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Posts posted by LMS

  1. This is my last argument. What if??


    Player from Ohio breaks the national point record her Sr. year, let's say it's 5,000 points. 4 years Varsity.


    Player from Ky, a year later breaks the record her Sr. year, let's say 5,005. 6 years Varsity. MS play 7th and 8th grade.


    Is that fair? Is it recognized? Do they just take the best 4 years? How do you compare? Legitimize the record?


    Varsity scoring points are varsity points. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

  2. Maddie is going to be a great player and so is Juliet and Lauren and all three can make contributions now. Please let's not put undue pressure on these outstanding young ladies by starting to recant our 3rd 4th and 5th person interpretations of how a practice session did or did not go. RC asked for some Union input..here ya go:


    1) There is no written rule on Boone County middle school players moving up..therefore it's subject to the interpretation of the person relaying what they heard. Henry..if you analyze your own statement you could deduct it makes no sense. Ryle has two 8th graders and a 7th grader that have made the varsity team. If what you said were accurate, all three would start or be the 6th, 7th, and 8th player in. C'mon man. With that said...any of the 3 or all 3 could contribute.


    2) Ryle's four returning starters are as solid as any team would want and here's the beauty...NO returning starter should think their spot is owed to them based on anything other than their "bringing it" every day in practice and showing their leadership on and off the floor. Lady Raiders are blessed with 10 upper classman (9 Jrs and a SR). 7 of the 9 Jrs had intense AAU experiences over the summer and all improved their game as did many others in the 9th


    3) When you add #1 and #2..here's what ya get: 4 returning JR starters of Lang, Jump, Jones, and Schwartz with several other solid upperclassman and 3 outstanding middle school players...all capable of stepping in. Look for a very competitive team coming your way from Union!


    My point exactly. No winning coach is going to base their decision on who starts or plays on the student's grade but on their ability to be the best player for the position.

  3. This is what we are talking about!


    However, I am hearing rumors of Boone Co schools starting to reach into the MS because of the new rule change and trying to get their hands on the best of the middle school kids and playing them against other Boone schools. Again, rumors, but if that's happening, then they better figure out how to put a stop to that asap or it will escalate into a ton of issues. I hope that's not really the case...bringing up kids because they can and to keep the other schools off of them.


    If it is to bring kids up so other schools don't get them then I think that is wrong. But some on this thread seemed to be stating it was either all or nothing. I just believe it depends on the individual kid. There shouldn't be a rule of thought that all MS are not ready for HS ball or that they should only be allowed to play freshman and JV.


    It is a valid point that if a MS player is not strong she can be hurt by an older, stronger player. However you can be a small 9th or 10th grader and hurt by a bigger stronger senior as well.

  4. Its always difficult to debate player list because it can appear you're trying to knock one of the players on the list...and that's not the case as all 10 are solid contributors to their teams. But Beechwoods' Steumpel would have to be on this list IMO.


    RC spot on with Ryle...4 returning starters each bring different tools that compliment each other...Schwartz top player consideration if you look at all facets of her game..all 4 have college interest


    If the 9th Region is up this year which we established in another thread then the top 10 players list would leave out several really good candidates. Several not mentioned may be better all around players than some listed in other regions. No one in mind just making a general statement.

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