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Posts posted by 7thcorpsFA

  1. If you are ever going through Butler KY. on Rt.27 there is a place out of the past called Tims Kitchen. A sparse interior and complete lack of personality will meet you as you walk in. Bluegrass and Country music is always playing on a cheap little radio behind the counter. They will talk to you about hunting,fishing and farming but all other subjects may just get an uninterested grunt but no smile. The decor includes deer heads and fish on the wall and pictures of the same all over the place. Once you get past all the atmosphere they will slap on you the best gravy and biscuits you ever ate and in a hurry.

  2. I've heard of gigging for frogs - done it a few times myself, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone gunning for them.


    A freind of mine mows around his pond with a riding mower. As long as he stays on the mower the frogs just sit there in the open. But if he gets off they jump and run. So he takes a 22 pistol and shoots them while setting on the mower with the motor running. His shots are usually 4 to 10 feet. I didn't beleive it till I saw it myself. I have used a 38 special on them to get a tasty snack. It blows that head clean off!:lol:

  3. Here is something very different.If you are open minded or just appreciate world class musicians. Mountain Heart,Road That Never Ends CD. Ricky Scaggs,Live At The Charleston Music Hall CD. Seldom Scene,Scenechronized CD. Modern New Grass music appeals to all ages and best of all is family freindly. Its acoustic string music at warp speed,please check it out!

  4. Browning A Bolt in 270 with 3X9 Redfield low profile Illuminator scope (left hand) for long range shots. S&W model 66 in 357 mag. for short range shots from my bow hunting stands. Browning 12 gauge pump for turkeys,rabbits,birds. Oh ya,Knight revolution muzzle loader in 50 cal. with Nikon Omega muzzle loader scope for smoke polling. Savage left hand bolt action 22 with Simmons 4X scope for squirrels. 38 special in my pants for protection.

  5. I know its comforting to be niave about this issue. But its in both bills. They are mandating purchasing of insurance - whether you need or not. You are forced the pay for 'protection' from insurance or the government. Over time this will become only the government since single payer (i.e. health care totalitarism) is the final and only acceptable goal. It is like a surf paying the king for protection. It is not capitalism, it is not socialism - it is a fuedal system of paying for protection. It is like the middle ages. And if you don't - off to the stockades.


    Read the bill. This is not drama.




    House bill:




    he bill describes the penalties as follows:


    • Section 7203 — misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.


    • Section 7201 — felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]


    That anyone should face prison for not buying health insurance is simply incredible.


    And how much will the stay-out-of-jail insurance cost? The Joint Committee noted that “according to a recent analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, the lowest-cost family non-group plan under HR 3862 [the Pelosi bill] would cost $15,000 by 2016.”


    Obama’s bill only provides subsidies to help pay this enormous sum after families making about $45,000 have paid 8 percent of their income for insurance and after those earning a household income of about $65,000 have kicked in 12 percent.

    In my opinion the scam artists in Washington are the people who need to be arrested!
  6. I'm no expert but I know a lie when I see one. So I'm just going to load my smoke blowing oil throwing chain saw into my gas hog hot rod bass boat, pull it all to the Ohio river with my V8 armoured Z71 at about 12mpg for truck and 3 yes I said 3mpg hot rod boat, fly up the river at top speed, get out at my farm on the river and cut down a tree. Why, because I can't stand a liar and it's lots of fun! Oh ya! I need to bring my assault rifle so I can murder some beer cans! YEEEEEEEEE- HAAAAAAAAAAAA!:dancingpa

  7. Actually, you're almost right. We are controlled chaos....which mayor may not include combat. :D

    Thanks for the lively debate folks, it's been fun. You have helped me gauge the attitude of todays football fans. I like good competition and can sometimes be a little more aggressive than I mean to be. My apologies to the ladies!

  8. I wasn't name calling. I was calling like I see it. :thumb: As for the name calling better re-read your post. You have belittled many women by your statements. You dont' know me and I can promise you could never make me cry.


    I work in a very male dominated job. On a daily basis I run circles around the men I come across. Why because I am outstanding at what I do! I am a STRONG woman that can do ANYTHING (and succeed) I set my sights on. If being the KHSAA Commissioner was a job I wanted to do. I would bet you a million dollars I would be one of the best they have ever had.


    Oh and try a little to respect females!

    Sorry mam I really didn't mean to disrespect women at all and you sound like an excellent person to employ. I work with two women that run circles around some of the men. Now that I think about it I would keep them and fire some of those guys they work with on their presses. But they will be the first to tell you they couldn't work on our big presses because everything is much bigger and requires more strength than they have to run them. We all have our limits and shouldn't pretend these limits don't exist.

  9. Not to be argumentative, but there are girls that DO play football. Not many, but some. In Louisville there is a female semi-pro football team. As well, although I do not argue that football is a violent sport, I have seen injuries in soccer...girls soccer...that are equally as harsh. As far as physical demands, with regard to sheer rigorous condition, I argue that swimming is more demanding than football. And my son played football so I do know what they do. Lacrosse is yet another sport that is violent, and has females that play. Granted, it's not a sanctioned sport in Kentucky....yet. But, football isn't alone in violence or physical demands.

    I'm not sure how the game is coached now but back in the 70s we were told to try our best to break bones on every play. Every move you make ends in a massive blow ment to cause as much physical damage to your opponent as possible and he was told to do the same to you. Decapitate him if you get a chance. This goes on all day with every play.IMO I think this sets football above the rest when it comes to violence. The most violent win state championships. Sometimes extreme violence is a good thing!

  10. Just to be clear, you are saying that "girls" are capable of only understanding sporting activities that other females are active in such as basketball, softball, track, swimming, golf, cross country, volleyball, tennis and cheereleading? Everything except football? Because there's no way that anyone with female genitalia could possibly understand what it means to give up their Summer's lying by the pool and be outside sweating, running, lifting weights to improve in their prospective sport? Because no one with mammary glands could possibly understand "trench warfare"? :ohbrother:

    We are talking about a violent sport that only males can play and with all due respect to female sports they don't have a sport that comes close to the physical demands of football so if you have never been there you can't possibly understand it. Please tell us about your experience with playing football in the trenches.

  11. So, how is it that the COMMISSIONER of the KHSAA can't be female? You can't have two commissioners. You have, potentially, individuals on staff that handle certain sports. But your line of thinking has no validity in selecting a commissioner. I'm sorry. I try to respect all others' opinions. But what you've outlined is simply not valid. Your argument COULD hold water if there were commissioners for each sport. But from an overall perspective, the Commissioner of the KHSAA should not selected because they've played a particular sport, but because they can lead a group of individuals from varied backgrounds and disciplines, public and private, rural and public in a membership organization. The KHSAA isn't about one sport. The KHSAA is about Kentucky High School Athletics...all of them.

    Good point mam:notworthy:

  12. You are also guilty of being senile.


    I could lower myself to name calling but I thought it wasn't allowed. You don't know me at all! It is typical for liberal types to resort to name calling when they are backed into a corner. When I have a face to face discussion with liberal types they always lose badly and either start crying or walk away babbling under their breath so this is nothing new. Please give those who don't agree with you a little respect.

  13. I suppose, in some skewed rationalization of messed up logic, that you think that it's OK for men to be in charge of female sports, though.


    Whatever....you call it "truth", I say YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!


    I believe a women should be in charge of girls sports for sure because she is a girl and fully understands. As far as I can tell I am telling the truth and all else is smoke and mirrors.I'll bet I've been handling the truth much longer than you,but still have respect for your opinions. Believe it or not I have great respect for everyone on here. Just think of me as a crusty old grampa that you don't always agree with but you love that old fart anyway. God bless you all,and I truly mean it!

  14. If a she could be a linebacker then she would be much more quaulified to run the show.But since she isn't physically able to even play the game she has no business running the show. Trench warfare doesn't need a mothers touch. We grampas are guilty of one thing for sure, telling it the way we know it and see it. We still call something green green,something blue is blue and PC is a brainwashing technique. Just a voice from the wilderness ashamed of the direction we are heading.

  15. This is one of the funnier posts I have read. We aren't asking the commissioner to play middle linebacker. :lol:


    A linebacker would be a much better choice considering he has first hand practical experience. Football is controlled combat and it is impossible for those who have never been in combat to fully understand it. I'll take the linebacker!

  16. Wow, I don't even know where to begin but I can guarantee your eyeballs would NOT be left intact.:irked::D


    Henry,I respect your opinions 95% of the time. I also look forward to reading your posts. When I write these things I only want to remind folks that we hard core old timers are still alive. We are pre-brainwashing types. Back in our time if a person suggested a women be put in such a position that person would have been laughed out of town. I am sure that putting a women in charge was a politically correct move for some but heartbraking for others. If it were up to most women we would only be able to play flag football an if a kid caused an injury he would be arrested for assault! I just don't want any more guttless rules like the running clock. Think of all the kids that go through all the misery of summer practice, get beat on all day long buy starters, pay their dues just for the chance to get into the game only to be denied by the running clock. How about the mom and dad who come to the game in hope of seeing there son get a chance to play but are denied by the running clock. All this just to save the feelings of the loser.How about the feelings of all others involved.

  17. 7th, I'm definitely not considered by people that know me as being PC, yet I must respectfully yet strongly disagree with you. First of all, the Commissioner of the KHSAA is responsible for all sports; not just male sports. Second, knowing Brigid well, she was definitely not a threat to football as we know it. She was actually a very, very big supporter of football.


    I don't care whether our next Commissioner is a male or female as long as the person selected is good for Ky high school athletics.


    Fair enough. Thanks for leaving my eyeballs intact.

  18. I'm not following you here. Shaw Robbins read the sportsmanship statement and was a kid who had an amazing high school career. I'm sure it was an honor for him to do that.


    I don't have any problem following him. A women should never be in charge of our male sports. All of us that can think for ourselves know what I mean. Women are weak in body and mind when it comes to these things and are a threat to football as we know it. Sometimes the truth is ugly for some and refreshing for others. All you old timers may agree with me while the PC crowd will want to scratch my eyes out but it needed to be said.

  19. Good point about the habitat...I guess it's not a difficult stretch to imagine somebody asking a West Virginia, Tennessee or North Carolina hunter how they went about hunting a bear :lol:


    I'd agree though, I figure they're probably going to have no problem taking the 10 bears in two days.

    A friend of mine went bear hunting in Pike Co. The snow was so deep he slid into a ditch on the way to his hunting spot.He said he saw 25 cars off the road. He didn't see another vehicle for 2 hours after after he slid off the road. The passerby helped him get out of the ditch. He called me from his motel room where he didn't have any heat because the electric had been out since before he arrived! The motels cable TV wires were on the ground outside his room. He said if things didn't get any worse he was looking forward to the next days hunt. I told him to call me if he had any luck. It snowed 4 more inches and probably ruined most peoples chance at even getting to their hunting areas. Poor guy drove 5 hours to get there and was shut out by the weather! So the results of this years hunt may be a bust.

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