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Posts posted by InItToWinIt

  1. Well, that's the billion dollar question skippy, why would a kid feel the need to say what was said in the article if all that was in practice was the coaching staff? When you step in it, and it smells like it, is there really a need to check the bottom of your shoe?


    Notice the kid never used the word volunteers. All he said was former college players, meaning his coaches who all played in college.

  2. I still don't get what the big deal is...


    The only "college" players CCH could have practiced against are the coaches, since their practices are closed. And what does "played against " mean? B


    Was it 5 on 5? Were the coaches demonstrating drills? Were the coaches using a pad to simulate contact during the game?


    No matter what the case I think as long as no one was there besides coaches then it doesnt look like anything is wrong.

  3. I'm guessing this loophole will be closed by the KHSAA. While allowing college players or high school graduates to come back and practice against high school players may not be spelled out in the wording of the bylaws I think the intent is that they can't.


    If this was legal I could see some football teams with full blown practice squads of past players. Allowing the the #1s to get more of a challenge in practice everyday.


    Just to keep it clear CCH didn't do this. (Not saying that JumperDad said they did)


    As I said before the only "former college players" that COULD have played are the coaches.

  4. Then by golly you better be gettin' on the horn to the Enquirer and asking for a retraction for printing false info. Or wake up the kid from that dream who spilled the beans. Either way, it sure seems like a violation to me.


    The only "former college players" who COULD have played are Coach Scott Ruthsatz (Head Coach, played at Heidelberg), Coach Matt Otte (JV Coach, played at Bellarmine), Coach Joe Fredrick (Varsity Assistant, played at Notre Dame), Coach Tony Bacigalupo (Varsity Assistant, played at Thomas More) and Coach Brandon Elliot (Varsity Assistant, played at Kentucky State). (All are on the roster here: http://khsaa.org/basketball/boys/sweet16/2014/region9roster.pdf )


    And this whole thing is so subjective. Does "playing against" mean putting up 32 minutes and tip off? Does it mean demonstrating drills? Does it mean holding a pad to bang against the post guys? Does it mean showing a kid how to keep his elbow in when shooting?


    Anyways, seems like a non issue to me.

  5. NKY Boys Basketball Coaches Association All-Star Team -- these are based on actual votes from the coaches, and not one person's opinion. Players ranked higher on the list received more votes:


    Division 1:

    Brandon Hatton

    Nick Ruthsatz

    Brenden Stanley

    Taylor Morrison

    Zach McNeil

    Will Stuhr

    Corey Holbrook

    Sam Hemmerich

    Blake Schneider

    Deandre Jackson

    Austin Schreck

    Tanner White


    Division II:

    James Bolden

    Drew McDonald

    Alex Trentman

    Zach Pangallo

    Jake Schulte

    Drew Burns

    Jordan Noble

    Ethan Snapp

    Quinton Chames

    Tanner Moeves

    Tyler Bezold

    Jacob Huff


    How does CovCath only have 1 player on this list? They are 25-1 and have beaten every team that they have played in NKY (minus NewCath)

  6. Would you say then that everyone has a little bit of skepticism but choose to go with Pascal's Wager of it's better to be safe than sorry? If that's the case them most of people's beliefs are based more on fear than faith. And the Bible is written in a way to establish fear, because IMO without fear, and hell, it would certainly hinder the numbers of faithful in most religions.


    I have a problem with the whole concept of the way the belief system in Christianity is established. I mean, let's take the idea of revelation. Man has been on the earth quite a while, at least man than can function and make tools and find a way to survive. Probably been around for at least 100,000 years or more. These people had their gods and demons and prayed to the natural elements around them for help in surviving, and for a way of understanding things that they had no scientific way of understanding. Then beginning about 3,000 years ago God decides "enough of this" and reveals himself to several sheep herders and others in a small area of the Middle East. And some of these people are so impressed by some of these revelations (and who wouldn't be. If a burning bush talked to me or I saw people raised from the dead I would be more than impressed) that they became followers and started writing down all the inspirations, visions, and revelations they received from God. This continued through both the Old and New Testaments accounts. Then suddenly He decides to stop the revelations, at least the amazing kinds of the Bible, and basicly tell the rest of us from that point on, "Okay, I revealed myself to these ancient people to get my message out there and so on, but from here on out you will have to believe what you read in the scriptures are true, and on that reading base your belief in me in faith alone."

    Why this kind of game? If God wanted to do these revelations today I'm sure nearly every person on earth would be down on their knees praying, just like those ancient people in the Middle East 2 to 3 thousand years ago. Why set up a system like that. "I've created you and you had better believe it or you'll pay a terrible price. But I've decided not to give you the hard evidence I gave Moses, Noah, and others. You'll just have to simply believe what you've read is true and base your belief on that.

    Vincent Bugliosi in his book 'Divinity Of Doubt' says, "....why have you chosen to be absent from your own world. There should be nothing you would not want us mortals to see. I ask now that you--or any apparition if you that you want, appear in the sky above so as to be captured for history by worldwide television. And at a distance I would ask you to show the world what hell looks like. It's not as if what I'm asking you to do is something completely new to you. After all, if you chose to let a mere camp full of Israelites at the bottom of Mount Sinai know of your presence atop the mountain as you spoke to Moses so that, you said, they would have confidence in him and follow the Ten Commandments you gave him to give them, for the very same reason of causing humans to treat their fellow man better here on earth, you should all the more be willing to do this for the billions of people that now inhabit the earth"


    I would say that God still does show Himself in human life. Sure, He does not have burning bushes or anything "spectacular," but what about all the advancements in humans and technology? Isn't that God revealing himself? Think about the complexity of earth, how many different species we have and how these species have changed over time. There has to be some entity which has an effect on all this.


    Also, I think God does not reveal himself because that's how our Faith is tested. Eventually he will come and reveal himself, on Judgement Day. It could be tomorrow, or it could be 10,000 years from now. The Church teaches that we know neither the day nor the hour, therefore it is important to always act like Christ and keep your relationship with God strong (have a strong Faith.).


    As for people only believing out of fear, I don't think that is the case as often as you do. "I'd rather be safe than sorry" cannot apply to faith. A true moral Faith is based on actually believing, not believing "just in case."


    I've had this conversation on a few occasions before, and one thing that has always seemed to spark a good debate is the idea that bad things happen to good people. If you are supposed to live your life the right way, treat people the right way, etc. under the word of God, why do such terrible things happen to the greatest people we know? I've heard the "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." Okay, but aren't you supposed to be rewarded for living "the right way?"


    If you are a good person and are actively submitting your will to God, you will get your "reward" in eternal happiness with God. There is no reward or prize or feeling on earth more real than eternal life with God.


    Terrible things happen to everybody, including good people, so that they can offer the suffering for God and for the souls in purgatory.

  8. Your first two sentences answers nothing in my opinion (for me anyway), unless you're just basing that statement on faith alone, which I have no problem with. But just stating something like that doesn't make it true. Can you see where a skeptical person would have problems with an answer like that?


    As I said before, it is difficult for us, finite beings, to understand and comprehend an infinite being. For me this is what defines my Faith, as stated in Corinthians "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

  9. I believe in the first.


    I give credence to the overwhelming scientific evidence in support of the second.


    The first does nothing to help us more accurately understand the second. The second does nothing to discredit the first.


    Edit: I'm going to amend that last sentence. The second does nothing to discredit the first unless you're a biblical literalist in which case the second is a dangerous proposition that flies directly in the face of the things you believe.


    Agree completely.


    Does God have a God?


    No, because God's essence is existence.

  10. I believe in both.


    I think the second one is hard to believe without the first one. How could those objects collide randomly? How did the collision create life? Has this happened elsewhrre or just on Earth?

    IMO there has to be a first mover.


    In the first one you say "There's no explanation for where He came from..." I believe he is existence, therefore never could have come from anything because He is everything. It is difficult (for me at least) to explain something infinite.

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