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Everything posted by lcdawg4life

  1. I would get my butt handed to me if I tried to coach a high school football team but I would love to try or even be an assistant. I know offense pretty well but the main thing would be with this program is to teach fundamentals and basics as such and work our way up from there.
  2. I cant wait just to see some football being tossed around. Passing scrimmages are enough for me.
  3. Isnt TJ and native of Boyd County though? McPeek might be but I am just asking.
  4. Against Lawrence last year even the fans knew what the coaching staff for Lawrence was going to run because it was the same plays that had been working the entire night. The only reason LC won that game was because they made enough defensive stops.
  5. I had that game on tape and that hit was just unreal. I have been to a lot of big time football games and I have seen my fair share of hits that want to make you turn your head or simply say " did he survive that?" but that hit that Fred Dean put on him was completely NASTY. I havent seen a hit like that before or since then. UNREAL!!!!
  6. Great post, all four backs were amazing and fun to watch.
  7. Gross was great at Russell and West was an absolute men playing amongst boys. West was so much fun to watch.
  8. Beach and I'm a Lawrence County fan.
  9. I played many years of youth league over at Tolsia and still have a lot of friends from over there that I still talk to when I can. Frank Kitts was my coached and was more of a father-like coach than someone who really knows the game. I played with Dontae and Mike West and TJ Caudill. Even remembering going over to Ona to play against a team that had a QB who was suppose to be a real-deal football player, come to find out years later that QB we played against turned out to be JP Allen and he was a fine football player as we LC fans know.:thumb:
  10. Thanks for the kind words and I hope you and your family is doing great in Ohio. The first couple of weeks while we were conditioning and getting the boys into shape we tried kids at their natural position but also asked them to try other spots. Last year we had a kid who was an absolute bull as our back-up FB and after seeing how intense he was on every down we tried him at noseguard on defense and from then on out he absolutely dominated everyone. Great kid who has a bright future at the high school level, absolutely amazing to see a kid that young dominate as he did.
  11. Guys all I can say is thanks so much. I have been getting flooded with support and valuable information which I am going to take and keep. Thanks so much guys, keep it coming.
  12. That is how we did what we did last year, 3 yards and a cloud of dust.:thumb: I love that saying.
  13. Thank ya:thumb: We had the luxury of having a real talented backfield and offensive line. Our FB was so hardnosed that if there wasnt a hole he went ahead and try to make one. Really proud of this young man, without a FB your offense is essentailly predictable. Once we had him gaining 3-4 yards per play that when we knew we could run everything else. Our tailback was extremely quick so anytime we could use the wide side of the field then we would. All he really needed was a split second of daylight and he was gone.
  14. That is what we ran last year. We would test the middle early and often and when the defense started to squeeze down or bite on FB dives then that when we would run it off tackle of a sweep to the outside. Believe it or not, the simplified version of the wing-t that we used towards the end of the season last fall really worked and caught people off guard. Our team was really talented and smart so we could run the same plays in multiple formations and have great success with it.
  15. Old school offense is fun Option is a fun offense to run when its ran right and I will take all of this and thanks for the support. I am going to try and attend some clinics and seminars and actually get my hands dirty.
  16. Thanks guys, I have never had anyone try to "r" word me before. Cant wait for my videos to be in, I will be really busy when those things arrive.
  17. I am already in Eastern Kentucky and I dont know if the "r" words applies to coaches or not.
  18. Thanks for all the support and posts. Last fall I had a team who was really talented and football savy but it some aspects just seemed to lack the confidence or didnt think they were as good than anyone else. I would listen to their questions, answer them and try to explain it to them with direction and physical movements and actually getting down and showing it to them myself. Kinda like a big brother to some of the kids, after the first scrimmage that we lost and a little belief and support our team finished 9-1 and nobody scored on us the last 6 games. All this team needed was a little direction and confidence and I believe I was a part of given that to them. To me, that is what coaching is all about. Football is in my blood and I absolutely love it.
  19. What are some things that you would tell someone to apply while trying to become a quality coach? I have been in love with the game of football since I was about 4 and have been coaching for almost 2 years now in the youth league and this year will be coaching a 6th grade middle school squad. People have always told me that football is a sport that needs people who have a true "passion" for the game. I am truly one of those, I have watched old taped football games and dissect as best I can each play and why certain things happen and such. I just ordered some basic football videos on how to run certain offenses and line work as well as the defensive side. Basically what I want to do is to become an high school coach or just an assistant some day and I wonder if people on here have some ideas or just support as to what I can do. Thanks for your time and advice guys, take care.
  20. Great point, the Spread can work if with the right coaching and motivation. I believe that Boyd Co. could run it with much success just like last year. An undersized QB last year did a lot of good things for them and it can create matchup problems and makes a defense play sideline to sideline the entire game. I am personally a big fan of this offense and its beautiful when its run right.
  21. 436 yards rushing in one game for Michael West from Lawrence County against East Carter.
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