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Posts posted by paNDA

  1. Kinda feel like all the people and groups that help her raise money for her fake cause are responsible as well. I get it they got duped, but isnt it your job if you are going to fund raise for someone or a cause to vet the person/cause?


    I feel no such responsibility. I attended a Cancer fund raiser last weekend as well and have no idea where that money went. Local fundraisers are nearly impossible to vet. Joining in community efforts are rewarding enough for me. Hopefully the monies reach their mark

  2. Like what? Something that would reverse the facts of the story? People aren't speculating, there's a list of police charges.




    We'll see...stuff like this tends to burn people. You were at "Kills for Kelly" with 500+ photos. She was one with "true needs" too... how you gonna tell the difference in the future?


    We rally around people suffering from Cancer, that is why I attended the event. It is why I donated money too. Mental illness isn't something I seem to be able to grasp but I do know it is a big factor in this story. Maybe we will all learn something through this process. Or maybe not. Either way I don't excuse the events that are unfolding but realize there is a lot more to it then a money grab.

  3. Being closer to this situation then I care to be I would say everyone should really let this story breathe. Weighing in without the full story in hand is probably a mistake. There is a ton more to it than has been reported.


    I do hope she gets the care needed and the community that so overwhelmingly came to her aid uses that same energy in a positive productive way to support others with true needs.

  4. Greatness comes via their willingness to sacrifice their time, money and loss of family time. I have listened to most and appreciate all of them. Hope they continue their passion to share their unique ability. If anyone thinks it's easy sit down and try it at home. These are skillful guys who prepare for their commentary. Bravo to all and keep up the great service. I sure do appreciate it as many others do too

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