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Posts posted by SoftballFan14

  1. Congrats to Boone County on a great year, they were one hit or one play away from winning this game. Knowing Coach P a little I am sure he doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for them but to be in that district and not making the tourney then when they do play a great game in the opening round against the favorite and coming up just short sucks.


    Dallis was very good, through 4 I think she had only thrown 33 pitches and was perfect. She did what she could do to keep her team in the game.


    NDA did what they had to do to win. They seemed really flat until they got that first run then it was game on.


    Congrats to both teams.


    Very flat!!! They want it, they better come out fired up every game they play!

  2. What did you see??? SoftballFan14 did you see anything different? I did not think she got a glove on it and if she did I certainly would not give an error.


    From where I was standing it didn't look like it hit off her glove, but it was side view for us. Don't think any of us in bullpen saw it as an error. But mine could've been due to the tears from DK holding our girls down!! ;)


    GREAT game by Dallis and some very nice hits by the Rebels!

  3. My little one has a game at 6:15 so I can make some of this one, but all the Boone/ND fans will not be "graced with my presence". :clap:




    What are you trying to say? :lol2: Have to admit I got a big laugh out of this one, excellent play. :thumb:


    The can of Lawnboy repellent will still be brought....just in case! Taking no chances. Boone89 may have it as his avatar but the real deal will be with me.

  4. Maybe but you know some people act if you talk about a kid..


    In softball its impossible to compare pitchers and position players. Most good pitchers are also very good hitters thus why most the awards go to pitchers and maybe rightful so.


    I would like to see a player of the year and a pitcher of the year. Some times in our area at least, the 5th or 6th best pitchers are making all region teams over some of the best position players.


    When did you start caring what people say?? ;) I agree, should be two separate awards. Position players often get the shaft because of awards usually going to pitchers.

  5. I probably shouldn't do this but here are some stats.


    Madyson Moran (Covingtion Holy Cross)


    .720 BA 82/59

    7 doubles

    10 triples

    12 home runs (easy could have 5 or 6 more if all games had 200 or 210 foot fences)

    64 runs scored

    34 stolen bases


    I said this before also she has her scholarship bc of her defense, so she is one of the better defensive SS's in the state if not the country.


    That being said I would say HC doens't play near the comp that a school like Bullit East does either but that surely isn't her fault.


    I don't know why you shouldn't post those numbers. Hell, I think you should post her career numbers! Same numbers year after year should earn her some recognition along with that D1 scholarship.

  6. Just got a text from my Walton-Verona source saying Coach Anderson told the team tonight he is stepping down as coach. My source also said he will pursue the Ryle opening and that the Julann Ginn and Hannah Thacker are heading to Gallatin County. If the last statement comes to fruition....WOW, nice addition to the Wildcats????


    Ginn is his niece, isn't she? Why not move to Ryle too?

  7. Depends on One-Five's ankle. Sprained it on the 15th, and hasn't been able to pitch yet.


    All things considered, I'll say a tick better than 50/50.


    Hope she heals fast!


    Thank goodness Boone, HC & NDA can't all make it to Owensboro along with Male....there would be a serious beer shortage that week!

  8. Of course more scenarios, but you can't always second-guess coach's decision...in my opinion, the chances of the 3rd out were much higher than that of a PERFECT throw into home!


    I asked Iris because you said the coach "had" to send the runner to try to tie the game. My point is, he did not have to send her. Was that the best choice? Possibly. Would I want to be in that position? Probably not. When you use definitive verbiage, makes little room for thinking the coach may have ran all scenarios through before he sent runner. Certainly he was FULLY up on the Conner girls ball experience right? The fact that Brooke and Lexi (2 girls involved in this perfect play) both have played several years of travel softball would have certainly lent a hand in whether a green light was given to send the runner or not.


    You never answered who the next batter was.....


    Like I said, it was the HAD TO SEND comment that prompted my comment/question.

  9. It was a great game! Congrats to a well-played game by both teams!!!


    (Curious SoftballFan14... why do you seem to be so happy when Ryle loses? Isn't this supposed to be a forum that benefits high school players, their teams, and their families? Didn't your kid used to play at Ryle? Do you realize that many of her "friends" are still there? Do you realize that when you insult Ryle's program, you insult the girls and families that are there? Do you know that there are only a few families (most of them bitter and angry about positions/playing time just like you seem to have been) who don't like the Oliverios? Do you know that the Oliverios instill key values in their students and players every single day? Aren't you at ND, a Catholic school now? Don't the teachings of ND still involve forgiveness and the 10 Commandments? Why are the most hateful and ignorant posts locked? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? Do you know that most of the Ryle players and fans don't read your posts because the posts are heartless and cruel? Do you think it's fair that a handful of bitter parents can ruin a person's career over a softball position (clearly lost to a better-performing player in that position), especially when the new position was just as important and H.S. performed as outstanding as expected there? Do you know that there are literally hundreds of players and families who support the Oliverios 100%? Do you know that you criticize others for making comments about your daughter, but you do the same to other people's children all the time? Are you going to follow your kid to college also so you can pick and choose her coaches and professors? How about her first real job... choose her boss? Didn't you say something about karma and what goes around comes around? Why can't you see yourself in any of this? Soon people will get tired of your whining and nasty, bitter comments... let it go. From what I understand, your kid doesn't even play at Ryle anymore....enough already. (BTW... my guess as to why Ryle didn't perform this year... it had nothing to do with the pitching... more likely had to do with a team poisoned by a few ridiculous parents and an administration with no backbone.) Don't feel that you must reply... I have said my piece and just wish for you (not just you, but ALL those people who slander others in their posts) to do some soul-searching and really take a look at yourself. You may not like the decisions made at Ryle, or any other school for that matter, but personal attacks on others are not necessary. We teach our children to be polite, kind, generous, honest, and forgiving...look at the example you're setting.


    Anonymity is great for some people, isn't it?

  10. It was a great game! Congrats to a well-played game by both teams!!!


    (Curious SoftballFan14... why do you seem to be so happy when Ryle loses? Isn't this supposed to be a forum that benefits high school players, their teams, and their families? Didn't your kid used to play at Ryle? Do you realize that many of her "friends" are still there? Do you realize that when you insult Ryle's program, you insult the girls and families that are there? Do you know that there are only a few families (most of them bitter and angry about positions/playing time just like you seem to have been) who don't like the Oliverios? Do you know that the Oliverios instill key values in their students and players every single day? Aren't you at ND, a Catholic school now? Don't the teachings of ND still involve forgiveness and the 10 Commandments? Why are the most hateful and ignorant posts locked? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? Do you know that most of the Ryle players and fans don't read your posts because the posts are heartless and cruel? Do you think it's fair that a handful of bitter parents can ruin a person's career over a softball position (clearly lost to a better-performing player in that position), especially when the new position was just as important and H.S. performed as outstanding as expected there? Do you know that there are literally hundreds of players and families who support the Oliverios 100%? Do you know that you criticize others for making comments about your daughter, but you do the same to other people's children all the time? Are you going to follow your kid to college also so you can pick and choose her coaches and professors? How about her first real job... choose her boss? Didn't you say something about karma and what goes around comes around? Why can't you see yourself in any of this? Soon people will get tired of your whining and nasty, bitter comments... let it go. From what I understand, your kid doesn't even play at Ryle anymore....enough already. (BTW... my guess as to why Ryle didn't perform this year... it had nothing to do with the pitching... more likely had to do with a team poisoned by a few ridiculous parents and an administration with no backbone.) Don't feel that you must reply... I have said my piece and just wish for you (not just you, but ALL those people who slander others in their posts) to do some soul-searching and really take a look at yourself. You may not like the decisions made at Ryle, or any other school for that matter, but personal attacks on others are not necessary. We teach our children to be polite, kind, generous, honest, and forgiving...look at the example you're setting.


    Oh Iris12, let's do this in order so you don't get confused, I'll even color coat it for you....


    I am happy when Ryle loses because I despise the Oliverios!


    Sure it is a forum to benefit players, programs & families. It is also a forum to voice your opinion, for which I have done. You may not agree with me & that is certainly your prerogative.


    Since you are obviously close to the program in some fashion, you know my daughter did play there. For four years actually. If I had a looking glass five years ago she would have never played a moment for them! Hindsight is 20/20 & every situation is a life lesson; this is just a life lesson that I do not feel she should have ever had to deal with at 15. No high school girl should actually. Her "friends", that are still there, are aware of the reason our family removed her from that environment. Some understand, some may not. What I would say to people that do not is "you and your daughter live through what we did last year & tell me how you would handle it." I do not lose sleep over anyone, at Ryle or not at Ryle, that does not agree with our reasons. When have I insulted the 'program'? My disdain is directed at the coaches & the "no backboned" administration. If I have directed any dislike towards any of the girls, please point it out because that was not my intent.


    Do you realize I almost just choked to death? Hundreds of families, HIGHLY DOUBTFUL!!! Do I believe there are supporters of theirs, absolutely!! There are some that buy into what they teach. My thoughts are because they agree with the coaching methods of bullying and humiliating people into pushing themselves or because going along with it enables their kids to have more playing time than they may have gotten if not fully supportive. But that's what I've concluded over my four years of watching, someone else may have concluded something totally different. The people I am aware of as being "bitter & angry" have had kids that started varsity. So I would say playing time was an issue only if they wanted their kid to sit the bench! As for positions, no one that I am aware of had issues with that either....my husband went directly to the coaches at the beginning of the season and told them that my daughter, knowing Ryle lost huge asset in Cassie behind the plate, was willing to catch if that is what was best for the team. So as you hint, position concern was not even a thought in our mind. My daughter is quite capable of playing multiple positions.


    Yes, I will give it to the Oliverios that they do instill SOME key values (hard work) into their players. HOWEVER, the other values they teach are not anything I want my daughter to have (dirty play, inability to lose gracefully, bullying people, and more that I won't even go into). So when weighing their 'values' there were more we did not agree with than the hard work that we did. Plus, she already knew hard work before they ever became her coaches.


    We have already established that you are fully aware of where my daughter goes to school, feigning ignorance is not becoming for anyone. I really like Bruce Lee's quote "mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." You know what hasn't been done? Either coach admitting their mistakes last year. Narcissism usually doesn't coincide with admitting fault & I do not feel a tad bit guilty for not even contemplating ever forgiving them. They will never apologize to my daughter, therefore I do not ever foresee myself forgiving them. That is my fault that I will address directly with God.


    I believe only Guru and forum moderators can answer why threads are locked, as I am not the one locking them. I tend to lean towards them being aware of where the posts could go rather than what has been posted (although some may be based on what was actually posted). I have held back what I truly want to say, so I have to disagree that my posts have been hateful. Could be far worse, if you would like to discuss face to face I will fill you in completely how I feel. Since my posts have not been towards the girls I do not care that the coaches feel my posts are heartless & cruel or if anyone from Ryle, fans or coaches, read my posts. I feel they were heartless & cruel to their players over the years, guess we can call it even. I look in the mirror every day and difference between me and the coaches is I am able to admit my faults, I have plenty. I am also aware that my feelings towards them is one of them. I'm willing to live with fault, since no one is perfect.


    Wow! Am I responsible for them not coming back? Or am I responsible for giving administration information that the coaches personally did that ultimately led to their removal, when they couldn't control their coaching ways? I would say that fault lies on their shoulders! They were made aware of expectations after we made our concerns aware to Ryle administration and BCBOE. If they were unable to control themselves and fell back into coaching ways that they had been made aware were no longer acceptable......that is not our fault. Remember......we are at ND, far away from Ryle.

    Can you please show me where I ever said that SS was not an important position or that we were upset my daughter "lost to a better performing player"? Ali pitched great last year, as she did again this year. I beg you to prove me as saying anything other than just that!




    Was there someONE that I called out for what I believed to be an underlying dig at my daughter? Sure did. My failing memory must have shut out the "others" that I have criticized. Again, please point out anyone I am forgetting all while showing me where I criticized other kids.


    No, I do not intend on following my daughter to college or to her first job. Will I offer her insight into situations I may feel are not good for her, you bet....until the day I take my last breath!! I think most parents that are caring and active in their kids lives do this...am I wrong?

    Yes, finally....something you say I said that is actually truth!! Karma, it does come around, doesn't it? May take a while, but it does. Just like some day I'm sure karma will find me for something too, what's your point here?


    Excuse me, but you are the one that started this rant....you obviously are having a hard time letting it go. People are free to read what they want or ignore what they want. If they do not read what I post, I'm okay with it.


    Did someone post something about Ryle not performing because of pitching this year? I must have missed that thread!! I have seen nothing but compliments towards Ali regarding her pitching...and guess what...I personally gave her compliment after the game against ND so please do not try to spin my lack of comments about Ali as anything negative. Ali is aware that this house has nothing but support for her...our lack of support for the former coaches has nothing to do with Ali, or any other Ryle player! The team was poisoned? Do you think that was our fault too or could that actually be that some remaining players/parents may have been more apt to vocalize what was wrong rather than thinking it was just something they had to continue to accept this year? The backbone-less administration was at fault for the non performing season? How do you explain that? Wait....that's right, the coaches are never at fault!! It HAS to be the bitter, tainted parents or the administration! Nothing but winning falls on the Oliverios!!


    I have now said my piece too, thank you for giving me the opportunity. Pull out your dictionary when you speak of slander....what I have posted is not untrue, therefore, not slander. Some is merely my opinion, some I have documentation on which shows it is not lies. Want to read the stack of information I have?? I'll meet with you anytime and let you have a good read, some of it dates back to their coaching at Boone County! I currently like the decision Ryle made! Do I think it was later than it should have been? Sure I do, but everything happens for a reason. It has all worked out how it was meant too.


    Let's compare what people think about our children.

  11. It was a terrific game... Congrats to Conner for the win and to Ryle for their great game as well! Ryle coach had to send the runner in to try and tie the game...Conner with a perfect throw into home! Nicely played by both teams! (1 outstanding senior - 2nd baseman McKell Oliverio!!!)


    Why did he have to send the runner? Runner on 3rd with two outs, give the next batter chance to hit the ball & score her, score on passed ball, etc. There were more scenarios than sending runner & trying to tie game. Who was next batter?

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