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Posts posted by TrueBlueWildcat

  1. The play only cost them a run. I'm sure he wasn't happy about the play and the camera caught him at the wrong time. If it were my treammate and he had already said something to me you can be sure I'd have thrown some sort of joke his way. I'm guessing it was nothing more than laughing at himself on an unfortunate play.


    Not how Bobby Cox runs things. Why do you think Freddi Gonzalez benched Hanley? Because he learned it from Bobby. You either hustle or you sit. He doesn't put up with it. I'm sure Melky will either sit or something tomorrow.

  2. Better? Debateable. Hotter? Definitely.


    Not better by any stretch. Just have the Reds number late...


    You mind explaining how the Braves aren't a better team than the Reds? Seems to me that the Braves have more depth, a better pitching staff and bullpen, better manager, and a good overall lineup. The Reds are good but I don't get how you all think they are actually better, please elaborate.

  3. Now the MLB Trade Rumor site is reporting that Edwin has been told he's been traded to Chicago. The question is, will Kenny turn around and acquire a bat with him. Is it Saturday yet?? :lol:



    It looks like the trade is for Daniel Hudson and prospect pitcher David Holmberg. If that's accurate, the White Sox would likely keep Jackson then. They have no other bargaining chips if they are keeping the players currently on the roster. A lot of people were worried about fracturing the chemistry the team has by getting a big bat and trading important pieces they have.


    This is a really low risk move and you get a guy who can pitch. You gotta feel for the guy, he has pitched well and just keeps getting traded.



  4. The early report last night was that the Sox were in play for Edwin Jackson, now today the report comes that Kenny Williams is trying to pull off something else and surprise everyone. If this other deal works out, the Edwin deal would be off. It's already been reported that Daniel Hudson was scratched from tonight's scheduled start against Oakland.


    I just want this over with one way or the other. I'm thankful that KW told Beckham he isn't going anywhere, I do not want him leaving Chicago anytime soon.


    Be interesting to see what happens between today and tomorrow.

  5. Some are saying that the White Sox are moving in on a "big trade". It could be a 3 team deal that brings Adam Dunn to the White Sox.



    Blue Jays were at the Braves game yesterday. Seems that the Braves are going to add 1 OF and possibly some bullpen depth. Hoping the Braves get Bautista, would love if they somehow got Kemp from the Dodgers though.

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