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Jack of all Trades

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Posts posted by Jack of all Trades

  1. 2 hours ago, theguru said:

    For clarity, what info involving Coach Sullivan is false and what is true?

    He is interested and Conner is not.  Was told this morning that Conner admin had changed mind and was going to interview him.  That was not correct.  There are 3 serious candidates, all of which are currently in the system.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. Sixer said:

    Change of heart for what?... Now wanting to reconsider interviewing Sullivan??  You must have some DEEEEP insider information if accurate.  I'll believe it when I see it.

    Pretty deep.  Now being told the information regarding Sully was false and that choice may come down to 3 coaches that are already in the Boone County Schools district.

  3. 3 hours ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Nothing snowballed. The game was played in a close range all night. I do agree on the starting lineup getting behind being an obstacle. The problem last night was no lineup was able to outplay Texas AM.

    You let an inferior team believe and get off to a good start because of the 5 you start the game with.  Yes it snowballed.

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  4. 9 hours ago, AgainstTheGrain said:

    What's that got to do with how he prepared his team this year? Pretty less than respectable season this year. Where are the players at? Are the players opting not to play due to other sports or not wanting to play for him. Where is Benke, Class, Geisler for example. Great basketball players who have played in the past but not now. 


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  5. This talk about NDA basketball is the same thing that I asked about Highlands earlier this year.  Funny thing is that Frank provided the same answer as is being claimed here.  Girls play multiple sports early and then turn focus on one.  Club soccer is without question the worst at feeding kid’s parents ego that the only way to a scholarship is through a focus on soccer when it really is all about the $$$$.

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