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Lions Paw

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Everything posted by Lions Paw

  1. Is there anyone on the now (former) staff that could step in? You never know sometimes the answers are right in front of you?
  2. If they select someone from the original group of candidates, it makes it a tough sell for the new coach. How could you expect the kids to by in right away when they know you weren't the first choice.
  3. Any news on hiring coaches to fill out his staff? I'm sure the players are itching to get back to offseason workouts.
  4. Congratulations to Coach James! Also, congratulations to Highlands and to the committee for their selection. It will be interesting to see how quickly this transition takes place.
  5. Looks like things could be changing. Traditionally Highlands hasn't worn any colors that recognized special causes on the field. Just the blue and white from what I recall.
  6. Let's keep things in perspective here. There is NO way hiring a new coach hinges on the opinion of a senior to be player. I'm sure he's there to observe and learn the process. This is not uncommon. There have been advance level students sit in on hiring teachers for English, Math and Science. I'm sure they'll hire the best candidate possible.
  7. I guess we're getting close. Lickert, Bathiany, Reed and whatever is going on with Wolfe. How many are left, 3?
  8. Good point. Maybe having 10-12 committee members is a reason a new coach hasn't been selected? Or the pool of candidates is shallow.
  9. Does anyone know an accurate number of coaches that received interviews? I've heard anywhere from 8 to 11.
  10. I'm not sure if this is rumor or fact but I was told today two of the former assistant coaches have already received coaching positions at another school. I believe one of them had several years at Highlands coaching football?
  11. You sound like an individual that should be on the interview "committee". Have the interviews began or just scheduled at this point?
  12. I heard the selection committee to hire the new head coach has been set. Interviews expected to begin early next week.
  13. You make a valid point about time spent solely on football for the HC's. I'm not exactly sure but I believe Coach Mueller taught one or two AP classes a day. Both classes were early in the morning which left him a lot of time preparing for football. Yes, he was also the AD but he had a full-time secretary that handled a "ton" of the workload. Coach Weinrich had a full schedule teaching 6 plus classes per day.
  14. Any new developments? Has a timeline been developed to get a new coach in place?
  15. By now everyone knows the status of Weinrich, but what about the rest of the staff? Not sure how a situation like this works.
  16. Just to be clear, this was HHS Freshman vs NCC Froshmore. Great game by both teams. Lots of fans from both sides in attendance. HHS Freshman complete their season 8-1.
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