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Posts posted by 7thcorpsFA

  1. Not found in this article is the fact that Obama repeatedly insisted that he inherited massive budgetary problems from George Bush, I guess he's still on the campaign trail. :rolleyes:


    Isn't it Congress that passes budgets, not the President?


    Didn't the last three budgets came from Democrats?


    In three years, they increased annual federal spending by $900 billion. The irresponsible Republican Congresses under George Bush increased annual federal spending by $800 billion..... in six years.



    By the way, Obama served in the Senate that passed those bills, and he voted for every Democratic budget put in front of him. :sssh:

    Keep it coming RTS. You are the best my friend!

  2. I find your opinion of the "younger generation" to be misguided and a painting with far too broad a brush.


    That is your opinion and nothing else. Doesn't amount to anything to me because I see you as blind and part of the problem. Most schools are more worried about brainwashing with PC nonsense than teaching common sense. In my opinion the people in charge of the NEA for the last 20 years should be arrested and put on chain gangs. What do you think about that.

  3. Will these motions cameras pick up at night?


    There are two types that take pictures at night. One uses a regular flash bulb but as soon as it flashes the intruder knows where it came from and will likely steal the camera knowing he is busted. The other uses infared flash and is much harder to detect but it is expensive,starting at around $200.00. We had trouble with neighbors stealing from our barn,I told them about our trail cameras that would get there picture if they continued. That was 2 years ago and we have not had any more trespassing of any kind.

  4. :puke:Was a Mess sargent in the army. 1 friday a month was soul food supper. The main course was always Chitlins (Hog bowels). They came in 5 gallon buckets. !st stretch them out on a long table. 2.Slit them open. 3.scape out the mucas and slimy manure. 4.cut into small pieces 5. boil in steam kettle and allow water to overflow so that the foaming hog poop can escape. this must be done several times. 6. When all signs of hog excrement have boiled over, drain water and deep fry. Serve with black eyed peas and cornbread. Yum Yum! Warning! your kitchen will smell like boiled feces so if the smell of hog excrement turns you off don't attemt it!

  5. I've tried a lot of different things. I'm absolutely crazy for froglegs.

    I love deer and elk.

    I've also tried antelope, bear and buffalo.

    Alligator was good, oppossum & raccoon not so much.

    I like small game like squirrel and rabbit if fixed right.

    I've never tried rattlesnake, but I would like to.

    I've eaten shark and swordfish and mahi mahi, but not octopus.

    I don't think I'd ever try sushi of any kind, just doesn't appeal to me.

    Ive eaten grasshoppers and ants and snails.

    I have tried quail and pheasant and duck.

    I ate a night crawler once on a dare, tasted like a mixture of snot and dirt.

    Ate a snail in the shell on a dare. Tasted like snot and egg shells. My relatives ate anything during the depression. Coons and possums were top shelf table fare. Dad had a good possum dog in the 30's and was often offered big money for it. I know 2 teenage sisters that will fight over squirrel brains. Fry them in the skull with your other squirrel parts. Crack them open like a walnut and scoop out the brains with a teaspoon. No kidding!

  6. Wow, such vitriol. Beck-like.


    What "act" of mine doesn't impress you?


    Your Obama act. Thanks for the compliment. Beck and others are our only way to get the truth. They rub people like you raw because they expose liberal politicians that you blindly follow even though they are a direct threat to you and your family. Sorry if you don't like me, but I don't like you either, so we are even.:D

  7. If we go strictly by the teachings of the individuals at the core of each faith, the very concept of Christian terrorist is indefensible... regardless of what some pitiful, deranged loon may claim or choose to call himself. The concept of Muslim terrorist is not only defensible by the teachings of Muhammad... it is taught daily by certain Muslim clerics worldwide. I'm not anti-Muslim. I am anti Muslim or Christian or Hindu or whatever terrorist.



  8. So says the person who is constantly typing things like "disgusting liberal", "socialist communist" and suggestions that the POTUS is a supporter of Muslim extremist. You're right I do have a hard time handling opposing views when they are presented in such a disrepectful low browed manner. My mistake I'll try to do better.:rolleyes:


    I use those words on purpose. I mean to be disrespectful to those who are destroying my country, destroying the best healthcare in the world, and plan on taxing me and you into the stoneage. Corruption is out of control and I'm sick of it. Your move!

  9. Way to put spin on this. He is specifically answering a question about domestic terrorism. A lot of these people claim they are Christian and are associated with groups who feel this way. Ever hear of Rev Phelps? Yes, his church is small, but they are a Christian Identity group. The Klan also falls into this category. It's funny how you never see the full interview on these political issues, as those who are pushing it will never include the full interview, or even the question, just the response. But to say this guy is anit-Christian is really over reaching on it.


    Thats your opinion, and also a line of bull. The real problem is the muslims and you know it.

  10. What exactly is a socialist communist?


    You will find out soon enough because you will soon be one whether you like it or not. You know exactly what I mean and I'm not impressed by your act. Your boy Obama and his band of communist buddies are the biggest threat this country has ever faced. Plenty of people agree with me and see people like yourself as the reason we have people like this running our country.

  11. Professor Mojib Latif of the UN Climate Committee, a global warming supporter, has stated that we are entering a 30 year mini-ice age. This is due to the natural warming and cooling cycles of the oceans waters. Another global warming supporter who says that this does not dismiss global warming, did say that the cold weather is due to " the natural variability inherent to the system. With that statement he defeats his own belief in the man-made global warming theory.

    I heard of this on the Brian Thomas Show (WKRC) and read it on-line on Fox News and a site called 'What's Up With That'.


    Thanks bball,Its good to know that there are others in this county that are not blinded by these lies. A man once said, The bigger the lie the better, and if we tell the same big lie over and over people will start to believe it. I may be mistaken but I think his name was Hitler.

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