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Posts posted by Phantom4753

  1. Why should Highlands be #1? I watched Highlands be #1 an entire year last year only to fall to a team SK beat. I think if SK played the Florida team SK just might beat them!

    Dude, I'm not taking the bait, Highlands is clearly the better team, just get over it. SK has a heck of a team, they are just not in the same class. I'm not a Highlands fan in any way, shape or form, but I am realistic enough to know they are very good.

    Welcome back, your act is already wearing thin

  2. Good mid season fodder, fortunately or unfortunately we will not know who may win or lose until both teams advance. And no matter what anyone on here thinks, that is a big if, injuries etc...may still play a huge role in what I think we all hope transpires....another game between Mayfield and Beechwood. Obviously I have a NKY bias, so my rooting interest goes to Beechwood as I think they have the best chance of beating Mayfield since the 2011 team. I just hope this matchup happens, I will be in the stands with some type of beverage to help keep me warm while rooting like crazy for the Tigers!

  3. I will reserve judgment on this year's Bellevue team till I see them play Beechwood. But I agree with uselessinfo that Bellevue's program is underrated. They have had some very good teams in the past 5-10 years that just couldn't get past Beechwood and/or Frankfort. Bellevue is certainly one of the top 15 1A programs in the state.

    I will take the Tigers in this one, Bellevue is always a tough, physical team, and although I have not seen them play this year, I am sure this team is cut from the same cloth. I look for the first half to be close with Beechwood pulling ahead in the second half.

  4. Great win for the Tigers, they set the tone early with that first drive, they were moving kids off the line of scrimmage and the running backs were hitting the hole hard. Executed the game plan to a tee, Hergott gets a lot of heat from the Tiger faithful, he called a great game.....halfback pass before halftime, wow!

    Sorry to be redundant, thought the first post didn't go through.

  5. Great win for the Tigers, they set the tone early with that first drive, they were moving kids off the line of scrimmage and the running backs were hitting the hole hard. Executed the game plan to a tee, Hergott gets a lot of heat from the Tiger faithful, he called a great game.....halfback pass before halftime, wow!

  6. Sorry to burst yours, but, actual results on the field says different. Mayfield has beaten Beechwood as bad as CC has the past few years, which pretty much tells me they'd be very competitive with them. Also, I'd take McCracken to beat Dixie by a couple of scores. Considering the rankings in every poll, I think most would agree. I think CC and McCracken would be a good game that could go either way, I'd probably favor McCracken by a field goal. I'd probably take CC over Belfry but would put the Pirates slightly ahead of Dixie. The Tigers need to play a competitive game to be considered any higher in the rankings, plain and simple.


    You are delusional, in 2011 Mayfield beat Beechwood by 4 points, you want to call that a blowout? IMO McCracken would loose to both Dixie and CovCath, and if you think Belfry can beat Dixie, well you must not have seen them play....or at least play any game besides CovCath.

  7. You people always think it's better football up there. Beechwood in the past several years can't hold a candle to Mayfield.

    No argument there, I was merely pointing out the fact that Beechwood also plays up, with the exception being their district schedule. In no way was I trying to discount what Mayfield has been the past several years....the best team in 1A. But I do stand behind my statement that they would fare no better against CovCath than Beechwood has....well maybe they would score another touchdown, but they would not win, IMO.

  8. Call me crazy, but overall, from 1A-6A, it is better football up here.

    Maybe a little crazy, I would say overall you may be correct, 1A has been dominated by Mayfield the past several years. In 2A I would stack NewCath up against anyone, we aren't represented by any 3A teams, 4A well that's easy Highlands and CovCath in a landslide, 5A....No one can hold a candle to Bowling Green, that leaves 6A, I would have to give the nod to NKY in that division. I realize McKracken (Spelling) is pretty darn good, but I would put SK, Dixie and Campbell County against them any time. Just my random thoughts.

  9. What are you talking about...speech protection???


    I challenge and question fans, I don't degrade kids or other programs. I just challenge what people say to be true. And some do not like it. Going to use this quote again from Joan Rivers when asked why she was successful for so long...She said..."I made a living out of saying what other people were thinking". Just because most don't say it, doesn't make it not true. If you had a booger hanging out of your nose, would you want someone to tell you??? It's kinda like that. Some people wouldn't say anything for fear of hurting your feelings and some would. Which person would you prefer to be around if there was a booger hanging out of your nose? I don't expect an answer, because none of you ever do. You change the subject and attack something else to divert the conversation away from answering the question. If you hadn't responded to me just pointing out that none of the people on here killing you after the game were HHS fans, then we wouldn't be here right now. In fact, I think I even told the SK guys good luck at the end of the pregame post and congrats when they won! I don't think someone that had hatred for a program would have come close to doing that.


    The facts are...I tell it like I see it and most others outside of Pioneer Nation see it. You and others get your feelings hurt by the truth and want to change the subject to attack the program I support when it has absolutely nothing to do with who i support. You're too blind to realize that I may have a few nice points in there. You can't separate that from that fact that I happen to be a HHS fan. You think it's all about the Pioneers closing the gap and I am worried about a team that has absolutely nothing to do with the success of my team. It's actually hilarious!!! It really is. I could understand a little bit if we were actually in the same division or ever would be, but we aren't and won't because your school is twice as big as mine. That's usually good, right? Yours is bigger than mine. See, I can admit it. It not that hard.


    You need to get past the HHS - SK comparison. I would say the same thing if my kids went to Dayton and I supported their program. I'd still feel EXACTLY the same way and you'd still want to attack Dayton then. You just don't like for people to provide any feedback about your team.


    And for the record, all the fears of guys in blue and white coon skin hats lurking in the shadows of Ft Thomas are all gone now. I woke up from that nightmare Saturday morning. It was a scary one I tell you! (You guys don't like my jokes either...i know)

    Sounds reasonable to me!

  10. I don't think it's silly for one of the top teams in 1A to be competitive with CC for at least some time in the 3rd quarter. BW doesn't have to win this game but it's seems a lot of fans make excuses for BW these days . Mayfield has played 5 teams in upper classes this season. McCracken is rated a top team in 6A, whom we took to over time plus we play Caldwell who is ranked as the top team in 2A by some. IN my honest opinion I believe Mayfield could come up there and give CC all they wanted, maybe not win but be competitive.

    As has Mayfield, Beechwood has played up every game this year, and they beat Franklin County, a game that most thought Beechwood would lose. I doubt Mayfield has seen anything like Mt. Healthy, a top 5 Division 2 team in the state of Ohio, and by the way, Division 2 schools in Ohio are as big or bigger than 6A schools in KY. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mayfield would provide about the same test to CovCath that Beechwood has the past several years.

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