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Posts posted by Watchmen

  1. My observations of Scott are limited. From what I have seen, they can be a very dangerous team but play really loose. While that can be fun for the players, it’s a bad formula against good teams. Shooting contested 3’s, loose with the ball when you have the lead late in games allows a good team to come from behind and win.

    My opinion: coaches need to drive accountability for better in game decisions by players. Otherwise, this team may do a little damage but certainly won’t contend.

  2. In my opinion that is not the way you go about a protest. If your goal is to offend is desecrate the honor of those who have fought and died, them mission accomplished. There are other ways to go about s protest and this is simply not it. While you are making your point, you are also offending the majority in this country and I don’t see how this can be helping your cause. Even if it is 25% of the people offended I don’t see how that’s helping your cause

    Find a way that doesn’t desecrate the memories of our defenders Don’t show a careless attitude


    I also disagree that if you shut down the professional sports. That will get immediate attention and maybe force a dialogue. All the anthem protests do is force a decisive prolonged dialogue that just divides.

  3. Winners. Every person that has lost a loved one or a dear friend protecting this countries freedoms


    So here is my biggest problem. Protesting during the national anthem clearly touches many people in different ways. A lot, like me, see it as the wrong forum and find it “very offensive” to memories of those lost protecting this country or sacrificing daily serving it

    Why not do something a little differntly? If you believe in the protest that strongly. Why not sit out games? Why not have the NFL. NBA. NHL MLB MLS just simply refuse to play in protest. Shut the leagues down! That will drawl more attention than they could ever want. The only people offended by this display would be the owners that most so adimently hate.

    Do the paychecks get in the way for the players?

    If that is the reasoning the. You are not that strongly committed in my opinion. If you are t that strongly committed then why “offend “ so many by kneeling during the anthem

  4. I believe there is more freedom of choice in the US than any other country. This leaves the option to make bad choices as well. Additionally, guns are accessible as previously mentioned - legally and illegally. I ponder the answer to the question often: we embrace a lot of violence in our society, movies and video games especially which bear the risk of desensitizing those who watch or participate to violence....just a theory. Our schools need change...


    I support some of what you have said. The thing that bothers me the most is the hypocrisy of individuals that have access to microphones or television. For example, how many Hollywood actors argue against violence, yet have made a living of participating in violent movies? Leonardo DiCaprio..... talks a lot about the environment yet probably produces a larger carbon footprint than all the people combined that will read this thread. I fly from canes on private jet to UN just to give speech on environment and then fly back on private jet. I lecture Singapore on the environment while I’m cruising around on my private yacht damaging their coral reef.


    Just a few examples as this list can be added to for months


    I make this comment because most of the violence glorified in this country is portrayed by the individuals that are the first to grab a microphone. Do as I say but it’s ok for me to do it because I am important


    Lastly. I find it pretty telling that we have allowed god to be removed from our public schools and it seems to me that violence has increased. When was the last ti,s we had s mass shooting at a catholic or Christian school?

  5. According to the CDC information that is dated 5/28


    Alcohol related deaths 54k

    Drug abuse 10k

    Druge overdoes 6k

    Gun related deaths 4.6k

    texting while driving 2.4k


    Just to name a few... and there are plenty of additional statistics in addition to the few I mentioned. Source; Romans322.com which is a compilation of CDC data.


    That said, it seems to me that if you really want to impact the death rate in the country. We should really go after Alcohol, driving and drug users (including your recreational marijuana users). Gun related deaths are so statistically insignificant that its really white noise in terms of impact of overall deaths in this country.


    Of the 4,600 gun related deaths, the one thing I would like to know is how many occurred with illegal guns or stolen guns? I would be will to be that number is a significant percentage of the total.

  6. Why?


    The first person to bring the Koreas to the table after 60+ years to formally end their war and give hope the two may finally start easing tensions


    North Korea on record of saying they will end their nuclear development program and Missile development program.


    South Korea’s has praised the United States and said this would not of happened without their support


    I can’t think of any reason this shouldn’t warrant such an honor

    Before anyone starts on all the other controversial stuff. I’m talking this accomplishment. Nothing else

  7. Several NBA executives have been on record as saying that the Ball boy is not even on their radar. They don’t even view him as a project for the d-league.


    Now one may take him to try and sale tickets, but in the end the kid will spend most of his time as a journeyman trying to latch on to an oversees team. My prediction is he will eventually try and become an agent with his dad touting him as the worlds best.


    Their former coach oversees said he saw some potential in the youngest Ball but he must improve I don’t remember his exact stats but he was shooting in the low to mid 20s and according to his coach he gave no effort on defense. In fact, I believe he was benched for poor play and attitude which prompted the sudden move for hem to come home.



  8. Ryle is the favorite coming into this game but there coaching staff has a huge delima.


    Do you press and run the risk of foul trouble? I’m not sure Ryle can replace shearer if she is in foul trouble and with niece running point sk is usually very tough to turnover. Ryle tends to front load their press and sk is very good at stretching the floor and can and will get some easy baskets. If Ryle sends shearer to preassure the ball then she may be proan to some quick fouls.


    Ryles head coach has proven to make some strategic mistakes during games so can they handle a big game?


    Sk is more seasoned with state tourney experience so I don’t see them being rattled and probably playing a little looser given they are the underdog. Coaches have been there and done that


    My keys to the game



    Limit Ryle to one shot on offense

    Take care of the ball

    Contain shearer and stay in front of her

    Don’t let Ryle have early big start



    Stay out of foul trouble

    Must produce 2nd chance points

    Familiarity with NKU may help them to early start

  9. Great Job ladies!!!!


    What a great atmosphere for the girls. The placed was packed and loud for both teams!


    Lady pioneers showed some moxi by playing thru two huge runs by Anderson. With exception of the first 3 or 4 minutes to start the game, and a a late run by Anderson, SK controlled the entire game. Anderson’s late run cut it to 6 but in the blink of an eye SK was back up by 15 and the hung on for the win.


    I haven’t watched this group as much this year but they proved they can play thru adversity. Very impressed with how they kept their composure throughout


    Best of luck at state and I know you can run really deep this year!!

  10. My two cents as to difference in game


    GC kept playing and never changed who they are no matter what the score was. Ball moves and every player is a threat Defensively they really focused on sk offensive sets and jumped the passes multiple times. Sk offensively and defensively very predictable


    SK offensively is very predictable. They tend to focus on being carried by one player. The vast majority of their offensive sets were trying to get the ball to neice off low curls and back screens. I didn’t see the majority of the rest of the team offensively involved unless they created on their own. Big kid was not utilized on offense. Defensively sk didn’t change after GC found things that were working. As good offensively as the freshmen was, I thought GC took advantage of him on the defensive side multiple times. Sk presses late and was effective but should have been pressing much earlier in my opinion Almost made a game of it at the end but GC was able to hang on for the win

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