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Posts posted by FSfan

  1. This series for FS has been probably the hardest one to predict in recent memory. Whenever I think it will be a blowout either way, it’s usually a close game and whenever it looks like it will be close, it becomes a blowout. Early in the season I was pretty confident this would be a comfortable win for Greenwood but now I think it is a toss-up. If I were impartial I might pick the Gators but I think FS may pull out a close one, especially if they continue to force as many turnovers as they have. 

  2. When I got to the stadium tonight and saw how big Glasgow’s linemen and receivers were I thought FS was in trouble. FS has to play fast and aggressive on defense to make up for their lack of size and that’s what cost them on the first Glasgow TD. I was surprised that Glasgow didn’t take more shots downfield and try to let their bigger receivers go up for a jump ball. More shocking to me was the fact that FS actually did that a couple of times and made the catch. There were 2 plays in particular where the Scottie defender was right there in perfect position and somehow FS got the ball, including the first TD. Glasgow has the talent to make a playoff run if they can cut out the mistakes. 

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