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Posts posted by GreyFox

  1. Just about every school district has the ability to have students who live out of district. Are you upset Boone Coumty schools don't have that ability. That sounds like a problem with Boone County, not Catholic schools.

    I'm not upset at all.


    I never said schools cheat either. I simply stated advantages some have over others is all.

  2. Eh, not really upset. Just mildly annoyed. Then I realized that it's useless to argue with some who has decided something isn't fair because they don't win.


    We win plenty thanks. I'm also not unhappy, quite the contrary. I'm extremely proud of Cooper's short history and what they accomplished. Actually it means more knowing they've won what they've won not having the same advantages other schools have.

  3. This is why you always have extended exchanges with people on here... It's sometimes the "bits and pieces" that people take issue with.


    I never disagreed with your entire post.. That's why I don't need to post it.


    I and FC disagreed with "bits and pieces" of it...


    Is that unfair?


    If I type a 4 paragraph post... Are you not allowed to respond and disagree with one or two sentences?


    Ofcourse you are...

    FC claimed the post he quoted of mine had no reference to dominate.


    Simple as that. I showed where that post I did mention it and since I pointed that fact out he has disappeared. That's all, that's how it should be. Then you started up with the entire misunderstanding also claiming I'm not haiku with the bengals being 7-0 when I never said that at all

    And tried to explain to you what this topic was about. 10

    Point spread. Simple as that and why I wouldn't bet on the game and take the points. From there you took my reasoning as to mean I think the team is bad and I'm not happy with 7-0.

  4. Nope, you said.. "They don't look like a 7-0 team"... Nothing was twisted.


    Taking a turn off the thread's topic? Yes


    Twisted? No



    Go read the entire post. Post the entire post. You just proved my point when I just quoted one part of your list and didn't show the entire post you listed to show how you and FC take bits and pieces and conviently ignore the rest of the post to fit your argument.


    You did exactly what I said you were doing.

  5. Again, you're the one that's confused I think. I know for a fact that I'm at least the third person on here you've accused of "misreading" your posts in just the last two days.


    So, maybe you're mis-typing things you intend to get across... Remember, it's not just the words... It's tone as well.


    I literally saw you last night arguing that you said "bad throw that probably should've been caught by Eiffert" but you swore you didn't say "Andy threw a bad pass, but it should've been caught".. I mean, you have the reading problem..


    Someone help me out here, because I can't remember the other poster..maybe it was Gametime?


    Reading what you posted you clearly misunderstood what I posted.


    With GT and FC both I posted my post they misquoted. Just go back in this thread and the thread last night and you will see the list I posted proving they were wrong in what They claimed I said. Just scroll up in here. FC claimed in the original post he quoted of mine I here I never used the word dominated, I showed the exact post and highlighted the word for him. Did the same to GT last night.


    As far as that pass I never said I didn't say it was a poor throw, as a matter of fact I reposted the actual post from the update thread to prove him wrong when he said I blamed the entire thing in Dalton and in the very first sentence of that list I said "bad throw but should have been caught"


    So now you are doing the same thing they have done and claimed something that I didn't do. I never said I didn't say it wasn't a bad pass. I said it was but also said it should have been caught. So don't go and do what those two always do and make things up. I produced the very post last night so why would I say I never said it was a bad throw? I said it was but also said it should have been caught. Go back and read that thread if you like.

    So if you are claiming I never said what I claimed Insaid, go read again.

  6. I read your posts and I'll paraphrase what you said in this thread...


    You wouldn't take the bet because they don't look like a 7-0 team... They haven't been dominate in the last few games and your definition of dominate is winning by 2 or more scores?


    Did I miss anything?


    I wouldn't bet this game either but it's only because the NFL in General is unpredictable.


    It just seems that most of your posts in general have a negative tone toward the Bengals... Maybe I'm wrong...



    Read what you just posted.

    Read it and then tell me what I meant.

    You answered the very question but it still flew over your head. I will give you a hint.

    When I said "my definition of dominate is winning by 2 or more scores". Get it yet?

    Remember what this thread is about?

    Remember how they have won their last few games?


    The point spread is 10 points. That is what this thread is about.

    3 of their last 5 games were won by 7 points or less. That means less than 2 scores. The point spread is 10 points( 2 scores) that is why I said because they haven't been winning a lot of games in a dominating fashion I would not take the bet.


    That isnt being negative, that is being realistic.

  7. ^^^unless you're betting on the games... Then the score matters and anyone who bets NFL is playing Russian Roulette IMO anyway.


    That's what this thread is about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The point spread. What do you think point spreads are for? Now do you finally get what my post meant? It was about this topic. You and FC both have a reading comprehension issue with this topic. It's all about the point spread. It's not rocket science. I never once said I wasn't happy with the wins. Not once.

  8. What you are saying is that they should be beating people by more points... It's comical. Why do you beat yourself up looking for things to complain about?


    You're gonna give yourself a

    Heart attack for no reason.


    No I'm not!!!! Read my post!! Wow people, learn to keep the posts in reference to the topic at hand! Let me break it down for you.


    This topic asks if 10 points is a good point spread for the Bengals Browns game being played Thursday Night.


    Got it?


    I answered the question IN MY OPINION that I wouldn't put money and take the points simply because of the way they have been winning their last 3 or 4 games where they have been coming down to the last drives of the game etc. Insaid that they aren't dominating games like I would think of as a 7-0 team. That is all. Never once said I wasn't happy about them being 7-0. Never once even hinted I wasn't in the least happy with their record. What I was saying was I wouldn't put my hard earned money on that bet. Give me your money and I will lay it all on the Bengals with the points. I'm not putting my money on it.


    Now if you read my post you would also see that I stated IN MY OPINION that Inthinknthey should win by more than 10 but again because of the close games the last 3 or 4 games it wouldn't surprise me if they win by less than 10.


    You do realize that was like the 3rd come from behind win in the last month which means they haven't been winning in dominate fashion. Does that make sense to you!


    It's not that confusing.

  9. Can be said about every school in Louisville...there are no feeders-other than the Traditional schools (resides is what are used for magnet programs), if you aren't out talking to kids, then you are WAY behind the 8 ball.

    Exactly. That is why I asked him why he is so upset. It's not like it is against their rules. It happens, why act as if it doesn't and why act like it's not an advantage compared to other schools across the state. It is what it is. No biggie, just pointing out it happens.

  10. Y'know you're right. I now see the errors of my ways. Clearly Cooper didn't schedule Bishop Brossart because of that clear advantage in attracting students. Heck, Cooper would have been lucky to stay within six touchdowns of the unstoppable force that is Mustang football. :lol2:


    As an aside though, you can measure oxygen and prove it's there. Poor choice of analogy.

    Then prove we are wrong and all the kids at T and St X were born and raised in the immediate area surrounding the schools.


    Don't know why you are getting upset. Did I state they were breaking rules? Nope. But to deny Trinity doesn't have students that grew up in other school districts is false and don't know why you deny it happens.

  11. ^^^ show me where I ever said I wasn't happy with the wins. Read the thread title, read what this thread is about. I answered the question about this thread and why although I think the Bengals SHOULD win by at least 10, why I wouldn't put money down and take the points because of the way they won the last 3 or 4 games.


    If people can't understand my reasoning why I wouldn't bet the points then they haven't watched the last few games. That is all.


    Never once did I ever say I wasn't happy with the wins. Not once.


    Know what thread you are in people so you can try and keep the posts in context of what is being discussed.

  12. Here is the issue with the Bengals. Yes they are 7-0, but they have yet to have a game where they look like a 7-0 team. I believe their last 4 games all came down to the last possession or close to it. They have not dominated in any game that I can remember from game 2 or 3 on.


    They should win this game by a lot more than 10 points, but I can't seem to want to place money on that.





    and I think Kim Davis is hot

    Again FC you should take time to read before replying to any of my posts.


    So you see FC, I did use the word dominated in the original post you quoted.


    So now you say you agree with me in that they haven't been winning Ina dominate fashion like the Pats for instance have been. The problem I have with you is when you don't read the post and make replies which, just like you did last night make me look like an idiot by saying things that weren't said by me etc in the fashion that you lead people on to believe. That is why I get po'ed at you in the post you make because they are half truths and half lies that make me look like I actually said everything you claimed. That is why I'd rather you not reply to any of my posts because you continue to misquote and misinterpret everything and when you post after the fact and mention me everyone thinks what you are saying is the gospel about me and I have to waste way too much time in you pointing out where you are wrong g again and again. So do me a favor buddy, don't reply to any of my posts because you always end up exaggerating as well as lie. It gets old.

  13. Nice attempt at deflection, but if what you are saying is even close to true. How does Male have that 8-1 record? You didn't address that.


    And to reflect on an earlier point, if Trinity and St. X have that unfair of an advantage over teams within their own class, how would it be fair to force four 1A teams and six 2A teams into a league with them?


    I never said that in the history of high school football that a team besides T or StX would never win state. I did address it by the way when I said in the last 15 years T and St X won 13 titles combined and Scott Co and Male won 1 each.


    Those 1A teams have the same advantage that T and St X have so hey are in the same boat. Their size isn't my worry. Equal playing field is what matters and they all have the same capabilities to attract out of area students.

  14. You might want to read again. Where did I say your definition of dominant was wrong? Shoot I even said the Bengals haven't looked dominant like the Pats. But that is classic you reading or seeing what you want to believe.


    I simply asked what your criteria is for a team to look like a 7 and 0 team, since you say the Bengals don't look like a 7 and 0 team. So I guess your criteria is for a team to look dominant each game for a team to look like a true 7 and 0 team. When Imo a team looks like a 7 and 0 team when they win, because in the NFL winning is all that matters.

    My criteria of a 7-0

    Team is to have 7 wins and 0

    Losses. Duh!

    What do you think 7-0 means?


    Because you need hand holding in every post let me explain something to you. When I said what Insaid, it meant when I think of a 7-0 team I don't think of a team that is only winning games in the last play or drives of a game. I think of them as having some dominating performances along the way and this team hasn't in the last 4 games.

  15. :rolleyes: That tired argument again.


    If you have any proof of the activity you allude to, then alert the KHSAA. Otherwise you've got nothing but baseless accusations that sound like envy for a successful program.


    Also, please explain how Male is the favorite this year and have an 8-1 record against St. X and Trinity for the past three years (2013-2015) if Catholic schools 'always have an unfair advantage'.


    So every player that plays for Trinity over the lets say past 29'years all live in the neighborhood surrounding the school? Wow, they must have some special water in those drinking fountains.


    Now I never said they did anything "illegal" just that they have a big advantages to be able to attract athletes that other schools can't. That is all.


    How many state titles does T have and St X have over the last 15 years? Trinity and St X have won a total of 13 and Male and Scott Co have won 1 each.

  16. What is the criteria that needs to be met to make a team look like a 7 and 0 team? I thought the main criteria that needed to be met to be a 7 and 0 team is to win all of the games you have played at home and on the road so far? Not to mention 4 wins on the road already.


    Have they looked dominant like the Pats, nope. However it seems like they have met the criteria to me about what a 7 and 0 team should look like. Plus with room to still get even better.


    Read my post again.


    They are 7-0. I said the last 4 games being decided on just about the last drive of the game etc is the reason I wouldn't take the points in this game even though they should win by more than 10 but they haven't looked dominate in the last 4 games. I guess I'm also not allowed to have an opinion of what I think dominate means. Sorry if according to you and mentschs definition of dominate apparently means winning on the last play of the game against teams you should be beating by more, but my definition of dominate is winning by 2 or more scores.

  17. Nothing any Steeler player can ever say to make me feel sorry for them if they think Burfict celebrated after witnessing the worst case of un-sportsmanship I've ever witnessed and that is from the 2005 playoff game as Inwas sitting in the 2nd row of the endzone and when Carson went down they showed the replay on the big screen while Carson was still laying in the field. Larry Foote who was standing in the endzone no more than 20'feet from me watched the replay and when he saw Carson go down he started dancing and celebrating in the endzone. Was the most classless thing I've ever seen any athlete do.


    So Steeler players, please excuse me if I don't shed an ounce of care to what you claim.

  18. Are you saying that any of the teams listed here have the same chance as Male, Scott County or Simon Kenton? Or that it's fair to force them to play schools three-to-six times their size? Not counting Conner and Cooper (because they volunteered to move up) even the smallest 6A school is more than half Trinity/St. X's enrollment.


    Just saying, Male is the favorite this year and Scott County won the title only two years ago. 6A is not nearly as unbalanced as an all Catholic League would be.


    EDIT: Also, there are still too few teams to form a decent league with only eleven. Even if you added other private schools you'd only be at fourteen (1A KCD, 2A CAL and 2A LCA).

    What I'm saying is Catholic big schools will always have an unfair advantage period. You can argue all you want but there is a huge advantage to be able to...dare I say it?



    I think a 14 team playoff would be plenty of teams for that league.

  19. Because there isn't close to enough football playing Catholic schools (eleven total) and most of them are tiny, making a Catholic league far more unfair than any statewide league.


    Owensboro Catholic (2A)

    Bethlehem (1A)

    DeSales (2A)

    Holy Cross - Louisville (1A)

    St. Xavier (6A)

    Trinity (6A)

    Lexington Catholic (3A)

    Covington Catholic (5A)

    Newport Central Catholic (2A)

    Bishop Brossart (1A)

    Holy Cross - Covington (2A)


    So the winner in an all catholic league would be different than the current class 6A how exactly?

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