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Posts posted by bellalumni40

  1. I mean, I know its possible because teams have always done it, I have just never noticed a "standing room" section in a lot of these places. I always wonder if that violates any fire marshal standards as well. I dont know why they list a capacity as what it is if that isnt really the capacity, ya know?

  2. Hate to hear that about Shotwell if true. However, he may not be the last "transferee" that we hear this about in the next few months.


    I think the KHSAA is going to have to do some kind of reform with all the transferring that is going on. Either let every transfer go, or make them all sit out a year regardless. Or maybe adopt rules like in Ohio. I think there, you can do one transfer during your "career" regardless of reason.


    Jackson is already good to go. Believe they were supposed to hear about Euton either last week or this week. All seemed well for that one as well. No clue on the other kid, but wouldnt imagine a problem there either since they are/have moved.

  3. Paul











    Prince or Marion



    I say Prince or Marion b/c it gives you a guy that is long, can do everything, and play great D.

    Tough choice on that last spot between those last 5. Melo or Pierce probably get the nod, but its hard leave Redd's great shooting off the team. Any of those guys could make it over Johnson, but I like his game for the international competition.

  4. With Isiah out, Walsh and D'Antoni in, and so on, I would expect this roster to find a way to get blown up. D'Antoni can make them contenders in the East faster than we may think. If he does, the money will roll in. D'Antoni has the cockiness to feel that he can do it.


    Johnson may very well be the next Bulls coach, and I dont think there is much doubt that he would want Rose, although Beasley would seem to be a great pick for them with their lack of a great frontcourt scorer. Would be interesting to see them go after Cal, but I am doubting it.

  5. I just wonder why there are all these so-called rumors about BCG's lifestyle. Maybe he's not helping his case by continuing to exhibit some risky behaviors. There definitely wasn't any character issues with Tubby. Maybe the University administrators need to have a sit-down with BCG and have him keep a lower profile. These type of things (rumors or not) don't reflect good on the University.


    He has been an easy target. He is a single man in the state's most high profile position, and he has that past of two DUI's several years ago. There has been a bullseye on his back from day 1. Check back to the day he was hired on this website...

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