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Science Friction

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Posts posted by Science Friction

  1. From NWA/WCW: Allen Iron Eagle, Mike Thor, and Tim "Powerhouse" Parker


    WWF: Louie Spiccoli and, even though they had a Gimmick, The Orient Express.


    I remember Louie well. Yes, the name was taken from the Sean Penn character. Louie is on the left in the pic below with Dusty Rhodes and Scott Hall. Sadly, I think Spiccoli died at the age of 27 from an overdose of prescription drugs and alcohol. Kinda reminded me of Chris Farley.



  2. For those who don't know a "Jobber" in the pro wrestling business is someone whose job it is to get the snot beat out of them night - in and night-out by the big name talent. They rarely do much more than get a few licks in before getting pummeled and then pinned. You don't see jobbers too much on shows like RAW, where most of the matches features only the superstars. But back in the day when guys like me watched the Saturday studio shows, you would see one jobber after another getting beat up and embarrassed.


    For those of you who remember these loveable losers, did you have a favorite that you loved seeing being brutalized and emasculated each week?



    Here was one of my favorite spots from the NWA . I used to watch this every weekend on Channel 13 out of Asheville. It was a Jim Crockett Promotion. The Mulkey Brothers were favorite whipping boys at this time. In fact, if I remember right they were something like 0-180 in the ring. How's that for a losing streak? :lol2: They were a ridiculous couple of wimps ; pathetic, but loveable. I remember wrestling commentator Bill Apter once saying something like: "I am sure of only three things- death , taxes, and the Mulkeys' losing every week."


    Anyway, they were booked to wrestle a couple of tough masked men by the name of the Gladiators. Everybody just knew the poor Mulkeys would get squashed for the 181st straight time.


    Watch and enjoy what happens next.... :)


  3. After watching the game against Arkansas when I got home from church yesterday evening I saw improvement, but still not convinced they've turned the corner. I still think they'll beat Missouri at home, but I think it will be another ugly, close game.


    Kentucky 78


    Missouri 75


    This prediction is as rare as a total eclipse of the sun. Have to do a double take when you predict UK to win. But you're right, Missouri is not very good. Cats should win by double digits.

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