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Posts posted by WHO'S NEXT?

  1. It didn't hurt that both teams were undefeated roughly halfway through the season either. I had 3 empty bleacher seats just to my left... I couldn't believe they were never taken by someone. The Mayfield folks are really turning out in droves this year. Factor in the free video webcast that showed this game live and I'm sure the entire audience watching was huge.

  2. Mayfield needs to execute well this week and then they can get a bit of breather the following 2 weeks against a pair of Fultons. Those games against the Pilots and Bulldogs should allow the Cardinals to heal some injuries and get the JV squad in for reps. Take care of business against the crosstown rival and use the next 2 weeks to heal.


    The only time Graves has seen a well oiled machine on offense was in scrimmage action against Owensboro where they gave up a whopping 50 pts. Considering Mayfield can score quickly and in bunches, I like Mayfield to put up somewhere between 40 and 50 again this week. Graves will run the wing T like Trousdale and will likely have some limited success in the running game as Mayfield still seems a little suspect on D. In the end though, Graves (like the other teams Mayfield has played... with perhaps the exceptiong of P.T.) will probably start to wear down and get tired by the 4th quarter allowing Mayfield to pull away. 42-21 Mayfield.


    While there will be little interest in posting threads for the following two weeks, I'll just throw a couple of more scores out. Mayfield 56 Fulton County 15... Mayfield 63 Fulton City 6

  3. This is Willis' 2nd game of the year, anyone that big is going to need some time to get into shape. He's not there yet and could have provided an even bigger punch to the Laker lineup if he hadn't constantly been winded. He did show great footwork though while avoiding tackler after tackler on numerous plays.


    Another poor job by this week's set of officials, one good week ... one bad week I guess. I suppose we were due for another slew of blown calls, pass interference... late hits (several, on both sides) fumble given to the wrong team, forgetting to change sides of the field when the quarter ends (that's just inexcusable).


    Anyway, an impressive effort by the Lakers. They brought a big crowd and expected to pull the upset but were done in by some bad play calling in the last quarter and a Mayfield team that had more energy and athleticism in the end.


    Should be a good battle between the Oakers and the Lakers for the 4A district crown.

  4. Other than the 1st Quarter soaking, this was not one of the more memorable PT/Mayfield games. But a win is a win and while the intensity was not as high throughout as the previous 2 games, this Cardinal team took care of business and finished the job. Guhy was just a little off target with some of his passes, but most games is usually good for completing 2 out of every 3 or so. Luckily, it wasn't that big of a deal on this night and he got it out of his system. I look for him to have alot more success this week when he can again just heave it deep and let his speedy receivers just run under it on their way to the end zone.

  5. Unfortunately, the time for Lone Oak to build their program is almost done. They should make the most of it before McCracken county becomes 1.


    Now on to the topic at hand.. Cards/PT. While I thought the last game would be a shootout, this one should have a fair amount of points but not to the degree of last weekend.


    Finally Mayfield will see a team who can come close to matching their speed. This will more than likely eliminate Mayfield scoring TD's every 30 seconds or so.

    Expect a nice mix of run and pass with Murrell having a big game. Those who have seen Tilghman this season have not been impressed... with the Beaumont team from St. Louis very bland in their offense, but still managed to stick around for the first half.


    24-7 Halftime... 31-14 Final - Mayfield :clap:

  6. This was every bit the shootout that I expected and more, great win for the Cardinals in a tough/physical game. No time for a let down with P.T. on the docket this week. Reading some of the posts on the Tennessee message boards, they are really letting the officials have it (with some calling Mayfield cheaters ... what that means I have no idea). A few claim that there will be no return game next year against Graves County. Many have a beef with the first 3 touchdown drives and the lack of holding penalties. Someone must have pointed something out to the zebras, maybe a coach or player at some point, that there was holdiing going on the Trousdale side of the field. Who knows, but when those flags starting coming out a regular basis against TC, you knew this argument would be made.


    Offense countinues to run full throttle, short slants or curls could should turn into a big gainers this year as wideouts are able to make one on one moves and simply out run less athletic teams, such was the case this past Saturday. D is still playing hard, but holes were big against TC.

  7. Trousdale is nowhere near the 9th best team in the state.


    I think Mayfield beats TC this week.


    Trousdale is probably not in the top 100 teams in the state. They are class A.


    Not saying Trousdale isn't in the top 100 in Tennessee is saying like Beechwood is not in the top 100 in Kentucky. Trousdale is the defending state champion and coming off an undefeated season.


    However, one clue that the Trousdale team may not be as good as last year is what they did last week (vs) a, not so good, Macon County team (coming off a one win season). Trousdale gave up a whopping 34 pts to Macon, their defense barely gave up 34 pts during the entire 2008 season! With Mayfield's O clicking here early in the season, I think this will end up being a shootout... lots of points on the board. 41-34 Mayfield

  8. 9th best or not... more than 1 ratings system keeps Milan ahead of Trousdale. Agree with Snot that the teams in far Western Kentucky (on Mayfield's schedule anyway) appear to be average or a bit below this year. Trousdale will/should present some of the stiffest competition Mayfield will see throughout the year. Win or lose this Saturday, this will give everyone a good idea to what level the Cardinals have elevated their game to. Either way, I feel much, much better about this year's version of the team. So much better that I joined Bluegrass Preps to weigh in on the subject.

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