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Posts posted by KYBleacherButt

  1. It was a good game to watch. I don't think Hayden Smith gets the credit he should. He shoots a lot but give their other options (Jackson excluded) I can understand why.


    Something did seem odd to me. Right as the game ended, before the handshake even, the West student section rushed the court (game was at East). They then jumped up and down and chanted towards the East student section. I stuck around to see if anything would transpire but it didn't. To be honest the East student section, and other fans, didn't seem nearly as upset about this as I would have expected. I wasn't sure if this was common for the rivalry or something else I wasn't aware of.

  2. From a rematch perspective...


    I'd like to see Boyle Co get another shot at Lexington Catholic.

    I also wouldn't mind seeing Boyle Co against Dunbar with Elkins.

    I'd also like to see Lincoln Co against LCA. That game may have been the best I've seen LCA play all year.

    Or Lincoln Co against Bryan Station. Again, that is probably the best game I've seen Bryan Station play all year. Though the big boy for Lincoln, likely played football, didn't play in that game.

    I'll get to see Wayne Co and Scott Co play again tomorrow but that was a hell of a game.

    Wayne Co vs Dunbar was one of the best games I've seen this year in terms of excitement. It's hard to go wrong with a 1 point game when both teams score 80+.


    With that said, I think any of the potential matchups will be good. I have no doubt that that game will be a good one to watch because whoever it is that makes it from either region is going to have to earn it on multiple nights. Many regions are 1-2 teams deep in terms of the top quality and other teams have a chance to sneak in. Whatever two teams make it to Rupp from those regions will have already proved to me they can beat anyone at Rupp just by getting through those regions.

  3. I'd love a shot clock. Maybe 35 seconds? 40?


    My biggest issue that I see is that you've had a great game, close throughout and one team gets up 4-5 points with 4 minutes to play and they pull it out. I'd want the clock to be long enough for teams to have time to run their offense but at the same time I don't want teams to be able to hold the ball for 2-3 minutes at a time.


    I once witnessed a game go to 3 overtimes with a final score of 32-28. It was awful. In one overtime a team won the tip and held it for all 4 minutes.

  4. Looking at it in terms of the quarterfinal sections...


    5th/2nd should be a good matchup on Wednesday afternoon. Then likely 3rd vs that winner on Friday should be good as well.


    I wouldn't expect the Wednesday evening session to be that competitive, I'd expect the 9th/6th to go through easily. The likely matchup of 9th vs 6th on Friday should be really good.


    The Thursday afternoon foursome is loaded. The 15th isn't strong but the other three regions are some of the strongest in the state. Not only in terms of top teams but depth. Some other regions could send a weaker team if someone gets upset but that's not really the case in the 7th, 11th, and 12th.


    Knott should have an easy path to the semis from the Thursday night session.


    Overall I think it is a fairly balanced bracket top to bottom. Obviously some paths are a bit easier than others but each quarterfinal session could have someone come out of it that is a legitimate title contender.

  5. The tourney was down overall this year. The lower bracket was very competitive, but not very strong. Other than LCA no one matched up with NCC at all. I was actually surprised by the NCC and LCA score (thought it would be a 10 or 15 point game at best). This is not the norm for this tourney if you have seen many of them. Still NCC may have been better served in the long run to have played 3 or 4 tough opponents over the last couple weeks instead of the A-teams they obliterated in that time frame. Considering who they will have to play in their region, they didnt get to see alot of teams in that echelon of teams. Still kudos for a very dominant tourney run as expected.


    I didn't think the tournament was down. I think the lopsidedness was just due to NewCath being that good as opposed to the field being worse than usual.

  6. Congrats to all these guys. Only asking because I don't know, but do these teams get to travel to rupp if they win their regions as well?


    Yes, they can make it to Rupp. Many have a decent shot to get there. NewCath is a favorite in the 9th with CovCath. LCA is one of many teams in the 11th that could win it. I wouldn't say any of these teams are the favorite but it wouldn't shock me if they won their region: Murray (1st), Monroe (4th), Owen (8th), Williamsburg (13th), Shelby Valley (15th), & Elliott (16th).

  7. LCA is capable of beating NCC. I think things will have to fall right for it to happen though. LCA has a ton of size, one great player (Rose), one great shooter (Nighbert), and a lot of other good players. I've seen LCA play a bunch and the one knock I'd say against them is that they are a finesse team. They don't like for teams to body up against them and get physical. That is partially how Buckhorn came back against them in the 3rd quarter yesterday. Buckhorn took it at the big mens' chests and negated their length advantage. Also, as a whole LCA seems to get frustrated if they get behind. So if NCC jumps out on them I'd be surprised if LCA made a comeback.


    Another thing I'd add is that LCA's length combined with their press can be very effective. I've seen NCC have trouble with pressure in the past. I seem to think in the King of the Bluegrass last year NCC had trouble with PRP's press and that allowed PRP back into the game and to eventually win. Lawnboy or someone else that knows the team better may be able to correct me if my memory is wrong.


    One last thing, for my money, I think Matt Rose is the best player in the tournament (obviously no offense to McDonald, Weyer, Williams or any of the other great players there). And you never know what can happen when you've got the best player on your side.


    Having said all that, I'd have to guess NCC by about 8-10.

  8. To me, this is an intentional foul because the defender grabbed his upper arms and shoulders and held him down. It was just called a hard foul in the game. What say you referees of BGP?



    Live I didn't think it was intentional. However seeing it again, and from a completely different angle, I could certainly see it being called intentional. If forced to say I think it probably should have been.

  9. August and September birthdays are always the "swing" months for kids entering school, specifically kindergarten. Some parents elect to send those kids who have just turned five or will just be turning five to school which makes them very young for their grade. Others elect to let them wait a year and enter as they just turn six or will be turning six right after school year begins. These kids become the older group of a grade. In the case of these birthday months those that become part of the older group are not hold backs, such as the case of yourself.


    This thread started with the false assumption that an 8th grader playing varsity was actually 16. It was cleared up the 8th grader was 15, which as an 8th grader would be a hold back at some point of their academic career, but not unusual in the sense a 16 year old 8th grader would obviously be.


    Yeah, I was just trying to provide some independent evidence to show that a 15 year old 8th grader isn't too crazy as it is only a year off from myself. I didn't articulate that well, or at all, though.

  10. Actually, I think the more appropriate question is, why even have an All A Tournament for any sport? I personally think it's worthless. I hate the fact that the "small" schools play the victims year in and year out. Hasn't it out lived its usefulness? Sorry, I'm not a fan never have been, never will be.....


    I'm not sure how you could go to the ALL A and watch the emotions from these kids during these games and think that. The way Danville or Monroe County or others celebrated today was much like 8 teams will celebrate on a Wednesday/Thursday in Rupp in a few weeks. Or the way the Shawnee players wept on the bench much like 8 teams will weep on a Wednesday/Thursday in Rupp in a few weeks. I saw 16 teams today that wanted to have fun, win a game, and advance to play tomorrow. I didn't see a single victim.

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