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Posts posted by Phantom4753

  1. It's all about who pitched. And as I have said in other posts, one game in baseball means less than one game in other sports. Almost anyone can beat someone else in baseball.

    Not arguing your point, but from looking at the threads it seems as though Beechwood has hit a rough patch at this point of the season. Pitching is one thing, but it seems as though their bats have gone silent as well. Wish nothing but the best for Beechwood, just hope they get it turned around before its too late.

  2. I really hope the Tigers can once again put it all together on both sides of the ball this year. I saw so much potential last year where they looked unstoppable and then just when you thought everything finally clicked they would digress and look like they had no identity.


    I will say they had the talent to go deeper in the playoffs than they did but at times last season the coaching had me scratching my head. They had some serious talent at WR for instance that they just seemed to ignore and it seemed as if the coaches favored the soph's over the upperclassmen at times and I think that hurt them.


    Hopefully this year they play more as a team like they did at times last year.


    I'm ready for my tigers to bring home another title.

    I think you make a great point, in the couple games I saw last year it looked like they were trying to force feed the Soph's, coaching staff was probably trying to get them to mature at a faster rate knowing they would need them later in the year, I don't know that as fact, just my opinion. I think a year of maturity by all the young men will help, they lost a little from last year, but return most of their weapons, especially on the offensive and defensive line.

  3. [/b]


    You Beechwood guys are tough. Maybe it's true that transfer students are held to a much higher standard? I have a connection there, play a little baseball with the football kids, so i got out to a couple games, the one at UC and vs Holmes. Kid virtually won the game at UC with a huge KO return and a TD catch while your prized QB couldn't throw it in the ocean, and played so hurt vs Holmes he should not have even been out there. Played hurt almost all year. I guess at BW that is soft. I just looked up the stats, kid had 750 yards rushing and 14 TDs. That's not bad for a sophomore that I have seen many BW fans on here call an underachiever, soft, and now playing not to get hurt. Mind you, all this was while running behind an OL that didn't have a clue, and an offense in general that had no clue what it wanted to be. If I am that kid, I hang em up.

    One last point, I'm not a BW guy, don't have a dog in the fight, just someone who has paid attention to the program since the Yeagle days.

  4. I know if I was a D1 commit I wouldn't take a chance of screwing that up..


    I can see your point, that commitment isn't worth anything until their is ink on the paper, a lot of things can happen in the next two years, I like the idea of kids enjoying their high school experience.

  5. [/b]


    You Beechwood guys are tough. Maybe it's true that transfer students are held to a much higher standard? I have a connection there, play a little baseball with the football kids, so i got out to a couple games, the one at UC and vs Holmes. Kid virtually won the game at UC with a huge KO return and a TD catch while your prized QB couldn't throw it in the ocean, and played so hurt vs Holmes he should not have even been out there. Played hurt almost all year. I guess at BW that is soft. I just looked up the stats, kid had 750 yards rushing and 14 TDs. That's not bad for a sophomore that I have seen many BW fans on here call an underachiever, soft, and now playing not to get hurt. Mind you, all this was while running behind an OL that didn't have a clue, and an offense in general that had no clue what it wanted to be. If I am that kid, I hang em up.

    Never said the kid was soft, just my opinion that at times he looked to be playing not to get hurt, big difference. You are absolutely correct in saying he had a huge part in the win vs. Lima at UC, and you are also correct the young QB went 0 for his first 10 or 11 passes, but he did hit Stringer with the big TD toss. I would say that most all of the young sophs from last year were somewhat exposed on the varsity level, they realized it was a game with much greater strength and speed, but they will adjust. The O line was young and finding their way, but they did show improvement over the course of the year and will show that much more improvement from last year to this, personally I think their O line this year will be their strongest group. As for holding transfer kids to a higher standard, I could not disagree more, every kid in that locker room is held to an unbelievably high standard, no matter where you are from, I think it is more a correlation between how dominant he was at the Freshmen level and the numbers didn't transfer his sophomore year. The kid is a player and I feel confident he will show that this year with another year of maturity. One last thing, I will agree that BW offense last year struggled to find an identity, but I look for that identity to be much clearer this year.

  6. Lets cut to the chase here, who do they return? who is gone and is there really concern that some will opt out for other sports like baseball? I would doubt they would but to my surprise last year we had 2 kids, one to basketball and one opted to work so if it can happen here I guess it can there as well.

    Their biggest losses from last year are Everett who played LB, Shover who was a CB/WR, and Miracle who played Center. Everyone else is back, and Talley will be recovered from the season ending knee injury he suffered in the first scrimmage of the year. His presence at LB this year will be huge.

    As for who may opt out for baseball....I would be shocked if any of the three mentioned opted out of football to fully concentrate on baseball. The one I would be least shocked to see give up on football would be Stringer. He is a great talent, but it looked as though he was playing not to get hurt last year. If he doesn't return Studer and Talley will be more than up to the task to carry the ball.

  7. What do they have on the line this year?

    The only person they lost on the offensive line was their center Luke Miracle, everyone else returns, on the defensive side of the ball they lost no one to graduation. BW is solid at both of the tackle positions with Combs and Bright returning, Combs looks good, and Bright looks as though he has put about 20 lbs on his 6'5" frame. At guard they return McKown and Etler, McKown is an athletic beast that may very well play mostly defense this year, Etler after suffering from a leg injury most of last year is supposedly healthy and has grown. The center position looks to be Mahorneys to lose, but IMO that isn't going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised to see BW line up in 2 tights more this year than last, they have Stokes back at TE as well as the other Bright twin and the Cleveland kid who looks like he has put on about 15-20 lbs of muscle since last year. Wouldn't be surprised to see Stokes in the backfield a little as he got a few carries last year and considering they have great depth at the TE position. One kid who is going to demand playing time is the Jr. Overstreet, saw him the other day and he is huge, has to be in the 270 range, and he plays with bad intentions and is athletic, IMO his emergence could allow McKown to concentrate on the defensive side of the ball.

    As for the D line, McKown is back, and if he doesn't play both ways he will demand a double team on every snap, he is that good. Hamilton is back at the other D tackle, but look for Hermes and Rowe to push him for playing time. Combs and Stokes are both back at DE, both had a fine year last year, but going both ways limited their effectiveness late in games, look for Bright and Sherron to get more snaps on the defensive side to spell those two.

    As a whole I think both sides of the line are going to show marked improvement over last year, I also look for BW to discard the finesse offense they displayed last year and go back to pushing people off the line of scrimmage.

  8. While I don't have a dog in this fight, I would have to say that the Mayfield staff has run rough shod over the Beechwood staff in recent years. Has Mayfield probably had better talent...yes, but Beechwood had a team a couple of years ago that seemed to be more talented and they went to Mayfield and lost. Mayfeild staff seems to do a better job of making adjustments on the fly, Beechwood seems to stay in whatever package they have and let the chips fall where they may. From what I hear Beechwood has most everyone coming back this year, so the big question now is can they get by Frankfort? Only time will tell.

  9. And (not knocking anyone here - just being honest) no doubt in my mind this team is less talented and less experienced than last year's team.

    Sorry VOR, would have to disagree with you on this one, the Maus kid is the only player from last year that would contribute. Of course there are carryover players, Shover, Brock and Huff to name a few, but this team is more talented IMO. They have beaten teams they should have, except for a few, Pendleton Coutny comes to mind, but they have not and will not beat anyone who is close to as talented as they are. Hopefully Goetz is developing the middle /grade schoolers, this might be a turnaround job that he is not up to.

  10. I hope everyone let's Malachi be who he is and assigns nothing, good or bad, about his brother to him. Let him show us who he is before anyone starts issuing warnings, pre-judgments, etc.

    Good point VOR, the stories about his brother are legendary, but those stories are about his brother, not him. I don't know the kid from Adam, but I hope as you said, people will judge him on his own behavior, not that of a sibling. I saw him play football a few years back, he was a nice player, hope he can forge his own identity.

  11. Next up for the 6-8 Tigers are two road games:


    Friday at Lloyd Memorial and

    Saturday at Bracken County (3rd meeting of the year), split the first two


    Then on to the All A on Monday (MLK Day) vs the Green Devils at Dayton

    About as bad as I've ever seen, looks like 6-10 by the time Sunday rolls around, had to leave this one early......I've seen better 4th grade girls games.

    Not sure what has happened to BW, they win the Bellevue tournament and then the wheels fall off, what have they done to change their system? Seems as though Goetz has changed the offense, and no offense, Huff is the only player on that team that can shoot the ball consistently, but from what I saw, the PG is to worried about dribbling the ball and doesn't get Huff involved.

    Shame, I thought after seeing BW a couple of times earlier in the year, they might have a team that could win 12 or 15 games. Doesn't look likely now.

  12. Lloyd wins, Beechwood was playing somewhat inspired ball earlier in the year and then Goetz decided to change up the offense. All I know is that the Huff kid is not getting many good looks and he was pacing the team when they won a few early games. Not sure what Goetz is trying to do, but I left the PC game at halftime, It was like watching a bad B movie.

  13. If I am right, he was offerd about a week ago, attended UL Memphis basketball game Thursday night and committed Friday. I understand UL may be his dream school, but because of how quickly his decision was made I feel in 6 months he will be decommitting and weighing other possible options. Just my opinion.

    Always worrisome when kids commit at such a young age. The commitment really doesn't mean anything other than they both like each other a bunch and hope that in two years they feel the same way. A lot can change over the course of the next two years, either side can opt out, but I hope it works for the kid, I heard he is a gamer.

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