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Posts posted by TRENCHMASTER

  1. I interpret the "separation of church and state" clause differently than you if it means the complete sanitization of anything religious, such as, voluntary prayer, FCA, etc. The state cannot establish a religion - this is the intent of "separation of church and state." The founding father's were against a state church, like England at the time. English people were forced to be members of the Church of England or suffered grave consequences at the hands of the state, who also took up a church tax. The founding fathers, thus, rightly concluded both entities should be distinct from one another, but not mutually exclusive, reason being you cannot seperate one's religious belief from their personhood. There would be no protest from them regarding voluntary prayer, voluntary participation in FCA, student led ministry go for it, why not? No violation of the constitution. For as long as no one is forced, penalized or coerced. It is hard to scrub a religion and separate it from a state who was profoundly impacted by said religion.

  2. A

    That is fine, but as I understand history and the constitution, our country was founded on the principal of separation between Church and State. Public schools are a part of the State as I see it. We must be able to separate the two. If this is the true reason for all of the troubles, then maybe he should have stayed at LCA (a private school and, thus, not part of the State) where he would have more opportunities to directly wear his faith on his sleeve.


    Please do not misunderstand: I am in no way against church or Christianity. However, I do not believe one must openly pray in public to be seen as a Christian. As the popular church song says "And they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love. And they will know we are Christians by our love."


    However, this ordeal is probably more related to playing time than religion.[/QUOI


    I interpret the "separation of church and state" clause differently than you if it means the complete sanitization of anything religious, such as, voluntary prayer, FCA, etc. The state cannot establish a religion - this is the intent of "separation of church and state." The founding father's were against a state church, like England at the time. English people were forced to be members of the Church of England or suffered grave consequences at the hands of the state, who also took up a church tax. The founding fathers, thus, rightly concluded both entities should be distinct from one another, but not mutually exclusive, reason being you cannot seperate one's religious belief from their personhood. There would be no protest from them regarding voluntary prayer, voluntary participation in FCA, student led ministry go for it, why not? No violation of the constitution. For as long as no one is forced, penalized or coerced. It is hard to scrub a religion and separate it from a state who was profoundly impacted by said religion.

  3. Unfortunately, Christian coaches know what is on the line if they wear their faith on their sleeve so to speak. They hated Christ, they will hate you. This is not a Christian country anymore. It is a high privilege to be fired or persecuted for faith in Jesus Christ. It just should not surprise an outspoken coach that they may lose their job because of it. I am sure Coach Graham has counted the cost! It is sad to see our country deteriorate like this.

  4. LCC was playing without their first and second string QB...they tried a alot of crazy formations and basically threw everything at the wall hoping that something would stick. Danville, for what ever reason doesn't play their A game against us these last few years. They beat Boyle and should have beat SK, but right now Somerset seems to have their number.


    NCC may win by 2TD's but I'm not sure it is as a foregone conclusion as the current 48 to 18 vote suggest.

    NCC will not win let alone by two tds. I think this is somersets year to end the hundred year drought. Somerset 34-12. Call me crazy but I can see it.
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