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Posts posted by Jumpman4004

  1. I wonder if Kentucky follows suit in closings schools now that Ohio has shut down. There have been murmurings but that's it so far.


    The third largest district in the state is going to online learning from March 16 to April 20 so I would say it is definitely coming.

  2. I’m hearing all Ohio public schools might shutdown for 3 weeks. Nothing official yet.


    40% of nurses have school aged kids. I know school isn’t a babysitter but it sort of is 9 months a year. If nurses can’t come to work that’s a problem.


    Governor Dewine just tweeted out all schools (private, public, & charter) will be closed for 3 weeks. It is now official.

  3. I am honestly tired of hearing about it. I understand that it has caused deaths but almost all of those people were either elderly, immunocompromised, or some kind of underlying health issue. If you do not freak out about the flu, I do not understand why you would freak out about this. The economic ramifications are a whole other ball of wax however.

  4. Went and saw it with the family yesterday for my oldest birthday. We all loved it. They struck a good balance of keeping some of the iconic moments of the animated version while still trying to change it up a bit. I really enjoy most of the movies Jon Favreau directs.

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