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Calico Jack

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Posts posted by Calico Jack

  1. I was just thinking about Siple being the guy! Also, what about the assistant coach that is at Bellevue, that coached at Campbell for awhile (I believe). His name is Troy. Do not know his last name though, maybe something like Stier or Stein?


    Styer. Yes he was the head coach before Lickert taking over and has been helping at Bellevue.

  2. It won't be Yeast...if it is for some crazy reason then I would be shocked along with losing all respect for St. X and their ability to get a stable and quality coach. If you have looked at Yeast's track record...he is ALWAYS looking for the next best thing...bouncing around from school to school. I would think St. X would want someone like Scroggins, Wallace or Chuck Smith who have been successful where they have been along with stable. JMHO.


    Playing 100% Devil’s Advocate here, but if it were


    1992- People wouldn’t be saying to hire Chuck Smith because he left Allen County- Scottsville after only one year as their head coach in 1987 where he took the Campbellsville job in 88 only to leave for it for Boyle County after the 91 or 92 season. 25 years ago the thoughts amongst the masses on him would be much different than they are now.


    Kevin Wallace was let go from Warren East after being their head coach for 10 or so years with not one winning record, a losing record overall and no playoff wins.


    See Kevin Wallace? See Ty Scorggins prior to getting the Central job. Nobody even knew he existed in the coaching ranks while he was at Doss.

  3. I read everything in this thread about skill position type guys and guys playing on both sides of the ball, but the biggest and most important question for me is the Offensive Line. Are there 6 to 8 guys that can get the job done without someone having to change positions?


    Also, is Weinrich going to finally use guys on both sides of the ball? Hard to believe it has taken 3 plus years to figure that out if so.


    Lastly, does anyone have a schedule for next year?


    No changes next year just flip the sites from this past season.

  4. He was recruited by Mid Major D1 (MAC, Conf USA, American) and Big 10 and SEC on a very limited Basis. Had offers from the MAC and Conf USA, EKU and Murray State. PWO from Louisville. He commited to Toledo, but they are in an over signing situation and have some Seniors that they want to bring back for a 5 year. A whole bunch of factors went into them not signing him during early signing period on 12/21. They have every intention on signing him on 2/7 but may or may not consider a Grey shirt. If so, he will not be a scholarship athlete until Spring Semester 2019. (not ideal, but not end of the world).


    He tore his labrum (shoulder dislocations) in the 1st game this past season vs Cov Cath. Sat out 3 games, came back for 3 more, then shut it down for surgery so he could be cleared before College camp starts late June. The 3 games he came back, his shoulder dislocated just about every other play. Would just go in and out on its own. Hard to complain about this process but it still is an opportunity nonetheless. Level heads prevail, right?


    You got that right. If they pull an offer after both parties seriously involved for that length of overall time, and over a torn labrum then I hope they never win another game.

  5. Williamstown ever thought about starting up a program? I’d say they’d be the most viable option of any kind of success in the county. Grant being 5A in a town of only 2,000 meaning the vast majority of their kids coming from all over the county (outside of Williamstown) isn’t a recipe for football prosperity more than not.

  6. Is an offer when the coaches say they want you on the team??

    Is an offer when they give you a full scholarship?

    Is an offer when they say they want you on the team but do not have a scholarship?


    What about if you get a letter and they say "wanted to let you know that, after watching your film and reviewing your academic credentials, you are the exact type of student-athlete that we want here at..." or "You have been identified as a potential recruit for us in our 2019 class and our staff is very excited to begin the recruiting process with you!"


    Have they personally contacted you and I’m not talking about the same letter template that they send to thousands that they found on a recruiting database?

  7. We verbally committed my son, but unfortunately he was hit with an injury bug. Had to have some surgery. Schools don't like bringing kids in to recover on the clock. So they like to delay their eligibility as much as possible. Give them time to recover, Physical Therapy. Then give them an extra year on the back end of their college career when they are obviously playing their best football. I get it. Just a hard pill to swallow for a 17 year old kid.


    For starters I would like to say that I’m sure I speak for all in wishing your son the best in his recovery.


    Do you mind if I ask the level of schools that are recruiting him? The injuries?

  8. I don't know the politics of that area, but it seems they would do well to consolidate city and county.


    If it weren’t for South Fulton High School (TN) then that would happen. The KY/TN line in Fulton runs right through the middle of the town. The street is actually called State Line Street. Fulton City’s football stadium even sits along it and across the street? Tennessee.


    If they merged city and county the belief is that nothing would be gained because the kids on the Kentucky side would just go less than a mile to South Fulton High in TN.


    Fulton County High School in Hickman sits right along the Mississippi River and is about a 20 mile drive from Fulton, KY (Fulton City HS).

  9. NFL- Very little except the playoffs. I'm not a Packers fan, but I A-A-ron Rogers is the man.

    MLB- Couldn't tell you even the last World Series game I watched.

    NHL- When in Nashville and the Preds are playing across the street at Bridgestone & we are watching a great band with drinks in hand on Broadway is one hell of a party.

    NBA- More than any of the other three, but I'm not sure what that says

    Golf Majors- Every shot of The Masters & usually the Thursday of the others. Friday - Sunday during the summer? Inside we aren't except for maybe the Sunday of the U.S. Open with it being on Father's Day.

  10. #48 who tried to fight a staff member has been sent packing to Tenn State.


    I had seen a tweet right after that happened where somebody said, "#48 (forget his name) gone from Alabama only to land at Middle Tennessee State only to never be heard of again." Nothing against either institution, but at least they called the right state.


    As Larry the Cable Guy once made popular, "That's funny I don't care who you are."

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