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Posts posted by jbwill2

  1. I agree, anyone that puts ANY real stock in the national rankings are naive. Heck, I bet the state of Texas alone could probably produce 25 teams within their state that could compete with just about any team nationally. To even see a team like HHS on a national level is rediculous to think they really are one of the best 25 teams in the nation. It's fun for fans and great for the kids to see, but in reality, there's no way I truly believe the teams on that list are really the best in the country every year. There is just no way to confirm and they seem to "spread the wealth" to keep interest from other states.
    I agree that it is nearly impossible for anyone to develop an accurate national rankings list for prep football. But, can anyone honestly say that they would not be pleased to know their favorite program is getting national attention, whether it is truly deserved or not???
  2. And a point I meant to make and forgot.


    The HHS method has worked out pretty darn well for them. If the ultimate goal is to win 4A championships, you can't argue the results. If the ultimate goal is to aim a little higher...

    Actually, I would make the argument that if HHS has an ultimate goal which is higher than winning state (such as garnering more national attention or national rankings), HHS should steer clear or scrimmaging T or playing multiple games against programs like Elder, Colerain and Cincy X in the same season. There is no doubt in my mind that with the insane numbers Highlands has put up offensively over the last few years (especially in 2011), Highlands would have finished 2011 ranked in the national top 25 polls had the Birds not been playing (and getting hammered by) Trinity in the annual preseason scrimmages. Had HHS kept up the deal with scrimmaging Male instead of T every preseason, it would have been better from a national spotlight/rankings standpoint.


    The fact that Dale Mueller continues to scrimmage T makes me believe that Dale cares little about national rankings, and wants to give his team a chance to practice against elite competition in order to best prepare for the season and a run for the state title.

  3. Seriously, who really cares about this? BG, T, H and X (along with a bunch of other programs) are great football programs. I support H, and my main goal for them is for them to win a state title this year. My secondary goal is for them to win games. I suspect the goals are pretty much the same for T, X and BG. I hope T beats the hell out of Colerain and Moeller this year, and I hope BG beats the crap out of the TN schools they play this season, and I hope H steamrolls Elder this year.

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