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last of the good guys

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10 Good
  1. I have good information that the new coach of the Polar Bears will be.... Andrew McIntosh.
  2. They have one of the best young coaches in state working for them now. Mike Stevens was overlooked when they hired Coach Jones. Mike would do a tremendous job.
  3. I have not followed highlands football that closely, but didn't they a guy by the name of Vorhees or Vorees that was pretty special?
  4. I would like to see the return of the June passing leauges. These games were fun to watch and were good for the kids.
  5. Congratulations to your son, and thanks for all you do!
  6. I was by Greenup County High School today. I saw what, I assume were parents working on the football field. It was raining and a very nasty day. If the boys have the same spirit as thier parents it will be a good year. Good luck eers!
  7. Coach Kelley was one of the finest men I have ever been associated with. His passing will leave a void to all who knew him.
  8. Farley is also polished, 8-1 a JV leader, directed a playoff victory; Reed was trained by Pat (WVu) White, like the man said a very good problem to have. Plus you don't worry about politics in Raceland.
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