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Posts posted by Slemac90

  1. I really do not understand your post. I really do not understand what a HHS poster said in this thread to warrant you calling them arrogant. I am not a fan of Highlands high school for many reasons but what they do every year in football deserves respect and for the most part I think every team in NKY would like to have the success they have had.


    Good luck to Campbell County next week against Conner.


    Agree 100%! What Dale has done with that program is absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, CC, along with other schools, can't figure out the secret sauce for success. We just can only sit back and watch in awe of their amazing feats.


    Good luck Camels this week!

  2. My son wiil play for Campbell County in 5 years. I don't care who plays for NewCath, Highlands, or Brossart. I want him to play for Troy Styer, and his staff, and I want the Camels to win a state championship in 6A when he plays. What can I do to make that happen? I gaurantee that if CC played Ryle next week (with or without Travis Elliot) they would win. The attitudes at CC are changing. The nepotisim that has held back CC athletics for so many years is gone. The best athletes will be on the field in all sports. Our kids at Campbell County will be able to hold their heads up in any crowd. Who are the idiots that say that CC kids are all about partying, and not playing ball? I know kids from Highlands, Beechwood, NCC, and most otheer No. Ky. schools. They all all party some. Wer'nt we all 16 once? Campbell County has some great players coming up. Though they are not the the No. Ky. all stars like Highlands they take the kids from their district and play the best with them. That will be enough to win. Hang in there Troy we're on our way!


    If you know anything about Troy, he won't be coaching then. He's stated publicly he's retiring in 4 years, if he gets the chance to retire.


    As for the bolded, Really? It is gone? I think you are sadly mistaken.

  3. I know that Xavier does not get much play here on BGP. But, I am an alum and love my Musketeer basketball. They are now one of 6 non-BCS schools to have the highest Nike contract.


    Here are some pics. Love the big X on the shorts.


    Are they holding a #43?

  4. Although no one on the Camels staff will be mistaken for Bear Bryant anytime soon, the next person Rick Thompson out coaches will be the first.


    Curious, to any Camel faithful who know.... Who was in the booth calling the offense prior to the 2nd half of NCC's game? The 2nd half of NCC's game Siple was calling the offense but for the 1st half of that game and the prior two games I believe it was someone other than he or Culp. Is that correct? I will wait to comment until I get a confirmation.

  5. I'd agree plus I don't think they pass block well enough to throw the ball every play. It really showed how often pressure was getting to the QB when they played good teams.


    I know the spread is the hot new offense, but how does a school the size of CC not play a Power I or a run it down your throat offense with some passing sprinkled in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. Looks like the baby birds are building another state chamionship team. The youth league in Ft. Thomas is 2nd is second to no one . You should be proud of your former players. Harris; Wrobleskl', Herrgot and Scheritzer. They look like the real deal.


    Harris, Hergott and Schweitzer all played in the NKYFL for the Red Devils for their entire youth football career. Wrobleski played about 3 or 4 years for the Red Devils.

  7. The only weak link for this stacked team (Schweitzer, Wrobleski, Harris and Hayes, etc......) was their defense tonight. I loved the PAT formation. The St. X team didn't know what to think and HHS scored on all 3 attempts!


    Hayes broke the opening 2nd half kickoff then he almost broke the next kickoff. Once the kid learns how to make kids miss in the open field, teams will have to kick it out of bounds.

  8. The only weak link for this stacked team (Schweitzer, Wrobleski, Harris and Hayes, etc......) was their defense tonight. I loved the PAT formation. The St. X team didn't know what to think and HHS scored on all 3 attempts!


    Hayes broke the opening 2nd half kickoff then he almost broke the next kickoff. Once the kid learns how to make kids miss in the open field, teams will have to kick it out of bounds.

  9. You got em all. The kid from the GCL is Taylor Lee. He will be attending Elder. They also had some guest players for Nationals due to some injuries. Quentin Snyder, Trey Grundy, and Jordan Greene joined them in Orlando. McCormick, Moeves did not attend, and McNeil is coming off of a broken bone in his hand.


    That is quite the pickups! I've not seen Grundy play this year, but Snyder's improvement over the past 2 years has been awesome! Jordan Greene has turned into a very good wing who can also play the post.

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