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Posts posted by livinthedream

  1. I like the JUCO route for a player like this...one that has not had the playing time.........Give yourself 2 more years to earn the bigtime scholarship rather than fight to earn a 4th string spot. But his dad will know much more than the rest of us as far as gettign him in the right place. Good luck Tony!!!!!

  2. They will get in and I think will make a run (not win) the SEC. While they are not a Final 4 team they are also better than the last 3 games have shown. Keep in mind UNC blip in play at the beginning of their conference schedule. Now they are hitting on all cylindars. UK on all cylindars may not be a great team but much better than they have shown.

  3. Not a pleasant night for the Tigers as they have to play a third time against the Thoroughbreds in 3 weeks in the district tourney. You have to hate drawing an NCC team in the All A and in the district. Then tossing in a regular season game in the middle. Kudos to Bellevue for playing NCC. You do not see any of the other DivIII schools playing them (unless Beechwood does and I am not sure).

  4. Yes coaching at the AAU level is more the "recruiting" angle than it is coaching at times. Build the best team with the best players. I have seen several teams go from losers to big time winners over a 3-4 year period with the same coaches.....but they change a few parts each year (the 11 year old Suns team comes to mind). The coach is still the same guy but he has gotten much better players each year.

  5. AAU has become an issue because of exemptions, etc. I think they would be much better served going to an age only guideline thus avoiding all the confusion and such. Also quite frankly I do not believe they police themselves well enough and make rosters locked in. I have seen teams play in tournaments that always end up with different players not only from weekend to weekend but from day to day within a tourney. I watched a team (not sure of the age) called Cougars beat a team in the first round of a tournament then come back and play them in the finals with 3 different starters and the Cougars get demolished. Those three were not even at the first game and there were kids at the first game not dressed in the finals.

  6. Wow this might be the most impressive build up of any coach I have ever seen especially one that has never coached a varsity game in his life. I do not know him or how he will function but it seems that everybody is expecting an immediate change in the program. I hope he can do it.


    The one thing that impresses me based on the posts is his communcation with parents. That is a great place to start.

  7. Until the football program is backed more heavily by the district administration it does not matter who coaches. They got this going the right way several years ago and won games at the varsity level. Too many coaching changes and too many interferences keep this from ever getting off the ground. Good luck to the new coach!

  8. Such a tough comparison due to expectations..........Meaning if Minnesota had UK overall and conference record the fans would be happy. At UK it all boils down to NCAA championships not improving year by year. Minnesota does not expect to win a Big 10 championship so there in lies the problem with comparing the two programs.


    Now as far as disappointing or not UK is currently playing disappointing because they are making no adjustments. They have seen a Box and 1 and a modified Box and 1 (last night) switching the chaser as Meeks passed through the zone and have not come up with something to combat this.

  9. A week to prepare for Florida should give this coaching staff enough time to develop a great game plan. If they cannot come out with a solid plan then it is time to look at where they are taking the program. This is nto only a huge game for the team but for the coaching staff and their ability to adjust.

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