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Posts posted by Chant_50

  1. They were both on a dead run and jumping for the ball. Nobody got knocked to the ground. Clark simply outjumped him for the ball. There was no interference on that play. Nor was the ball taken away on the ground.



    Have you really looked at the picture...it is not a matter of being out jumped...Clark's body was resting on the DB's head. But like I said this didn't win or lose the game for anyone...it is simply an example of bad officiating.

  2. Since we can agree on that let us elaborate some. I saw a play on Corbin's sideline from the stands of course. A Corbin WR caught a pass and his feet dug into the mud in bounds...clear proof he was in...hahaha. He was called out. The punt situation was dismall. The list could go on and on. I do not see how such bad crews can call such big games.

  3. How can it be pass interference when he was going for the ball? He never pushed off on the DB. Just jumped above him for the ball.



    Because he impeded the defenders opportunity to likewise catch the ball...going for the ball does not mean laying out over top of ones head. If that were the case one could certainly knock a DB to the ground and make his catch because he was "going for the ball".



    We are picking the eyes out of a dead horse here, because that catch didn't win/lose the game for anyone...it was simply an illustration of poor officiating.

  4. As far as complaining about poor officiating, Russell could definitely do the same the way the D-line was being held all night, especially when you have tackles being made in the backfield....by the O-line. The officiating crew we had Friday is notorious for not wanting to call anything.


    In any event, I thought it was a hard fought game between two storied programs and both teams left it all on the field. IMO, neither side should get on here and complain about officiating, the fans, a particular player or denigrate the accomplishments of either team.




    Dismissing poor officiating simply because, "that is what that crew does," is not the answer. If these gentlemen have gained a repuatation for officiating then they should face disciplinary action by the KHSAA. When blatant violations of the rules occur it can not/must not go un-noticed.

  5. The only thing I would really disagree with is that Corbin was more athletic or better along the line of scrimmage. Corbin had greater numbers along the line of scrimmage due to putting 8, 9 and even 10 in the box and blitzing.



    Did we watch a different game hahaha ? Corbin's OL dominated that game the whole game. Russell's DL was huge, #74 I believe, was a monster...but a non-factor. Very few times did Corbin go Max Protection, but there was little preassure on Cashen all night. This was by far the best game I saw Corbin's front five play all season, and guess what...4 of the 5 are back next season. I thought the OL would have a hard time with the DL, but that wasn't the case.



    I don't normally recognize the play of individuals, but two players have to be mentioned from Russell after the performances they had. The LB #56 was a gutsy player...he had to have made at least 20 tackles, without him Russell may have been packing it up. To me he was probably the best player on the field...he played his guts out, and went right on back to the huddle after numerous big hits...class act. Offensively he was also a major factor in the game, anytime they had a guard out there leading a play it was him. He is a warrior, and I hope he gets the credit he deserves up in Flatwoods. Concerning the RB I don't critique kids that age because he is still a parent's child etc. I do think he could be more level headed, but that is all I will say negative about him. He certainly sold out defensively, and made a few big plays when it counted on offense. The qb really led the team to the W...he was the motor for the offense, and once again without him Russell may be sitting at home.


    Championship teams rarely have an easy road, and they always seem to find a way to win in bleak circumstances. I do not think Russell is the most talented team, the biggest team, the most disciplined team, or even the best coached team in the state...BUT what they do have is that most important ingredient...perserverance!!! They took it on the chin many times like a heavy-weight fighter, but they kept on swinging, and finally landed that knock-out punch to seal that victory. The Russell fans certainly have a group of seniors to be proud of. They certainly have the ability to repeat due to having good talent, size, and discipline. But the way they keep on fighting is what can carry them on toward that third state championship. Good luck to the Red Devils they have earned the right to play another day.:devil:


    Now time for my negative...I was really disappointed with some, notice I say SOME, of the Russell fans, and their children. Some of the things that were done before, during, and after the game were inexcusable and showed a great lack of sportsmanship. I especially thought the playing of that song post game was shall we say less than sportsmanlike; you have a group of kids that just played their hearts out in a very clean game only to have their noses rubbed in their short-comings. Not to mention that many played their last football game ever that night as well. I really had to take a couple of days to cool off before this post because of that. Officiating was less than stellar. Do I think they made a difference in the game? Yes. Do I think Corbin should have overcame that and won anyway? Yes. Sour grapes? NO. In all of my experience with football have I seen such obvious intervention in a game or lack there of by officials. Never in my life have I mentioned officials as a factor in a game (and I think anyone from Corbin or Tri-County area that knows me will back up my credibility on this statement), but in this one they were a factor. I am not sure they changed the outcome, but I certainly believe they missed many calls, spots, etc. at critical times that hurt the Hounds. Concerning the punt call/no call. After first touching the ball is dead, now the side judge was wrong not to blow the whistle after first touching by the defense. But what makes it worse is when it did stop and #24 moved away from it one of the gunners for Corbin did touch the ball for a second time when its momentum had stopped which is also a down ball. The ball should have been down and spotted at the spot of first contact by the Punt team. Upon the spot of first touching the receiving team has the option to take a free kick or begin a series of scrimmage from the spot. :confused:


    Positives are the coaches and players seemed, for the most part, to be a class act and Flatwoods is a good atmosphere for football. It was a great game and it was pretty clean...few cheap-shots, trash talk, etc. and that is great to see in today's game when there are so few players to look up to that do not engage in such activity. The stadium is really nice up there, but the field condition left something to be desired...I will give Russell the benefit of the doubt due to the rain though...hahaha:thumb:


    As far as play calling is concerned I don't think it was bad. The few plays Russell ran (no more than 10-15 different ones all night) were deadly effective, so why show anything else until you have to? I mean Corbin's D did not get a stop until the 4th quarter so why change what you are doing? We missed a lot of tackles, but played with as much effort as you could ask a group of kids to give, and that is what makes a champion...great effort.


    Sure these boys are going to have many "what ifs" but most predicted them to get blown out in this game and they left it all out on the field with the chance to win a great game. They have nothing to be ashamed of, and a game like this one should be a catalyst to a great season next year. This should give our boys motivation to work hard in the off-season with their eyes set north to Louisville and fuel an unwavering determination to erase the question mark!!!:dancingpa

  6. Can defensive players jam at the line to the facemask if they don't turn the offensive players head or drag them to the ground?


    It seems no one can do it but RB's. To me, that is almost an unfair weapon to allow a RB to literally punch the defense in the face mask and it is legal.


    It was talked about over and over how well LT used it as a weapon and just go me to thinking that it was a little unfair that one player can jam to the facemask legally and the defense cannot.




    An RB can NOT "punch" the facemask of another player...the "stiff arm" is getting out of control, and will be cracked down upon soon due to misreading the rule. A "straight arm" is legal, but when we see RB's push the helmet/facemask it is in fact illegal...almost a jab motion. A legal straight arm is to have the arm locked into position like a ram or in this position to meet an approaching defender.

  7. I completely understand that and you study that film so that you can find out everything you can about your opponent BUT it does not tell you everything you'd like to know.




    Film will tell you everything except the new wrinkles every good coach throws at his opponents weekly. The only thing effective scouting does not do is take away the element of surprise. Other than that a coach can draw up tendency sheets and adjust his call sheet accordingly, and essentially play the game on paper...except for the wrinkles I just mentioned.

  8. I am a coach, not at Corbin, and when I get that film on Sat. or Sun. I study that sucker every day, and yes I know every tendency of every position on the field. Furthermore I know the tendencies of the O and D coordinators run vs. pass, strength vs. weak, blitz vs. read and on what down...Any coach that is worth his salt does those things...and if he is not prepared on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday whenever his games happen to be it is his own fault. I would estimate an avg. of 8-10 hrs. film study goes into any successfull coaches preparation.

  9. Your second to last sentence is all I was ever saying, you've turned this into something it's not. I've never said anything about coaches strategies or gameplans or anything of that nature. Some things though could be helpful to another team such as certain characteristcs a QB likes to do or things a RB does to break tackles. That's all I was ever saying. You act like I said that everything said on here would be used during the planning of strategies for the game, that was never even close to what I was saying. I know Jeepman and I stated that this was not pointed in his direction. Please quit turning my words around to something they're not.



    Don't you think tendencies etc. show up on film? i.e. the RB lowers his shoulder or bounces it outside, the LT has a different stance for pass vs. run plays, or the ROLB shows his blitz a little too soon. All of these things show up on film. By having the film to study for sometimes weeks at a time a coach has all he needs as far as info. on the opponent goes...IF he breaks down film well. Nobody has said anything of value on this forum that would have slipped by a coach during a good film session.



    I would not worry too much about someone letting the "cat" out of the bag on a forum.

  10. I haven't seen it near as much this year but over the past couple years, Corbin has fielded on of the most dominant run D's by using that 4-4 defense. I mostly saw it from 2000-2004. Of course the hounds were graced with terriffic linebackers then. Not saying they aren't now but they had a lot better depth and experience at those positions.



    They are good linebackers today, but I certainly don't see any John Sizemores, Jason Steelys, Jarrod Lawsons, just to name a few. But I will not slight these LB's either they can play some ball too.

  11. It may be funny but many have tried it. (Fleming, Ashland, Boyd, O Cath, Mercer, Newport) Just to name a few that have applied that very strategy over the last couple of years.




    I just don't like it...especially when high school teams go with 5 and 6 man fronts with backers stacked. All a team has to do is break level one or dump a short pass over the middle where the LB's used to be. Like I said though loading the box is not a very good strategy in stopping the run...but I am not going to take the time to lay out my defensive strategy...hahaha.:D

  12. This one is shaping up to be a dandy at the Hank this friday... I think Russell in order to win will have to pass the ball some but Tyler Jones has proved that he can sufficiently pass the devils to a victory if needed but I think with the sucess of the pass will open up Kasey once that happens watch out!!! Corbin will try to put everybody in the box to defend the run BUT NOT SO FAST MY FIND they can't forget Tyler Jones who will have yet another big game for the devils if this is the case..... The Devils home winning streak is kept safe for another year!!


    Devils-31 Corbin-21.... onward to hopefully Belfry cause i really dont want to make the long haul drive to Middlesboro




    I always think it is funny when people say in order to stop the run one must load up the box...that simply is NOT the case, but that is another thread and another time.

  13. With Clinton though... he did lie under oath during a sexual harrasment suit which led to that impeachment...if Bush has lied under oath they should impeach and throw him in jail. I believe in the rule of law no matter the party, but it could be a deadly game when impeachment is used as political assasination.

  14. Certainly...I missed the Boro game, but I will surely be at this one...I just hope we can keep the ball in hand, because if we don't it may get ugly...kinda like UT vs. Arkansas last week because UT's passing game was not clicking and they could not rev up the rushing attack...We have to establish the tempo of the game if we are to win it.

  15. I truly hope our political process has not fallen into this...impeaching the rival party is not the answer...now if the investigations have merrit I have no problem with them, but if they are simply political ploys aimed at criminalizing the process it is truly a destructive force for our government.

  16. Larue wins 21-20...I couldn't resist. On a serious note Larue almost always upsets someone in the playoffs they are not supposed to. They are solid in the playoffs, and if I can offer Mercer any advice is not to buy into the blowout scenario and finish. Do not get comfortable with a 14-0 or 20-0 lead and think...lets set the cruise control because the coaches at Larue will keep their team fighting until the last tick...trust me I know from first-hand experience!!!!

  17. The receivers were very inexperienced coming into the season(2 of the top 4 did not play last year and the other 2 had less than 10 receptions between both of them)and they have really improved in the areas of running routes and hanging onto the ball.


    The offensive line returned two starters from last year and have taken a little time to mesh into a unit. They have had a very difficult job at times with teams rushing 7 and 8 players, which I'm sure can be very confusing as far as blocking assignments are concerned, especially when they were not used to playing as a group. Hopefully they will have a good game Friday, if not, Corbin will have a very difficult time winning this game.




    If a team is rushing 7-8 guys a slant or hitch pattern should go for a touchdown...IF Russell tries to beat Clint by rushing him then it could be a long night...a West Coast passing attack would ensue and the intermediate passing game will chew up as much clock as an effective running attack, but I am sure the coaches up at Russell don't need me to give them a scouting report to know that, and I will shut up now and not oblige them with one...hahaha.:cool:

  18. I would agree. The point that he is making is that when you are determined to stop Russells run. They burn you for a TD in the air. No not impressive. I'm sure Corbine is much better in your mind but it works for Russell. Corbine will have problems with Russells defense not doubt about it. They are good at this point and have shown that by allowing only 104 points to date. Yes most scored on the number two and three team.


    This should be a dandy.


    All you Hound fans have a safe trip. It is a long ways. It will be worth it. This will be a good game. Russell fans are great hosts.



    The point I am making is this...a team that throws the ball 7 times a game is not going to force me to drop three and four guys into coverage. Maybe on third and long I may drop two into a zone and man up underneath. It is not rocket science to say hey this team rarely throws the football thus I do not need to design my WHOLE defensive scheme around stopping the pass...the base package should do fine for around 7-10 passes. I am not knocking Russell anyone that runs it for nearly 4000 yards is a force to be reckoned with...my greatest fear is we will let them chew up all of the clock due to our quick strike tendency...I hope we can maintain some drives and balance out the time of possesion.

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