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Posts posted by green2006

  1. Here is one thing that everyone needs to keep in mind. Coaches spend 2 hours a day with their players to evaluate talent every single day. Coaches bust their tail off to motivate and improve the players at the end of the bench who may or may not deserve playing time. During those two hours, the players have their opportunities to show improvements and show the coach they deserve to be on the court. Every player is playing during practice. Some potentially good players may not be able to prove it or may not take the next step at practice. Bottom line is, coaches see players on a daily basis for around 2 hours a day where fans see the players play for a few minutes at a time during games. Now, I understand all that what really matters is how the players play on gameday, but time on the floor is earned during practices.

  2. Lots of great coaches in NKY. I think everyone that has been named are all deserving of this title. I've not seen a lot of Booher or Ruthsatz, but Booher's reputation/past surely puts him near the top of the food chain. As far as Mike Code, I have tremendous respect for him as a coach. However, I really think he's a better coach when his brother, Scott, is on his staff. While he was gone to CC and TM, Brossart wasn't the Brossart they were while both wore green. Sure, there was a talent dip, but it's just how I felt. Tim Sullivan has done a masterful job at Cooper. Tenacious, hard-nosed, blue collar basketball has defined that program. Brad Carr, for what it's worth, will always be one of the best in the area for the simple fact that his teams play very hard, they guard very well, and they're always in it when it counts. Plus, it's fun to watch teams run and gun instead of walking the ball up the floor and getting into box sets. I'm also a really big fan of Dave Faust. Always a tough out and always prepared.


    So, I basically agree with everyone. I do think Ken Chevalier gets left off of this list too often due to the type of talent he's had. I think everyone expects them to win, but it's not that easy.


    Did you happen to look at the talent level of both in those years? Do you remember the upset Brossart had over CCHS in the Districts in the 08-09 season? After CCHS had won by around 20 in the regular season, Brossart upset them in the Districts.


    Am not disagreeing with you completely. Both are fantastic coaches and the more good coaches you put on a staff, the better you will be. Just felt as if you were taking some of Mike's credibility away. Scott is great and I am sure will make a great varsity coach again someday.

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