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Posts posted by paNDA

  1. Clearly the site covers a wide range of topics. To me it is like an op ed section of a newspaper with ability to interact. I have spent many hours logging in and discussing many things. Great site with enough control to keep it from being trashy or offensive. So whether you desire a High School basketball thread or discuss a television story you can choose what you wish. Football dominates which I never visit but that does not make it a High School Football site.

  2. Panda- I respect you and your opinions and agree with you that he is a good coach. He is a great teacher of the fundamentals and I would trust him with my team any time. However, in general I do not like the comparison of HS coaching to AAU coaching. High school 90% of the time you are dealt a hand and you have to play it. AAU 100% of the time you select the kids that best fit your style and needs, those kids are easy to coach and produce results.


    AAU is a totally different animal but he has a wealth of experience. A father who taught Jerry the fundamentals. Strong desire win but the patience to teach. Girls seem to really enjoy his style. Look forward to see how it plays out.

  3. Defense wins championships, CCH and Cooper are unmatched in their defensive abilities by others within the Region. Good luck to anyone who has to match up with either of them. As to their playing one another, it is a fans pure joy. Putting the cart before the horse but you had better keep Saturday night open if you love the game.

  4. Thought I would throw my 2 cents in..as a former scout I have talked to a number of athletes, coaches and parents. The student athletes of today are being forced in many cases to choose what sport to "specialize" in at earlier and earlier ages. There are a number of reasons why..1)many of the kids and their parents are told if they want to play at the next level, this is what they have to do..2) many coaches demand year round participation in their sport and off season programs in order for them to be on the team and give little to no leniency to those who do not conform.(do you see where im going with this?) The ironic thing is when you talk to college coaches most like to see kids that play multiple sports because they say it shows the athlete is multi talented but mostly it shows they can be coached by different coaches with different styles and philosophies. My daughter played multiple sports throughout grade school into middle school but in seventh grade she decided on her own basketball was her love and quit playing all other sports, much to the chagrin of my wife who played softball up into college lol...There is a big difference between a kid that chooses to make that decision and one that is forced to. And now I'll step on some toes... a lot of the blame imo rests on the shoulders of the H.S. and club coaches. Im not saying every coach, but if you're a parent and have had a kid playing sports you know what I mean. But some blame must fall on some parents who, and believe me I understand, shell out hundreds if not thousands of dollars to club teams for fees, travel, and the thing that irks me the most, Admission to the events. Some of these parents decide that since they're shelling out that cash that their kid is going to specialize in that sport. I had a kid that i was interviewing for the program we had and was a stud. All Region, All State honorable mention. Played AAU ball all through middle school through junior yr. The dad had the check book on the table ready to sign him up and I was thinking about what I was going to do with the commission check I would be getting lol! It was a lock! Then I asked him one simple question...Is playing college ball your dream? Is it what you want? His answer...NO..I guess my point is to parents, talk to your kids about what they really want; dreams, goals..you will save yourself a big let down at the end of the journey and probably save some money along the way.



    Spot on!

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