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Posts posted by cshs81

  1. This is similar to what I was going to post too.


    This is part of what is wrong with athletics. In my county, according to the 2000 census, we had what I believe was 1 person in the whole county who was designated a millionaire.


    Things like this stinks when some districts can get huge advantages while others cannot. And it has nothing to do with the kids or the coaching staff.


    What do you propose then when an alum or benefactor wants to do something for his/her school?

  2. Very good documentary.


    I guess it should not have but the part where the guy who was a grad student at Tennessee said that the whites were cheering and blowing their horns and waving the rebel flag when news of JFK's assassination hit was disconcerting.




    No. It was JFK's. Those that cheered obviously did not like his and his brother's stand on the case with Gov Wallace and the University of Alabama.


    They later showed a hand-painted sign making light of the assassination.

  3. UC might go down in history as one of only 16 teams to ever play in this tournament. I can't imagine it coming back.


    I was on record early in the year when UK was stinking it up that no way in heck would I accept a bid to this event if I were either BCG or Mitch B. Unless you're a program that has simply never made the NCAA/NIT (say Ivy League or last place SWAC) then I don't see how this has any positives to it. I think its bad for UC. I would have passed if I were Mick.

  4. That's my point....They are chasing the money, not the good teams.


    I disagree. They're chasing both. I don't know what type of support Bellevue gets today. They may get great support and the whole town might drive to Canton to support them. They're not getting invited due to lack of success. Most teams that are successful on a regular basis also draw fans. Not all. Most.

  5. Very good documentary.


    I guess it should not have but the part where the guy who was a grad student at Tennessee said that the whites were cheering and blowing their horns and waving the rebel flag when news of JFK's assassination hit was disconcerting.

  6. Well stated. As a military man, McCain more so than either of the Democratic possibilities and even more so than Bush, understands the effect war has on the military and our young men and women in uniform. His one son is in the Marines and the other is at the Naval Academy I believe. I seriously doubt that McCain will be quick to pull the trigger.


    Its kind of funny to me that a lot more people haven't jumped on board the McCain wagon. For years we say that we don't want our elected officials to be from the extreme wings of the parties. McCain is clearly a moderate Republican and all we hear is grief about it. We say we want our elected officials to be able to work with the party across the aisle to move our country forward. McCain has a proven record of doing so and all we hear is that he has abandoned his ideals and become a traitor to the Republican Party. For years we have heard that Bush wasn't qualified to make military decisions because he wasn't in the military and he callously made decisions affecting young Americans. McCain obviously served admirably in Viet Nam and refused early release from capture because he didn't want favoritism. For years we have heard rich wealthy politicians criticized about sending the poor people in the military to fight battles for rich Americans. Two of McCain's sons have placed themselves in harm's way to fight America's battles and yet little is made of that point. At times when I hear people criticized McCain, I just want to throw my arms up in the air and say "just what do you want?"


    Good Lord, he is against pork barrel spending, has vast experience in foreign affairs and policy at a time when such experience is more needed than perhaps any other time in our country's history, has fought for campaign funding reform, has opposed big business when it has crossed the line, has advocated diplomacy and the use of military only as a last resort, is against increasing taxes and for looking at wasteful spending to cut the deficit, is not a party idealogue, and works with Democrats to find compromises where compromise is possible. Other than his age (which is an issue to some, not me), he is what a lot of Americans have been clamoring for. I'm not voting for McCain because he is the least evil. I'm voting for him because he is extremely qualified to lead our country, much more so than Bush or the two Democratic possibilities. Vote McCain.


    Agreed fully.


    McCain's one challenge is the mindset of the voters in November regarding Iraq. He's clearly the most qualified from a military leadership background. Also, I think the people you hear complaining are the extemists on both sides instead of the majority in between.

  7. My point is, no they can't, because they don't attract the fans or the money. Lets face it CovCath was not good last year, and unless they improve A LOT, chances are, Mooney hands them their kiester. They are in this because of money.....Yet the promoters will continue to spread the "it's about the kids" fertilizer


    CCH is in it not because of last year nor this year. They're in it for their tradition of success AND their loyal following. While the other schools you mentioned may argue that they can bring fans, their lack of continued success is not appealing to an event organizer. Win a lot, bring fans, you get invited.

  8. Here are some interesting opinions on Bailey:



    ESPN's Peter Gammons posted to his blog yesterday; let's take a look. More negative vibes around the Reds' Homer Bailey. His apparent availability seems odd given his talent. Bailey was described by an evaluator friend of Buster Olney as "someone who thinks he's got it all figured out."


    From his latest ESPN Insider blog...


    • The stock of Cincinnati prospect Homer Bailey seems to have taken a dramatic tumble in the past year. Talent evaluators say the Reds have demonstrated a clear willingness to deal Bailey, while coveting fellow prospect Johnny Cueto. And rival teams have grown increasingly skeptical about whether the young right-hander will make the adjustments necessary to become a successful big league pitcher. "What you hear is that [bailey] is someone who thinks he's got it all figured out," one evaluator said.


    .....this was from Olney.



    You say Reds people are still sold, then I wonder where these rumors are coming from. And these two guys are two of the best, most reliable in the biz.


    This would back up some things I've heard as well regarding attitude. Lets hope it can be adjusted.

  9. He was never the DC at CovCath; he coached there under Coach Ray and Coach Ray always called the defense.


    That is not what I have been told by people on that staff.


    Coach Ray called the defense; maybe he was given the title of DC, but Coach Ray always called the defense.


    I'm 99.5% positive in the 1999 season Ray called the offensive plays while Roedig was the DC.


    At one point, Nate had a lot of influence on the D as far as strategy and personnel. I know at one point in the playoffs , Coach Ray used his veto power and changed some personnel.

  10. Not a big fan of these types of events. Why should I be excited about playing a team I've never heard of in a place that 50% + of Americans can't find on a map?


    When do the Scott HS's or the Daytons and Bellevues of the world get their shot to appear in the big spotlight.


    Remember$$$$$ it'$ about the Kid$$$.


    Who had 32 in the number of posts before BC weighs in with his annual post on this subject?:laugh:


    I agree in part. The fact that they have to travel to Canton takes away from it since many CCH/NKY fans will not make the trip.


    I do not agree with you that the Scotts/Daytons/Bellevues should get the chance simply because they haven't in the past. While they are currently lumped in the category of the "have nots" they can change that and then they can get invited.

  11. Youngstown Cardinal Mooney is a tremendous program in Ohio. Covington Catholic will indeed have their hands full with this team. The DT that has committed to OSU is the real deal. They lost a lot of great players but still have some great athletes returning. I believe that this smaller school will surprise the CCH faithful!!


    While I know many folks do not have the time nor desire to follow Ohio high school football outside of Cincinnati, those of us that do know full well at CCH is an underdog against Mooney. That's what makes it such a fun time and exciting event for the CCH boys and their fans.

  12. I see I've upset the HHS football cart.


    Hopefully, I can type despite all of the "Covcath guy" arrows I've taken.


    Basketball starts in October a few weeks before the season is over. Its hypocritical to say that its OK to miss baseball for football yet its not OK to miss football for basketball. You're either for the concept of "doing both" or you're not. I'm not.


    I'm disappointed in any head coach that does not tell his players that your current sport is your priority and that they should NOT come to football until baseball is over. If he doesn't then he's talking out both sides of his mouth when it comes to "cooperating" with the other sports. To not tell them to go to baseball full-time is to insinuate that they are doing the right thing by missing baseball for spring football. That's a shame.


    Now before you guys start flinging arrows again at the "Covcath guy" remember that I have no issue with Highlands. I respect their success in football . I have no UK/Duke thing going on here. I'd ask each of you to take a step back and do the ol' "put the shoe on the other foot" thing. If you say "its different because football is the most important thing" then you don't care about Highlands, you only care about Highlands football.


    Your AD is not doing his job. HHS has everything they need to be the top overall athletics program in NKY but because of the "football is first" mentality, they are not and never will be. That's a shame for the other kids in athletics at HHS.


    So to answer the question of "why do I care", I care because it puts undue pressure on kids to make the choice when an adult should be making the choice unnecessary. I also care because I love all high school sports and want each school to promote them to their student body. I care because I hear too many people talking about kids not being dedicated to their team and then those same adults (and leaders) ignore kids not being dedicated to their CURRENT team.


    THAT'S why I care.

  13. Actually they do practice at the same time. It stinks I know. I have heard that they might be changing up the offense a little bit next year and I guess the baseball players thought it would be beneficial to get know what's going on before going into next year. I highly doubt Sticky is going to comment on this issue. His main concerns right now is trying to get the baseball team ready to play the season. I think he could care less about spring football.


    I find it hard to believe that a player can make or break his football season in 10 spring practices. I would hope Dale would tell his players to be committed to their current sport.


    Does Dale let his football players start basketball during the football season?

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