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Posts posted by truebluefan89

  1. Certainly a disappointing end to the season, but in all likelihood it was time.

    But Toothpick and others, don't close the book on Barber yet, as I truly believe he will right the ship. Barber is a very inspirational leader that lives and breathes football and believes in improving these young men both on and off the field.

    Coming in late this year he inherited a team with only 4 players with any varsity experience and a team that did not have a weightlifting program from December until June.

    And with a line that averaged a whopping 194 pounds our time was set to expire. Being small is one thing, but being small and weak is another. Coach Barber has made it clear that getting bigger and stronger is his priority in the off-season.

    Considering our shortfalls this season, I think he did a pretty good job with what he had.

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