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Science Friction

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Posts posted by Science Friction

  1. Knight was particularly irritating with his foul shot predictions as they left the shooter's hand. Hell, I did as well as he did and I guessed them even before they were shot. When a UK player was at the line, I said it would be a miss and when an Arkansas player was shooting them, I predicted a make!

  2. It wouldnt hurt my feelings if he dont get drafted. Why the need to come out in public, he already did to his team mates at mizzu. What about me, should I be in the news for coming out and saying I love women, I am a guy who loves women. All kinds and colors. Where is my big coming out party.


    This coming out of the closet stuff is getting old. Must need attention.



    Can't dislike this enough. You don't have to "come out" because you are accepted as a "woman lover of all kinds and colors" as you said. What if blacks had kept silent about the way they were treated? Their "coming out party" has made some pretty good inroads, wouldn't you say? Now that gays and lesbians are proudly coming out, they, too, are making gains all across the country. Gay Congressmen, gay NFL players, who knows, maybe oneday a gay President or Supreme Court justice. I know its a world you may not like but it's one you better accept or else become irrelevant.

  3. WBP was much, much , much more of a positive than a negative during his stint as a Red. Reds wouldn't have had their division titles without his innings, wins, leadership, and mentoring of guys like Leake. He was an all-around big plus for this franchise. Never refused to take the ball. Wish him continued good fortune. I thoroughly enjoyed watching him baffle hitters with his 75 mph stuff. Very cerebral pitcher.

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