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wa wa

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Posts posted by wa wa

  1. So it's very possible they can have 9 incoming freshman this year, if Wiggins and Hawkins come? Good lord! If that happens, uhhhh yeah . . . . Glad I don't have the job of telling kids they no longer have a spot on the team.

    I am not a Calipari fan but something tells me he would not have a problem doing it.


    Note - remember UK senior night being a huge deal. Happy Chandler singing My Old Ky Home. Tears from the players. Players we all watched come up through the system. Boy have times changed!!!!!

    I am not so sure for the better. What we have, two seniors this year, neither who came up through the system. Sad.


    The Sun Shines Bright On My Old Ky Home................

  2. So with 13 scholarships.

    7 studs coming in will get 7 scholarships.

    I am thinking only Nerlens is going pro, frees up 1.

    I have 7 coming back who had a scholarship.

    Thats 14 total, someone who has a scholarship wont have one next year and I guess it would be Polson.

    I assume Sam Malone did not have one,

    Todd Katner did not have one

    Bryan Long did not have one.

    And I guess they have given up on Wiggins so,

    Take Polsons away and give it to Hawkins.?

  3. Interesting.



    Kentucky Recruiting ‏@RecruitKentucky 1m

    Dominique Hawkins will likely commit on Friday, and it will be to UK. Hearing offer isn't officially on table, but "it is coming."


    Shows how stupid I am. Never ever would I think UK would offer him a scholarship. I can see him as a walk on where everyone beats on him in practice. I don't see it. If I continue to read all these posts maybe, just maybe some of everyones sports intelligence will rub off on me. If UK gives him a scholarship, just to make everyone happy, I will never visit this site again and no one will have to deal with my craziness. That will make everyone very happy. BUT if he doesn't, lmao, watch out.

  4. The risk you run at Prep is that their roster isn't finished for next season. And depending on how much a spot up shooter is necessary would determine his time on the floor. But the competition every day is where a player gets better. Those guys are pretty darn outstanding on that roster.

    What roster. The PREP that is being mentiioned here..... This is a prep school? Located where? I dont understand the whole PREP discussion. Where are these prep schools, who do they play?, Please explain.


  5. Walter I guess you are to young to realize what Coach Ron Dawn brings to the table now that he is the head coach at NewCath. They will be tough to beat in the 9th they have most returning starters and Ron will bring that toughness they need on D. Lookout 9th region and they are playing from what I heard the toughest schudule next year. King of the Bluegrass, Lexington Catholic Tourney and throw in there the All A State Tourney. My #1 pick in region Hands Down and if they get the Moeves they will even be better and have a lot of depth.

    Cov Cath will beat them.

  6. I agree the middle school games are used as a training ground and rightfully so. The ones that are there for the right reasons and take it seriously should be there and it is understandable to miss calls. I am talking about the ones that you can tell when they get there that they would rather be somewhere else and just go thru the motions. If it is a training ground let the middle schools grade them on their performance. I seen some of the bad ones move up to high school games this year and suddenly they are more serious. Take it serious at both levels not just log the hours.

    Have the goofy out of control parents get their acts together and maybe the refs will also at the MS level.

  7. Totally disagree with the highlighted statement... They get paid to ref a game and should treat it no differently than if they were doing a HS game. Unfortunately, most of the guys they get for the MS games are just there to collect a check.

    They are doing the best they can. To have to put up with all the goofy parents who probably never played, have no idea what the rules are but think they do, I would agree with the oldguy. Middle school parents are the worst of all. What do middle school refs get a game? cant be enough to put up with the goofy parents.

  8. The current (former) system is old and needs to change. There has to be another way of evaluating or rating people than the way they do it now. Basketball is difficult because there are so many games and too many people to see. If a coach doesn't see someone who's new(er) and doing very well, is it fair to him/her that they don't know them and rank them lower than Jim Farmer? Hopefully the crew that picks the new assigner will chose someone who is willing to change the current model. Personally, I'd hate to see them hire another 9th region official. Chris was doomed from day one. He went from being one of the guys on Wednesday and the boss on Thursday - bad combination. They need someone from outside their circle to lead them.

    With all the crying about refs on BGP I think they should have BGP posters have a say in who gets what games. Clearly everyone on here knows more than all the refs.

  9. I have heard rumblings for awhile. Additionally, I have heard refs complain about the postseason assignments. There is a feeling among some 9th region refs that the head basketball coaches at the power schools collude with the assigner to to determine postseason assignments.


    Anyone? On either issue?

    I dont know the rules but I would assume the coaches are allowed to discuss assignments with the head guy. The top refs probably got the bigger games. You don't want a new or not highly graded ref doing a Holmes/Cov Cath district or regional game or a Cooper/Dixie game or whatever big game is happening. Do a better job on the court and you will get bigger games.

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