -


    I don't believe in subsidies to big oil companies - yet I pay taxes to a system that gives it to them - (even though they don't NEED nor deserve them)


    Yet you don't want the same system to give money to the poor - doesn't that seem odd.


    So you want a government that takes money from the rich and gives to the poor?

  11. OOOOH excellent - can I add . . .


    those who treat immigrants (legal or illegal poorly) - we are admonished to be kind to aliens b/c the hebrews were once strangers in a strange land.


    We are admonsished to visit and take care of those in prison - not kill them (as you already point out)


    We are admonished to love our enemies and bless those who persecute us


    Would Jesus vote for someone who wants to deny access to healthcare/insurance because they can't afford it.


    Remove the religion portion of Karl Marx's work and Jesus is striding pretty far to left . . .


    "Sell everything you have and give your money to the poor . . ." Not a lot of capitalism in that statement


    I guess Jesus would vote for Kucinich then;)


    I think that Jesus would like to see the churches and believers give all they can to the poor. I just don't think he would like for the government to handle this by taxing and redistributing wealth. There is a huge difference between giving and being taxed.



  12. I think your wrong as well. I just have a problem with anything that takes a person's rights away. Its such a slippery slope.


    Are your posts seriously in line with your beliefs or are you just trying to fire people up?


    Is your church familiar with your beliefs and supportive? I am not familiar with a denomination of Christianity that alligns itself with your views as expressed on this discussion board.

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