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Posts posted by dallaslaredo

  1. Are we gonna continue to have these kinds of threads every week? Almost seem like after each loss there is another thread asking whats wrong with Highlands. Are folks really that giddy that Highlands is having a bad year and taking shots since they haven't been able to for roughly 30 years? My goodness


    People watch NASCAR for the wrecks, not to see who wins. Highlands is an uncharacteristic 1-6 and a dumpster fire right now, so yes the threads will continue because it's a headline and unusual. If Cov Cath beats them it will break the internet.

  2. It's funny that you have a 1-6 team that has multiple running clocks put on them and they still garner twice as much attention as the teams that are supposed to be the best. And almost all of these polls, inquiries and hate threads are not started by HHS fans. So to me, when people are talking about your team, they are still relevant and they are still in the hunt in the future. People know it. If that wasn't true, they wouldn't be getting all this attention. What other 1-6 team that has falllen out of every poll has twice as much conversation about them than the best teams in the area??


    Don't give yourself too much credit, people like to talk about extremes..the highs and the lows. If u were 3-3, it would be less interesting. And how is it hateful to discuss and comment on a 1-6 team? One of the most storied programs in the Commonwealth is 1-6 and you thought no one would notice? "we knew it was coming" "2 year downturn" "the calvary is coming" sounds a lot like the ROTC student in Animal House..."remain calm, all is well"

  3. Aces should never be part of the discussion. Go look at stats when Assumption plays Sacred Heart and tell me how many Aces there are. 2? 3? total for the match combined for both teams. High end volleyball isn't about Aces, it's about aggressive serving that puts a team out of system, and there's not a stat for that.


    It's real easy to run off double digit Aces when you play weak teams who simply can't serve receive. And there are a lot of teams like that.

  4. I encourage everyone, including you, to go back and look at post #1 in the thread "Highlands-is the calvary coming?" Pay close attention to who posted the first post.


    Yea, and if you had read the first post, you would know that I'm not the one saying, and more inportantly, not the one who started saying, 'the cavalry is coming'. Only the staunchest Highlands supporters and direct pipeline insiders are saying that. I asked what are they basing it on?

  5. FWIW, it was not a Highlands Fan that started that thread. Not saying you said it was, but I thought it was important to mention that it was not a Highlands fan that started saying that.


    Yes it was - in fact it's only Highlands fans that are saying that. They're the insiders, and they know more than us outsiders about their program and have been very clear to point that out. They all know what we don't know and have posted many times about it. Shall I repost them all?

  6. With 100% confidence, I see it posted over and over by Highlands defenders..."we knew this year was coming"..."2 year dip"..."the cavalry is coming". I would ask - to what are you basing this on? Frosh scores? JV scores? Youth football league scores? Those are Fool's Gold. Future success is guaranteed to no one. How do you know that this isn't the new normal?

  7. I think the running clock adds to the blowout because the clock will run whether you throw or run...so coaches think, why not run the "normal" offense with the 2's or 3's, which usually involves throwing and actually leads to more scoring. In a blowout situation, the victor should not be throwing no matter what your "offense" is.


    If it's a regular clock, no coach in his right mind is going to throw the ball and stop the clock and look bad...it would be all runs, and likely less scoring.

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