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Posts posted by AllenR

  1. Just saw this thread and really curious about this. So the Highlands coach who it seems looking at records last few years has been very successful and has program going well was fired or asked to resign ? And when asked why it's stated its something that shouldn't be said on a message board . Ok but I've now also seen parents and players have rallied for him to keep the job and want him back. So what am I missing ? He did something that is not able to be revealed here but the parents and players have no idea what it is or they don't care and want him anyway? If this is the case then it's hard to believe he did anything bad or it's no big deal or why would they fight to keep him? Can't imagine a red card in a big game would be a reason or about every coach in every sport would be out of a job. What are we missing here something doesn't seem to add up or was this one disgruntled parent who took him down. Just seems really strange.

    I had not heard there was a movement to try to get him back. I hope it is successful.


    I don't know if it was just one, but there is definitely one that has had it out for Brian since year one. He's been pretty vocal on here about it.


    Appears he has a different philosophy between who should be on the football field and who should be on the futbol field. Always droning on about the other BW not playing the best players, playing seniors over underclassmen.


    But on the soccer team, the seniors should be playing.


    With the changes in leadership at the school and district, I'd guess they saw an opportunity.

  2. I had clients that would make their children whole under those circumstances. They still came out ahead. In this case they would give the student the difference between the withholding and what the refund ends up.


    Great lesson for a kid about taxes.

    You don't have to pay, someone else will.

  3. For me, the sole deciding factor between 4a & 5a would be the district.

    Looking for a balance considering travel and competition. Shorter travel and strong competition.

    After that, it doesn't really matter which class.

    Their non-district schedule will still be scheduled against the teams that challenge them and prepare for the post season.

    The road to state in either class won't be a cake walk.


    If the above is about the same in 4a and 5a, then let ego take the 5a route.

  4. Rather than re-engineering the hill or buying out the the businesses down the hill I would think it would be more fiscally responsible to buy the Beverly Hills property less than 5 minutes down the road. Plenty of space for a whole complex plus parking.


    If it were the school or diocese paying for it, there would be an argument for fiscal responsibility. Is NewCath supposed to say "no thank you" because some 3rd party doesn't like how the donor spends his money?

    That's just silly...

  5. So say you turn the practice field into a parking lot now what happens on Monday-Thursday when you have football practice and boys and girls soccer has triple headers on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday? Soccer is typically played on those 4 days not as much on weekends so they are going to need that football field for their games . Where does the football team go, to the KFC parking lot? You can't get rid of the practice field and accommodate 6 soccer teams (frosh,jv,varsity) girls and boys , and a football team. Or is this field only for the football team and soccer will stay at Moescher. If that's the case your going to have some upset soccer players but situation is solved there.


    Guess it really depends on how much dirt "he" wants to move.

    With enough time and money, anything is possible.

  6. Said one idea being tossed around was leveling out the current student Parking lot and having the one end zone face north looking at Downtown Cincy. Logistics on parking etc were not known. My source also said if this donator was turned away yet once again he would take his money and give it away elsewhere and not to ever ask again. Again my source knows the potential donator on a personal level.

    Something like this? (Not 100% to scale but close enough. Don't know where property lines are.)


    I guess it could work. Stands into/on the hill between it and gym?

    Turn practice field into parking lot?


    Maybe run it more east/west and sell seats and sections of field for fireworks...

    Although the neighbors might not like the football field in their side yards.

    ncc 2.jpg

  7. I can tell you we send 100’s of checks through UPS a day. But they are normal checks and they can be stopped and replaced easily, which we have to do often. UPS just leaves them in doorstep whether is $1,000 or a $1m dollars. Never require a signature.


    We send 2000-5000 checks a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes more.

    The UPS terms of service specifically state that checks are excluded from the prohibited items list.


    But people do still send prohibited items all the time.


    Or my favorites are when they send something like a laptop but don't declare a value because they don't want to pay the extra for insurance. It gets lost or damaged and they scream about only getting $100.

  8. UPS loses inheritance of nearly $1M -- then offers $32 refund | Fox News


    Read a couple of articles about this and some of the commentary about it.


    Taylor said UPS sent an apology letter to her family and offered to refund the $32 shipping fee -- but the unlucky woman believes that's not enough.


    “That’s nice of them to say, but it doesn’t solve my problems,” Herbert said.


    “If the bank really wants indemnity, then UPS should sign it,” Taylor said.


    Why should UPS be liable for it? Did anyone TELL (declare) UPS that it was a bank draft for $800K+?

    No... If they had, UPS would not have taken the shipment.


    UPS does not accept for transportation, and Shippers are prohibited from shipping:

    – Articles of unusual value, which shall be deemed to include, but are not limited to:

    • Any Package with an actual value of more than $50,000, except that the actual value of Packages declared in accordance with the Enhanced Maximum Declared Value provisions

    of Section 55.1 (“Maximum Declared Values”) cannot exceed $70,000;

    • Coins, cash, currency, bonds, postage, stamps, money orders, and negotiable instruments (such as drafts, bills of exchange, or promissory notes, but excluding checks);


    This article is a little different than when I read it last night as it now says that the bank has taken care of it. As they said they would and should have months ago....


    It's that time of year when there will be sooo many complaints about UPS & FedEx screwing up, losing packages, delivering late, posting video's of @Lawnboy13 throwing stuff over fences...


    Give them a break and don't wait until the 22nd to order that oh so important Christmas gift...

  9. Kind of poking fun, but also stating reality in today's society. Many see football as a violent sport and soccer is certainly taking off in this country because of it IMO. Cheerleading at HHS is having more and more boys get involved believe it or not. Wave of the future? As for golf, there is not a safer sport for a kid to play in the fall unless they get hit with a club or an errant shot.


    Doubt cheerleading is going to hurt high school football teams any time soon. Well, ever really...

  10. Is this really a problem at hhs? How many on the soccer team would be impact players on the varsity football field? I’m not familiar with hhs soccer.


    I don't know the football skills of the kids on the soccer team(s) at HHS.

    But, generally speaking, what skills would a soccer player bring over?

    Kicking?- Don't know how many, but I would guess that several schools use soccer players for kicking. NewCath had two of them handling the kicking duties this past season. Maybe Coach Niedert has someone that can nail a 45 yd FG?

    Speed? - I don't think that this was/is a particular weakness for the Birds.

    What else?


    Now if wrestling were at the same time and a Birds wrestling team had a few kids in the 285lb class, you'd be on to something!

  11. I’d assume UK uses the football stadium for student parking as UofL does, that’s why, I’d imagine.



    Daughter has car in K lot. Has to move it for UK football games.

    This weekend wasn't on the list of weekends they had to move. Says she got an email that week telling her she needed to move it.


    It was a bit of a mess for a bunch of the UK students.

    Normally they can find spots at the other end of campus, book store, etc...

    Volleyball game(s?) at Memorial took up most of the regular spots they use.

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