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Calico Jack

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Posts posted by Calico Jack

  1. I don’t see ANY 3A schools right now that would want to play up. Anybody else think I’m crazy on that?  Granted you have Central that moved back down to there, CAL as well as LexCath and still have Bardstown.  Other than that, though? Talk about a level playing field for the most part to give you a chance at at least playing in a region final.    Franklin-Simpson in there as well.      

    I don’t know though, all 6 classes, I think this one right here is without question the place to be to give yourself and your program a little hope for the most part. 

  2. Like so many others, I’m so happy for this program and Coach Kendrick! What an unbelievable run and to cap it off, winning the thing how they did? Hats off to the team, Coach Kendrick and staff.  

    Something else I’ve thought about, but this might be the only time I’ve ever heard of a school having three different state final appearances in moving up classes like they have.  The first one being in the 2A ‘94 final, then the second year into the new six class system they came up just yards short of winning the 4A ‘08 final and another 14 years later? Winning this ‘22 6A final.  

    I know with the change of 6 classes that we now have other programs who have won it across 3 different classes (still an incredible feat in their own rights), but they have been “baby” jumps so to speak.  But to go from 2A, then 4A and then 6A speaks volumes to my next point with those saying that maybe he needs to make the jump if something “better” was to come about…

    …the Mt. Washington community and Bullitt East just continues to grow.  You’re talking about (and, preaching to the choir here for many that know this) an area that is only going to continue to flourish, prosper and grow.  The high school is less than 5 miles from the Jefferson County border, it’s part of the Louisville Metro area, Bullitt East is a great school that has obviously hired some great people in their administrative leadership roles as well.   

    It’s a great town, a growing town/area, not only is it keeping its own people there (take the Egan’s for example), but due to its location and endless amount of jobs in the area (Jefferson, into Bullitt, on into Bardstown/Nelson County), it’s only going to continue to do what it’s been doing and that’s GROW.  Now you throw in the fact that their football program has finally won it all (several other sports men’s and women’s are always in the mix) and that’s just another reason to make it more attractive for families to move, send their son’s there.  

    Something else to think about when it comes to playing leap frog in the coaching game, but the good and I mean the GOOD jobs very seldom come open and if they do? They usually go internal (at least when things are going well).  

    He has a chance there to keep building something.  It’s a lot easier to build when you’re at a school, community, etc that is flourishing in every way imaginable.  I can promise you that Coach Kendrick knows that.  Him being a former Boyle County Rebel has taught him so much about what it takes no only on your end as a coach to build/continue to build a program, but ALSO just as important is the community where your school is that allows you to be able to build (growing town/area, jobs for families, top notch school system that values the total education process= athletics being an equal part in the development of the total student, good to great facilities with the private-booster financial backing from that same community).


    • Like 2
  3. On 11/22/2022 at 10:13 PM, Ram said:

    Honestly, shocked.  

    Now, what makes such a difference in the schools in the question.  Test scores, are different, graduation rate is different.  College attendance is different.  Why? 

    I’ll go ahead and say it, but maybe the clientele is just different? The entire make up. Jimmy’s, Jane’, Joe’s and Joan’s. The same thing you see on Friday nights when comparing programs.  Jimmy’s and Joe’s more times than not.  Not all schools and football programs are playing w the same deck of cards.  Or even close. 

    • Like 6
  4. Bardstown has also ran the ball a ton more this year, roughly 150 or so more attempts through 13 games as compared to last year.   I’m very happy to see them back, like ATL said, just nice to see them with a chance to go again.  Bardstown is a blue blood. They have been for years and will likely always will be.  

    No doubt whatsoever the injury to Greenwell has set them back. He has been as electric as any playmaker in the state the last few years, but they still have Ty Ty and Baby. You don’t need a lot of dudes, just a couple, and they still have a couple (to put it lightly).  

    Happy for Coach Clark and also seeing Mason County making their run. The Friday after Thanksgiving and football just go together and in the Bourbon City it just makes it even more special. 

    • Like 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, hrcarrier said:

    Very happy for Southwestern! I wonder how many more believers they have gained? There’s been a lot of talk about Frederick Douglass, but I honestly think Scott County may have just been about as hot as FD coming into tonight’s game. Congratulations again to Southwestern, I’m pulling for them the rest of the way.

    I can’t believe why people wouldn’t believe.

     This game had the makings of a classic.

    Scott County and the powerhouse Jim McKee has built there and then throw in a Southwestern program that has been to what? 8 or 9 region titles since 2011 and this now being their 2nd region title in that time? If that took any real convincing to anybody that they had a real shot of winning this game, then those people haven’t been paying enough attention.

    • Like 2
  6. At the Douglass game someone was keeping up with it on NFHS and said Scott County only had the ball twice in the 2nd half? Both programs are the real deal. Southwestern has been in the region title 6 or 7 times in the last 8 years.  Good to see two old school teams and in one of the “big boy” classes at that make it this far with their styles of play, but only one could advance. Congrats to Southwestern!  Talk about two programs that just continue to always knock on the door and then some.  

  7. 6 minutes ago, theguru said:

    I agree!

    A lot of that is credit to Station but I agree they don't look right tonight. 

    Just from a personnel standpoint and that isn’t a knock, but they almost look, dare I say? “Normal”? And I mean that in regards that they look like some, while better than most, other high school programs instead of almost always standing out, or so it seems, across the board. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, Colonels_Wear_Blue said:

    His name certainly seems to make the rounds each year in hiring conversations.

    He does one heck of a job.  We all see it on here all the time, where records seem to be the be all end all with so many (often times or all of the times, they become issues with guys on here who are low key trying to get jobs and upset they aren’t in the conversation, let’s just call that what it is)…

    Coach Stonebraker is one of those guys that has, in my opinion, made the most of what he has had.  In his better years has he had some better players? Absolutely. I don’t know a coach who hasn’t attributed their successful years to having better players.  

    With Stonebraker, and there are others, with overall career records that aren’t exactly the most eye popping.  But, when you watch his teams you can tell from the bat that they are well coached, put in position to win, disciplined & the compete even when out manned. 

    The really good jobs don’t come open very often and there is a reason why they don’t come open, yet while on the contrary, there are jobs that almost seemingly always come open and those are the jobs that you have to try and make good jobs.  

    …There are also reasons why those come open…  


    The good jobs have been the good jobs for years for the most part, and they will for the foreseeable future as far as any of us are concerned. 

    I have no idea if he is interested or not. In a day and age where far more people are leaving education/coaching than they are getting into it, If your admin is worth their salt at all, you seek out people who still want, can and love coaching ….if they have won any at all at places similar to yours? It’s an automatic you call them.

      If you’re a program that has more talent than they’ve (coach in interest) has ever had, yet they’ve won any at all at their prior/current school(s) then that’s even more reason to call them up.

    Steve Stonebraker is one of those guys.  

    • Like 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, Brown said:

    2 power running teams - coin flip but SW hasn’t lost so I’m rolling with them.

    You said it. Both very physical, “old school”, very talented, well coached and come right at you.  This will be one heck of a game IMO as well.  

    This is Southwestern’s 8th Region Title game since 2014 -their 7th straight since 2016. Throw in Scott County and the program they’ve been under Jim McKee for 20-25 years that the whole state is firmly aware of and this has the makings for a potential classic.

    • Like 5
  10. Union just seems to be really good no matter who they play or the style.  Looking at their stats and those of their opponents, it looks like several teams have tried to have some sort of balance…..yet have struggled against UC. Ironically enough, the one team to put up the most points on them this year was Murray who only threw it 4 times. 

  11. On 11/7/2022 at 8:00 PM, Ram said:

    I think that is the common belief, but it is a conclusion without supporting evidence.  For example:  You have a school with 1,000 boys in the building.  950 of them can't walk and chew gum at the same time, it's some kind of geographical oddity.  So, you have 50 players that come out and play football.   This school down the road had 300 boys in the building and 92 of them come out for football.  Who wins in the annual rivalry game?  

    I know some would say this is an absurd example.   But, it's not that far fetched.  In my area, Raceland is a 1A school that is supported by two small towns, Raceland and Worthington.  Raceland has a population of 2,000 and Worthington has a population of 1,500.  They have about 80-90 kids per class.  They dress 50-65 football players.  These players are not the kids of olympic athletes.  Down the road, Greenup County High School sits, it's enrollment is four times that of Raceland and they dress 50 players, or so.  Raceland normally beats Greenup County.  

    Is this rare?  No.  Next door, Boyd County is the same.  Next door, Carter County's two schools are bigger, no different result.  It happens all over the state. 

    Pikeville is the same.  NCC is the same, Campbelsville is the same, Williamsburge same.

    Are there really small 1A schools?  Yes, there are.  But, what obstacles do those school face?  Is it purely due to enrollment?  I would say sometimes, but not most of the time.  

    This is true for every class.  For example:  for years, Henderson County was the largest high school in the state.  Did they ever challenge Trinity and St. X for the 6A title?  Nope.  Why not, they were a lot bigger.   

    Football towns.  Always have been. Always will be. It’s in the fabric at those places.  There are so many “county” schools out there that if the one county school system blew up and went back to individual community schools, the football program wouldn’t take a hit whatsoever (many coming from parts of the county where there wasn’t a football program before consolidation and for whatever reasons, wasn’t important to a large part of the families there then, and isn’t now).

    There is a reason why Mayfield, Beechwood, Bowling Green, Highlands, Hazard, Pikeville, Danville, Owensboro, Somerset, Glasgow, Tilghman, Bardstown, Corbin and I could go on and on have been fixtures since Day 1 and they’ll be after we are long gone. 

    Might they have some “down” spells here and there? Sure, but not for long. 

    I’m not sure what the answer, personally I just think there is a huge gap across multiple factors between the haves and have nots. It’s the same reason why year in year out you can pick 4-5 programs in each class (if that many), give others the field and you’re gonna be right in the “pick’em” a lot more times than not.

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, AgainstTheGrain said:

    Highlands has a few coaches on staff that know the wing t style offensive from their days of playing at HHS back in the early 90s. If you understand it, then you can stop it. Those coaches do coach the defense. This is going to be a great game not to miss. 


    Honest question here, but do you happen to know from those guys if Coach Duffy ran the Delaware system or not?  I know he had them in more of a two wing set, often times shitfting and motioning to a wing, fB and set back. All of the backs were also in 2 point/up stances and while at Highlands was a heavy 20’s (Buck), 30’s (Power) and some 80’s (Belly) series 

    Later on at Henderson when he had Duffer at QB, they were in a lot of two wing, two split looks (flexbone look) and , in Delaware terms, were more versed in the 40’s (Veer) and 80’s (Belly) while also still being a 20’s and 30’s series team as well.

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