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Posts posted by InItToWinIt

  1. I heard folks say the same about Brent Bach a few years back...worked out fine there.


    Agreed. And that is exactly how I see Snapp right now... A high d2 player. This thread mentions lots of d1's, which like I said, IMO are not good options for Snapp right now because of his size.


    As mentioned, if any kid has the work ethic to gain strength in the weightroom its him.

  2. Saw in the US vs Germany World Cup game when Clint Dempsey was hurt a German kicked the ball out of bounds during the game to allow him to rest. After Dempsey was removed from the field, USA kicks the ball back to Germany.


    I guess this is an unwritten courtesy thing? Anyways, really cool to see the respect both teams had for one another on the biggest stage in the world.

  3. Haha..agreed. However, is it in the best interest of America and its citizens to have more businesses hiring more people or fewer businesses with fewer people who are more pleasing to investors looking for short term gains? That is really at the bottom of my premise.


    Agreed. But the purpose of hiring people is to put more money in their pockets, which is also the goal of the PE firms. Its a tough spot.


    As mentioned, this is the 2nd time in my career that my organization has been acquired by private equity firms or companies owned by private equity firms. It looks like I am batting 2 for 2 now. The firm that acquired us is cutting into some areas that needed cutting no doubt, but I am also concerned that the new investors have a goal to sell the business in 3 years. We are already very profitable. The profit targets they have set are unattainable without making cuts that will limit the future prospects of the business.


    Again, they are taking advantage of the opportunity. I think we may can help ourselves if we take a deeper dive into corporate taxation and financing to provide more incentive to the hold and grow investors rather than the synergize and sell investors.


    Well, that is how you make money!

  5. I think that part of the question comes down to whether the things private equity firms can do to pump up their short term gains have long-term negative effects on the economy at large.


    For example: ABC Capital Group buys out XYZ Logistics. ABC spends the next 380 days pumping up revenues at an unsustainable rate for the company, trimming down staff, selling off unwanted assets, etc. Then ABC comes to the conclusion that XYZ is no longer of value to them. ABC has essentially pared down the company so much that XYZ is a shell of its former self, even if moderately still profitable. Within another year ABC has moved on, sold the business and ultimately, XYZ fails.


    Now, this doesn't happen very often, but it can and it does. Sometimes company bosses who start the company or are at least very familiar with it can see things beyond costs and revenues that can be useful for long-term goals that people who aren't typically in the business can't envision. ABC may have actually cut short that company's long-term profitability in the interest of pumping up short-term revenues to make good on their investment.


    Again, doesn't happen often but now imagine that there are 100 groups like ABC buying up 100 firms like XYZ. How many of them suffer that fate? What if they buy up 1,000? So the question becomes: does private equity's need for immediate results on investment damage the economy's long-term prospects by not allowing countless bosses of good firms to do their jobs they way they know how?


    Got it. I see the point now and didn't consider it much. The private equity firms I know about that have acquired companies of some people close to me have had more of a hands off approach, which (if you couldn't tell by any of my government posts) I am all about. I can see where if ABC were to fire many workers from XYZ it could cause (overall) hurt to our country. But we have to respect that ABC does have the right to fire XYZ workers and do whatever they feel is best for the company, since it is their money at risk. (Not saying you disagreed with the last sentence, just throwing it out there.)

  6. The thread has a question mark at the end of it. What's your opinion?


    I think the sensitivity to the stock market, turning around the company at a gain lead to very short-term planning and thinking. It is OK to be profit-driven, but the risk is that long range value is foresaken for short term gains. A buyer can take over a company, cut investments, cut heads and show a profit, sell the company at a gain and move on. I don't see that being good for country.


    Got it. I would say no, they are not ruining the country. I don't see a problem with buying a business, increasing the revenue, then selling for a profit. I think it puts more money into the owner's pockets, allowing them to spend it on more goods.


    Maybe I am not looking deeply enough into it, but what is the negative side of the argument? Is it that employees are worked too much in the buying/selling process?

  7. In the Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever," John says slowly (near the end, I think) "Cranberry Sauce" which has been interpreted as "I buried Paul" - stirring the Paul is Dead case.


    Not misinterpreted, but also in the Beatles hit "Hey Jude" you can hear Paul say 2 words quietly in the background. I cannot post the words here because of rules...

    But at 2:57 (



    After re-reading B ball fan's post I realize my post doesn't really fit in or apply here. Enjoy regardless.

  8. In the Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever," John says slowly (near the end, I think) "Cranberry Sauce" which has been interpreted as "I buried Paul" - stirring the Paul is Dead case.


    Not misinterpreted, but also in the Beatles hit "Hey Jude" you can hear Paul say 2 words quietly in the background. I cannot post the words here because of rules...

    But at 2:57 (

  9. I don't know how someone can rank Walton Verona over many teams on this list. Nothing against the school or the program, I know many people from there, but their athletics have plummeted the past 3 or 4 years. As for Campbell County, I think they are one of the best teams in the area with Cov Cath and Holmes. Should be a fun year and I am ready to see some action on the court.


    Agree with this. I look for the big kid (think he's a junior, name escapes me), Jackson and McGoveny (sp?) to have great seasons. Now that the three of them have some experience I could see CC getting out of region again. I think mostly everybody has bought into Coach Russell's system.

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