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Zoot Soup

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Posts posted by Zoot Soup

  1. Sorry but this nothing new. The Dem's used fear to ram their health care bill through, they used fear to ram the stimulus through, people use fear every day to push their agenda. Bush used fear to ram the bailouts through.


    And I guess you could argue this, but at least in the other cases, the fear they instill isn't directly lining their pockets like it is Beck's.

  2. Then why did you use the word scam? Surely it wasn't to prey on the fears (oR naivete) of the leftys here was it?


    I haven't tried to make this a matter of Right or Left at all. I haven't tried to bash conservatives in the least. I'm just observing that there is a popular talk show host who is, in effect, leading a scam and using his show to promote it.

  3. I am confused how this is Beck's scam? For that matter I am confused how it is a scam at all. If you don't research what your investing your money in that's on you.


    Oh, I completely agree. Silly to invest without doing any research. But that being said, Beck is using fear to prey on the naive.

  4. The statement Bryant made about "winning championships" shows just how immature he is. He thinks that what he's supposed to say and he will be unassailable if he sticks to that. But it is painfully obvious he doesn't understand that at least half of winning is about chemistry and relationships. By refusing to carry the pads, he's actually hurting his cause for winning championships by creating divides within the team.

  5. Why's it a bad move? Because of some childish immature tradition that exists?


    Wow, didn't realize this was such a touchy topic for you, seeing as how I have never heard you harping about how the practice needs to be abolished before. You never hear NBA rookies complaining when they have to bring doughnuts to practice and you've never heard an NFL rookie complain to carry pads before. So why now? Because this kid is a knucklehead and shouldn't be defended.

  6. I don't buy that at all. I don't know why they released the hostages when they did. Maybe they had a feeling their desert sand was getting ready to be turned into glass if they didn't release them. My guess is that Reagan had quite a bit o do with their decision.


    I'll urge you to read Guests of the Ayatollah, too. It will clear up a lot of the misconceptions about what Carter did and didn't do.

  7. I agree, to me it is pure common decency and respect to the all the familiies that lost loved ones. It reminds me of going to Pearl Harbor, if you have ever been, there is an eery feeling, very solemn when you think about what happened there. What gets me is there are always many indiviiduals of Japenese decent, speaking rapid Japanese I think, which I don't claim to know exactly what they are saying , but they are laughing, smiling, and posing for pictures. Kind of like they are proud of what they did- our big triumph over the evil empire of America while the Americans are quietly looking around, not saying a word. This may not make sense but it is a very strange experience I just don't see anything positive that will come from this and wonder why they would think it would be viewed in a positive light- unless that was there original intention.


    I mean, out of respect of the 9/11 families we should probably round all Muslims up and put them in internment camps like we did the Japanese, right?

  8. ...and I'll answer in my best Bill Clinton... "It all depends on how you define need."


    I cannot deny that they have become and entrenched feature in our society. There are many who depend upon and expect them to be there. Do I think they are needed? No... but it would take a major spiritual revival and restructuring of our culture to reduce and ultimately eliminate them.


    That's a good response. I'm not here to debate the merits of abortion. I'm just here to acknowledge that there will always be abortions in our society and places like PP fill a need. As far as I know, they administer abortions in a safe manner, providing a better alternative to having it done on a kitchen table or alleyway. As long as they are being truthful about their practices (a debate in itself) and educating their clients before they make the decision, there is absolutely a need for places like PP, whether we choose to like it or not.

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